JOY FOR ALL.....steemCreated with Sketch.

in #joy7 years ago

I'm continually hoping to make this world a more pleasant place for myself and along these lines for others.

Satisfaction or happiness is my main need.

I've effectively shared somewhat about what I'm going to share however I need feel like this data should be made more pervasive.

"On the off chance that you look for bliss for yourself you can have everything on the planet and still be despondent however in the event that you look for satisfaction for others you'll discover joy yourself." - Trulshik Rinpoche XI

Duplicity Is The Basis Of Avoidable Suffering

Enduring is the correct inverse of euphoria, the correct inverse of what we're all searching for therefore the correct thing I'm hoping to lessen or change into delight.

Pointless enduring happens when we are being bamboozled independent from anyone else or others.

The less self misdirection somebody takes part in, the all the more fulfilling their life is and the more effective they move toward becoming at rousing others to change. Helping individuals to abstain from being deluded independent from anyone else and governments is the best wellspring of happiness conceivable, as any individual who is enduring dependably wind up spreading their affliction to others. More often than not just observing somebody endure is all the more sufficiently then to trigger enduring in others.

The most ideal approach to help other people not to act naturally misdirecting is to abstain from being deluded ourselves and the advantages of it will show itself. Somebody who isn't self misdirecting reach the correct conclusions and represent the correct activities.

Governments Are The Biggest Deceivers

We should not kid ourselves, governments are the greatest swindlers. They are the ace double crossers. We could by and by have relinquished any self-trickiness, if governments still exist, there will in any case be a considerable measure of misdirections and hence languishing over other yet additionally for ourselves through empathy.

The Art Of War


Over 2400 years back, Sun Tzu in his book "The Art Of War" wonderfully put why war and misleading are crucial privileges to governments.

"The craft of war is of essential significance to the State. It involves life and demise, a street either to wellbeing or to destroy." - Sun Tzu

The quote above is the principal sentence of the book and not that many sentences after, take after what clarifies why trickiness is the premise of war.

"All fighting depends on trickiness. Subsequently, when ready to assault, we should appear to be not able; when utilizing our powers, we should appear to be latent; when we are close, we should influence the foe to trust we are far away; when far away, we should influence him to trust we are close. Hold out draws to tempt the foe. Fake issue, and squash him." - Sun Tzu

Negotiating Peace

From those 2 sensible explanations we can induce governments or shadow governments, however individuals need to call them, the individuals who hold the rules of wars, utilize misleading as the premise of their energy, attempting to trick different countries as well as utilizing trickiness in their inner power battles.

Likewise, governments can't tell "their" kin the genuine destinations of the wars they battle as this would expand the chances of the contradicting powers to find out about those targets, just pseudo goals can be spilled out or declared.

Dealing with Better Systems Of Governance


Nobody is protected from the administrative powers. Nobody. Not even the individual at the extremely best of the pyramid. It could even be guessed that if this individual or gathering of people at the best could convey a conclusion to this savage framework we live under they would and they may even be effectively searching for such an approach to get this going.

Since strengthening prompts happiness, singular strengthening is the thing that we are generally searching for. Knowing and understanding that the most intense substances on Earth are at present managed by savagery or wars and along these lines are at last occupied with mass trickiness of unmatched scale is one extremely engaging truth. Administrative elements utilize truth just to stow away significantly greater certainties.

How about we Not Fool Ourselves

As I stated, wars aren't exclusively about the power battles between countries, they likewise contain the inner power battles viewpoint and wars are surely not tied in with destroying the rivals yet rather endeavoring to take them entire and have the capacity to influence them to serve you after ward.

"In the useful craft of war, the best thing of all is to take the foe's nation entire and in place; to smash and obliterate it is not all that great. In this, too, it is smarter to recover an armed force whole than to wreck it." – Sun Tzu

Not understanding this prompts double dealing. The greater part of what is going on in a war doesn't occur in alleged front line. War isn't what a great many people acknowledge it is. This is on the grounds that after survival, the very premise of war is double dealing.

The Use Of Social Engineering In War


Social designing plays a considerably more essential part in war than a great many people figure it out.

"To battle and overcome in every one of your fights is not preeminent magnificence; incomparable brilliance comprises in breaking the foe's resistance without battling." - Sun Tzu

At whatever point we let ourselves be deluded we undermine ourselves and love ones. The greater those duplicities are, the greater debilitation they bring forth. Give truth and modesty a chance to engage us!

