in #joy7 years ago (edited)

People don’t want to know about the love , they just want to involve ourselves in this crazy thing because in the beginning, they consider it be a normal feeling which glow their heart. But they don’t know that how much will be it’s craze ? and when finally they fall into this feeling of love, they understood it’s reality that how much difficult to leave without those one whom they love. Actually, love is the name of those master key which open the gate of happiness in your life, therefore everyone want to fall into it but it’s not an easy task. It’s like a great challenge with which you deal patiently.

love is another name of care, it’s not about that how much you say I love you because it is those feeling which you need to prove practically.It’s all about that how much you love to each other and while caring you just think about your love , not to think about ourselves.And this feeling increase day by day because it’s not a boring thing,I again repeat that it is a gate of happiness because the greatest happiness of life is to achieve your love then your other small achievements will be easily and peacefully’s a great GOD gifted thing and where there is love,there is your happiness or there is your life.

Love is another name of understanding the feeling of each other without saying because it is a game of hearts which doesn’t need that other one will be perfect, it just demand to be true which hold them in a close touch in any condition of the difficult moments of their life.Because love is the name of those feeling if it enters into anybody soul, then it finish the feeling of fear of anything and make them brave to face every situation together, this zeal of bravery come into in everyone when he or she struggle for the achievement of their love and they face a lot of difficulties mostly.And these all things make their love always protective,trustable, hopeful and confident.

If you want to change yourself, if you want to the world then the only thing which can brings all the changes is called the “Love”.Because all the religion give the lesson of brotherhood and love to connect with each other, they show off the teachings of their religion with the lovely voice to impress others.And their this cool effect of love impress a lot of people across the whole world. If the leader of any country want to give a high or new stage in the way of progress, then love is the only thing which inspire and motivate him. Then , the love is the only thing which collect all the people of their country under the shadow of those one’s country flag. Then love is the only thing which unite them and give a forward step to built themselves at the front of other countries line of progress. And , this love never end anytime because it feels them their nationality which unite them and give them a different identity from others. The only thing which unite the people of whole world without any boundary ( which can stop or resist them to remain in touch with others) is love. Love doesn’t have any boundary, it can spread everywhere from heart to heart the bell ring of happiness without any preference.

If we talk about the love story; then love never attracted to the beautiful look , it attracts to the beautiful heart because beautiful heart have a charming character which make a glow in the happiness of their life. love doesn’t require a specific perfection, it may be attracted to the good habits which impress him or her. Mostly. it happens that some people love each other due to the look only, some of them due to attitude and some of them due to the habits because everyone has it’s own choice. These all are those things which we do by ourselves while the true love slightly bell the door of your heart and enters into your soul without permission it may be in first eye-contact or may be slowly but never speak a lot loudly to express our feeling. But when your true lover come at the front of you, you forget everything about the all worries and happy moments and your mind as well as eyes go a head to “Hang” condition. you lost control on yourself, your confidence decreases like the battery of your brain is discharging and you just wish that time stop and no body disturb you. you focus on his face, on his smile and on his innocent look.

Now I give you an example about the relation of love that how much it is strong. Actually, love is like a rubber, held by two people across it’s terminals when anyone leave it other feel pain because love is a connection of two souls. And these are happened in mature love because it says; I need you because I love you. And to achieve such type of love you cross all the odd boundaries about whom you never think before it. Even you are disconnected to your parents as well as face the difficulties of your society and some lovers sacrifice our lives, if they don’t get their life. i mean by sacrifice is “suicide” because this crazy feeling never look ahead. And this all happened because love leave a mark of lot of memories in your mind as well as at the front of your eyes and every time he or she think about his lover.

Love is the name of those feeling in which we care the happiness of other rather than our happiness because it need care to understand each other and it doesn’t matter that you angry or happy . Mostly, we see that those couples make a good understanding among each other and also live a happy life because they don’t want to leave each other mostly they got angry but at the end love overcome on such type of small things.The main reason behind it be that , they consider our love be our life which spread a glow into their life and maintain a relationship in which they treat or joy like best friends and protect each other like the siblings.It’s the secret of their happy life.

Love have a great power which start from your childhood to death and this if love create happiness to your long period life than it also raises another good habit of forgiveness because love is not possible without forgiveness. Love is those feeling which never ends,it increases with the passage of time till to groove.

    Love has different aspects within which we can describe it. If we try to define according to religion , then it is holy and really respective. Because those love is created in the heart of everybody on the base of faith. And those love is obtained by good luck because it’s type of love starts without watching our respective GOD and this feeling of love is rarely created into the souls. The relation of love between the GOD and human is un-describable because if we want to find our love than first we need to find the GOD first. According to the religion of “Islam”, GOD love human more than seventy mothers(from the Holy Quran).While on the other hand  our love for GOD is too weak because we remember our GOD in the difficulties only. But the most important thing is that,we all have direct connection to GOD through love,religion come after that.Every religion has great feelings of love for our GOD.Love is the main thing which  inter-relate or keep In touch people to their GOD.Ad these all religions give us a lesson of love with the whole humanity.

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