Oh Lordy! I’m addicted to sending Gorillagrams. Please help!
A gorillagram, for the uninitiated, is a guy (or gal) delivering a message…dressed in a gorilla suit.
Everyone time I think about gorillagrams I laugh my arse off.
All I have to do is say the word; "Gorillagram" and I’m in hysterics.
I decided to start indulging this misguided passion.
The more inappropriate the situation, the better I figured
So, please find below a comprehensive list of places I have sent gorillagrams (when I probably shouldn’t have).
1). My sister’s birthday, at her office.
2). Apology/please don’t dump me flowers to my girlfriend, at her work (a trendy bar/cafe).
3). My boss in London, to ask if I could work while traveling for the next few months.
4). To tell one of the support staff workers we would have to "let her go", if she didn’t lift her game.
Clearly I have issues. You’re assistance is required.
Or you, can just indulge my madness and enable me.
In that case I’ll be taking more ideas of inappropriate places I can send Gorillagrams.
Leave your ideas below…