Engaging Virtuous Cycles


My name is Guillaume Cardinal. I'm 33 years of age and a few governments substances marked me Canadian. I adore life and I view myself as to have been honored up until this point. I know every last bit of it could be taken away at any minute as I'm doing genuine endeavors to praise each minute.

Most Earthlings don't have any acquaintance with me and most Earthlings who know me are Steemians (Steem clients). My Steem compositions and votes are one of my most effective impact in this world. In the event that what I offer and vote on, engages me and go ahead to enable others, the subject of bolsters on itself and engages every other person making upright cycles.

I need my works, votes and general life to rouse individuals to engage every others.

I've shared about some of this in past posts and I'll keep doing as such as long as I consider the positives of rehashing some of this outweight the negatives.

Steem Is A Game Changer

There's no other place where I could swing to make a more noteworthy effect than on Steem. This is valid for everybody as the greatest and most enabling truth will dependably be controlled by incorporated sites like Facebook and Youtube. As Steem develops it will turn out to be considerably all the more enabling as a regularly developing number of individuals join their insight, power and impact. By what means will a large portion of this play out is still to some degree flighty.

Dtube Is Another Game Changer is one great case of Steem flightiness. Dtube is another decentralized video facilitating administration in light of the Steem blockchain and IPFS. It was made 1 month prior and is conceivably as of now the most ideal approach to distribute any video decentralizedly without the requirement for any specific specialized information at all and it will just show signs of improvement from that point. depends on an indistinguishable principals from Dtube yet is held for sound.

Spreading Joy!

I need to help other people since that is the thing that feels best to me. I think lightening each other's torment or at the end of the day, spreading delight, is the best wellspring of bliss for a great many people.

Our satisfaction originates from our insight yet more exactly from how our insight converts into activities.

"To know and not to do, is not to know." - Wang Yangming

It appears as though knowing is constantly less demanding than doing however this may be on the grounds that our insight isn't impeccably intelligent of reality.

"I know now, after much enduring, that the more delight your conviction framework presents to you the all the more precisely it mirrors the genuine idea of things." - Jake Kotze

Always Powers To An Ever Smaller Group

Despite the fact that most by far of the substantial scale control battles are occuring away from plain view, their repercussions impact each of us. Eight men claim an indistinguishable riches from the 3.6 billion individuals who make up the poorest portion of mankind and this is just getting most noticeably bad.

In the event that riches is getting always focused then hardship will undoubtedly occur for a regularly developing number of individuals. Regardless of whether we could expect an answer from governments, so far there is unquestionable verifications they are just influencing things to most exceedingly awful and hoping to exploit all that they can.


"This, at that point, is the colossal humanistic and verifiable errand of the abused: to free themselves and their oppressors also. The oppressors who abuse, endeavor and assault by righteousness of their energy, can't discover in this power the quality to free either the persecuted or themselves. Just power that springs from the shortcoming of the mistreated will be adequately solid to free both." Paulo Freire

Actualizing Solutions

In the event that legislatures keep on creating cash out of nowhere like I've reported in a post here, at that point they will make always hardship for a consistently developing base of individuals and that is precisely what they have been see to do and benefit from.

Cryptographic money Solves This Issue


Cryptographic forms of money take care of this issue of the restraining infrastructure governments have on cash creation. Cryptographic forms of money are another innovation which was first made in January 2009. The main digital currency developed is called Bitcoin.

Digital forms of money enable individuals to execute cash at a lower cost than some other sort of cash. Bitcoin are made by a procedure called mining which guarantee a reasonable circulation as mining Bitcoin cost a critical worth of power and as the mining rivalry develops the cost of mining develops relatively.

The rate of outflow of Bitcoin is 12.5 Bitcoin at regular intervals and this rate is a large portion of at regular intervals.

It won't not be so clear at first but rather this procedure of circulation couple with the way that digital forms of money exchange expenses are lower than some other kind of cash make them now a superior incentive than any national monetary standards. I figure the evidence is in the pudding however: "Understanding Cryptocurrencies: The Best Investments Of All Time". (The post just specified clarifies Bitcoin in detail and is straightforward.)



Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.

- Albert Einstein