The importance of neural pathways in relation to how we think

in #joy6 years ago (edited)

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Get to grips with this subject and you might very well change the way you think forever. I talk about Law of Attraction a lot here on Steemit but it's a tricky one to explain when it comes to the physics of it. Neural pathways (also known as neural plasticity) is a much simpler subject to explain and crucial in correcting our deeply entrenched negative thought patterns.

What are neural pathways?

They are a series of connected nerves along which electrical impulses travel. When we imagine them as pathways we can also imagine how the paths become well trodden over time.


Being well trodden they are easier to travel and thoughts like people are more likely to take the path of least resistance, so a positive thinker is going to find it very easy to keep thinking positive thoughts, while a negative thinker will find it easy to keep thinking negative thoughts.


It is often said that people don't change, but the existence of neural pathways disproves this. People don't change because they don't know how... but once they reach the end of this article they won't have that excuse any more!


If a pathway can be formed over time through repeated thought patterns so too can it fade over time if it is not used.

New pathways can be built and old pathways can fade, making it easier to think in the way we are practicing.

As improvements are made and new positive pathways form, the old negative pathways become harder to travel, making us less likely to use them when the mind is on auto-pilot.

Be in no doubt, people do change. I know this with certainty because I am one of them.

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How is it achieved?

Mindfulness is an art which we only ever get better and better at, so the path to consistent positive thought is without end. But in just 7 days you can easily begin the process of building new pathways.

Easy is perhaps the wrong word for the unpracticed mind will find it hard to follow this exercise, but not impossible.

The basic idea behind mindfulness is consistently checking up on our thoughts. How are we feeling in each moment? When we don't feel good we must register this and stick to a routine I will describe now.

1. Use a note pad

Write down your thoughts every time you have a negative one. This is the biggest step of all and it is important that we be vigilant with ourselves if we are going to succeed. It is a moment of recognition followed by a clear intention to stop thinking that thought. Use words like cancel/clear in your head to stop the thought in its tracks.

2. Replace the thought

Write down the thought you are going to choose instead, directly after you record the negative thought. Personally I like to ask myself "is it true?" & "who would I be if I wasn't thinking this thought?" (thanks Katie Byron) and almost always find that my negative thought is actually not true at all. Just my perspective in that moment. A statement of gratitude is another effective 'switch'. There is always something to be grateful for. No matter how much you might tell yourself there isn't.

3. Look for patterns

Review your notepad daily and categorise your thoughts. Relationships, career, money & self-esteem are the kind of categories you should look for.

4. Positive affirmations

Looking at your categories, create affirmations which suit each one. Using the present tense, say the relevant affirmation in response to negative thoughts when they arise. For example "I am rich" and not "I am going to be rich".

5. Stop trying to change people

People can change but in no situation can we change someone else. Listening politely instead you can hear people's negativity without accepting it. Consciously choose to reject this kind of thinking whilst remaining polite. When you stop responding to other people's negativity and simply remain silent they will eventually begin to feel the emptiness of their words and begin their own journey of transformation.

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Follow these steps for 7 days and the foundations for new neural pathways will have been laid. Our true journey here always takes us inward and if we can stop pointing the finger at external factors and consciously think our way to a mind which flows freely in the land of positivity, the Universe will have no choice but to continue providing us with proof that life is a MAGICAL GIFT 🌻and it is not to be wasted.

Katie Byron's 'The Work' is perfect further reading for anyone wanting to know more.

You can read it as a PDF here.

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If you are seeking daily reminders here on Steemit to improve your mindfulness, look our for my daily quotes from Abraham/Hicks, latest one here.

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He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling the world with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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samstonehill, excellent advice on how to avoid negative thoughts. I am going to share with my niece who is trying laws of attraction for both attitude and health. This is a great supplement to what she is already doing. upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you my friend. It was my hope that this article would be shared with those who might benefit from reading it. So... perfect :)

My niece read it and is going to try some of the techniques going forward. Thanks again for the share..

It's doing this as a daily routine that will bring the change ... committing to it.

That's exactly right. Much like any changes we are looking to implement in our lives.

Thanks for great valuable post. I appreciate this life.all the best.

All the best to you :)

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