Passion Will Change Your Life (And the Lives of Others)
I put a lot of energy into analyzing myself and trying to figure out how I can better my actions, outlook and the things that I focus on. I've found that living life with passion is the best way to live happily, for example when you are feeling self conscious because of what people are thinking or saying about you - when you are completely wrapped up and enthralled in a passion you'll be WAY to busy rushing to the beach to surf or taking your best photos around the world. You simply will have no energy or time to think about anything that falls out of that passion.
This has been pivotal for me in keeping me happy throughout my life and when people ask how to gain confidence and be happy I always answer to find their true passion. Finding that passion is a whole different topic that is very in-depth as well but one quote I love is that passion is 50% obsession and 50% love. Constantly trying new things and analyzing how those things make you feel is really important when it comes to finding your passion and when you find it you will KNOW!
I am extremely passionate about cinematography, helping people, bodybuilding and learning. Any of those things can bring me EXTREME pleasure to the point it feels like I'm high from drugs, while completely sober. That is what makes me happy, knowing that I can take a "hit" of one of my passions and it'll put me on top of the world is a powerful thing that makes me confident.
I hope this idea resonates with you and I would love to hear your thoughts on this as well! Thank you for showing love and supporting Steem family :) You guys are amazing! (thanks @teamsteem for the joy tag, I love that one)
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You're killing it man! I love the creativity and energy you put into your posts it really shows! I recently bought a book called "the subtle art of not giving a f*ck" after a friend recommended it to me. It has sold over a million copies and basically stresses how you should only care about what's truly important in life and ignore the petty anxieties or things that will bring you down! Reading your post made me think how important being passionate about something is - kinda like what the book says! I highly recommend it! Anyways keep it up man!
Thank you man! And that's rad, sammy just read that book and really enjoyed it. I'm glad you're reading books to better yourself that's one of the best choices I've made this year!
Hi brian,thanks for thus massage, when one is passionate about something ,they begin to see more of oppotunities for their dreams rather than the challenges
passion really has this much potential
It does, passion is everything!
U r right indeed is
just see your post i like the sentence living life with passion is the best way to live happily much motivated words... without live aim and purpose lead to failure..
Thank you my friend, I hope everyone can find passion at one point in their life because it's amazing!
yes sir i agreed.. we are human we have ability to did every think if we find direction in right time..which lead to success..passion + action =success

finding it and then sharing it :D !
I believe your hobbies/passions can help you learn how to succeed. When passionate about something, I don't let obstacles stop me. When chasing your passions, you don't let failures deter yourself. The lessons you learn from chasing you passions, if applied to your daily life, will help learn how to be successful.