24 Jun 2017 (repost)
Intro. I posted this on my website yesterday. It is intended to follow a rough kind of notetaking style, a web journalling entry – that's easy to write and acceptable to post at any point. And being markdown, is highly portable.
Happy Weekend :)
Some notes from my week
regular notes and scribbles [weds eve]
So, I thought I would share more of my notes, scribbles and stuff. But rather than make lots of well crafted posts, I decided I could write one post each week. I can schedule it to post at the end of the week, until then I can attach new bits. But scheduling ensures something will be published. Haha :)
This post is set for Friday night / Saturday morning
- Another thing is I hope this will become a living journal, that can become a part of my process.
contact page addendum [friday morning small hours]
I finished my contact page. LINK. Interestingly I have let myself mull over this for some time. I started making this page a few weeks ago with one selfie
I am writing this post in markdown, images on this post are hosted at aerynnorth.com. I can optionally upload them to Squarspace for deep website integration but I like having everything in one place. I'm pleased I've been able to get this in place quite easily and accessible on mobile :))))
This means I have a plain text document that I can copy paste onto all sorts of platforms, or into applications. It's a highly portable document format, and with my own webspace I have a lot of flexibility for publishing now. It's taken a long time to get to this point. (After catastrophic tech failure last year).
Banner Image animation [friday afternoon - steemit post]
- I like these replays you can output from Procreate app. This is half speed. But represents half an hour of time I guess.
fancy domains and urls [friday late]
I have these domains
- aerynnorth.com
- aeryn.online
- aeryn.me
aerynnorth.com is the back-end, the bucket for chucking stuff in.
aeryn.online is the front-end, the fancy gallery space.
aeryn.me is for creating meaningful links to my work, wherever that may be. I intend to write a post about this because I think my intended plans are pretty cool.
And a good week ahead.. [footer from friday eve]
I am enjoying writing this. This post is scheduled to publish at 07:11 UK time tomorrow morning. After which I will start a new post for a week's time. I don't have any plans for the week, Just wanna get more work up on here.
pls check back and watch for updates
Aeryn x