Enabling Civil War 2.0 - Part IX - Fifty Years of Lies and Coverups... or is it 100?

in #journalism7 years ago (edited)

by Quan Parker

Fifty years of Lies and Coverups... Or is it a Hundred?

Since the 1963 coup that destroyed a perfectly good president no one in my family voted for, we have been in the quite imperfect mental prison designed by the Deep State. JFK's error was to think that the President outranked the CIA. Give 'em enough time and they will eventually close off the exits.

Right now we are in the "grab the jello" stage: The harder they try to grab us all in their fevered grip, the more intelligent, freed jello leaks out between the horned claws. But this process began with the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 exactly 50 years before the coup.

A rudderless, uneducated, intimidated, subservient, blackmailed congress (only a handful of exceptions) enables and funds with your tax money plus the inflation margin these glorious, oh-so trusted public institutions that have largely gutted the population's ability to think independently; especially in the last decades since JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X (and JFK Jr.?) were dispatched from the scene with only limited rioting and lingering suspicions.

Ambitious young 'presstitutes' gorge on the fast food of professional lying bought and paid for by the CIA (e.g., WashPost), eagerly regurgitating what they are told and ignoring, omitting or covering up the real news, and it "works" all too well. But maybe not forever, since they shot their credibility all to hell in the 2016 election.

A most egregious example: Only after that 50-year coverup is the true story being fully exposed of the despicable, treasonous USS Liberty incident during the '67 Arab-Israeli War... but not by the craven pseudopress. The American Legion is demanding a congressional investigation (finally). Thanks, LBJ; may you, McNamara and Moshe Dayan continue to rot in Hell. Your botched false-flag plot to get America into that war got 34 sailors murdered, 171 injured.

Here's another, newer example of attempted Thought Control : The “FREE” Press Is NOT Free To Tell The Facts About Vaccines. And if any of seven key measures in this initiative get on the ballot in Oregon next year and are voted in, vaccines could not be made mandatory nor public benefits denied for their lack, for anyone in that state. This is an idea whose time has come and should be initiated in any state with I&R, whether vaccines are proven safe or not.

All available facts indicate they have not been and will not be until thimerasol, polysorbate 80, aluminum and glycophosphate at the very least are outlawed as ingredients. Yeah, maybe smallpox and polio vaccines defeated those diseases, but these ingredients were not used extensively if at all in those days. Personally I want to see the statistics on how many times over the last 40 years the CDC has been correct in it's annual guess as to which strain of flu it should prepare us for. Dig around a bit and learn what is going on with that if you want some bloody truth.

Denial is stranger than fiction

Can you believe there are still people who to this day claim to believe that Oswald acted alone? Is that not incredibly sad? And if anyone still believes the government's obvious lies about 9-11, they have achieved the astounding mental acrobatics required to ignore piles of demonstrable facts and science, thousands of demolition experts, architects and construction engineers, First Responder eye and earwitnesses, whistleblowers and FOIA results. And Wikileaks, without whose revelations Trump could never have been elected.

"The truth is not for all men, but only those who seek it." — Ayn Rand

And yet brain-fried anti-truthers go around saying "If it were true somebody would have talked." How would you know, tweedledumb, if the only serious reading you do is 140 characters or the NYT? There is really no hope for those unable or unwilling to process reality. I mean, A is A, whether you like it or not.

"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king." — Erasmus

For those with practical minds who nevertheless must forego the need to read and learn, with so much preparation, rebuilding, nurture and physical work needed before the next flood, wildfire or crisis, we can only hope they find a way to understand soon what we are up against, what the answers must be, and whose opinions they can trust.

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it."
— Edward R. Murrow, icon of responsible news reporting from the late 30's thru the 50's, nemesis of Joe McCarthy.

How can anyone visualize a future for themselves or their kids if there is no room, no patience and no payoff for those capable of independently figuring things out and taking action? There is no quarter for individual creative thought within the Matrix.

Fear of non-conformity and peer condescension paralyzes creativity and innovative problem solving. Young people would probably be better off flung into a wilderness to learn it all from scratch the hard way, instead of stumbling into the next half-real crisis while texting or gaming, worrying how their friends will 'feel.'

Few independent minds are left outside the sleazemart except those who understand that such unaccountable, unrestrained power is evil itself manifested, regardless of any religious context or lack thereof. It is, rather, an immutable law of human nature that "...all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." — Lord Acton

By golly we have arrived at that shithole, have we not, amigos? Watch your step.

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