Creating Elite Players: Newsletter Day 22
This week has been nothing if not chaotic.
Today, though, I knew my parents were coming into town. I completed as much work as I could in advance, so that I would have the entire day to spend with them.
Today was a rare day off. It has felt as though I've always had to be in "on" mode this past week. If not on the work front, then on the financial and living situation front. I was able to set it all aside for today. I got to be present to my family.
Though I have conquered large portions of Lower Mainland on my nomadic journeys by now, today I got to see something I've never seen before – Westminster Abbey (pictured above). Apparently, it doesn't have a direct relation to the Westminster Abbey in UK. The monastery was originally established in Burnaby, which at the time was technically the city of Westminster. As people started referring to it as "Westminster Abbey," the name stuck. Today, it's located in Mission.
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