When the World Collapses | Voice of God with Joseph Z
The world’s economic system has experienced multiple collapses and is likely to collapse again. In this enlightening broadcast, Joseph Z introduces a more resilient system that can endure and thrive, enabling us to break free, regardless of what happens within the world's economic landscape (often referred to as the Babylonian system).
Joseph cites Genesis 47:15 to highlight the instability of the world’s economic system and references the significant economic crash of 1929 to further illustrate this volatility. He warns that such an event could occur again, but emphasizes the importance of relying on God’s word to guide us through challenging times. He points to Genesis 41:53-57 to show how Joseph managed the famine in Egypt and how the wealth of the wicked was preserved and distributed to those in desperate need, as demonstrated in Genesis 47:13-22.
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Continuing his message, Joseph reassures us that God is fully capable of providing for us, as He is our inheritance, as noted in Ezekiel 44:28. We have been made a kingdom of priests unto the Lord God Almighty, possessing all the rights and privileges of this kingdom thanks to Jesus Christ, our Savior. Joseph insists that every believer in Christ has a priestly covenant and access to divine favor, which protects us from being at the mercy of the world's economic system.
Joseph also argues that God is a giver of good things, referencing Matthew 7:11 to emphasize His readiness to assist those who diligently seek Him. He underscores that the only way to break free from the oppressive economic conditions of this world is through radical obedience to God’s word, which involves sacrificing personal desires to pursue God’s calling on our lives, no matter the challenges. He cites Mark 10:29-31 to remind us of Christ's promise: those who forsake everything for His sake and the Gospel will receive a hundredfold of what they have lost, alongside the gift of eternal life with Him. In conclusion, Joseph illustrates how God has stored up the wealth of the wicked for His chosen ones, as seen in Exodus 3:21-22. He reassures us that God's covenant will elevate us above economic turmoil, allowing us to escape the distress that comes with it. The video: https://youtube.com/live/KK_2Iy1nx8A
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