A Psychos Blog

in #journal8 years ago

      So everyday since I was a young man in school I've been picked on and teased. I was never really sure why. I guess I never had the newest and nicest stuff but I was just happy to have stuff in general. I never went hungry at home. I was always loved at home too. Maybe some of the other kids were getting nicer shoes instead of a nicer love at home. As soon as I got to around the 8th grade I found my group of friends. We spent most of our time getting high never doing homework and constantly dodging our parents ploys to stop us from getting in trouble.  One time we even broke into our local minor league baseball teams locker rooms late at night and just had a field day raiding there fridge for beer. We also filled a duffel bag full of whatever wasn't screwed down. At the point we were ready to leave we heard someone coming in the front door. We ditched out the back as soon as we could but we had left the filled bag in there by accident. I could only imagine what the team had felt upon discovering that there all filled with stuff from each of their lockers. We managed to get away with just the things we managed to fit in our pockets and a full belly of beer. 

   We used to love hiding behind and old gym near my house and we would steal tomatoes from this persons back yard and throw them at cars going by. One time we all pelted a police car. I couldn't imagine what they must have thought as they skidded to a stop turned on their lights and jumped out to try and catch us.  Out of all the shit we used to do the cops never would catch us. I guess a group of 13 year old boys had a little more spunk than the local police. So in the end we did whatever we really wanted. We would go "cooler robbing". In the summer there was so many people with beer in coolers in their back yards. So we would just yard to yard jumping fences and doing as we pleased helping ourselves to whatever we could get away with.

   As I got a little older though I realized what kind of trouble I could've gotten myself in and just counted my blessings and left it all in the past. I guess I just grew up. Maybe I realized that I was getting to the age where that was going to get me in real trouble. So I told myself you have had enough fun time to grow up. By that point though I was far too off from trying to do good in school. I had built up my rep as a badass and I had to keep up the appearances so I kept up with the tomfoolery while I was in school just harmless misbehavior. 

 I eventually started working at a grocery store at the age of 17 pushing carts until I was old enough to learn a trade. Now I just slave away working hard as a carpenter. I have always looked back at those days and wondered if I should have done more with my life but I am ok where I am at. I work a decent trade for a decent buck and I can't complain there is others who definitely  have it worse that I do.

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