
in #jorge4 years ago

Agenda 2035. The Crimson Contagion Plan. Globalists are not transsexual, they're literally transrobotic. Kids are going to school with oxygen deprecation. 2030 is the scheduled end of the world, that is their plan, they believe you won't try to stop them, they're counting on it. Antibiotics created super bugs in hospitals, tens of many thousands of people died in hospitals from them each year, many which are inserted through a probe up the rear. The gab gab is very similar if not much worse than this. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation admit to how it will kill your immune system, you will have to take weekly shots from them, they've confessed many times, all we have to do is read it, hear it, share it. CPS is KIDNAPPING maskless kids. WARNING. RED ALERT. Very funny. He got acute immune thrombocytopenia.

2021, March

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2021-03-17 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-17 - Wednesday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-18 00:55:14 Biden.png


By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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The Crimson Contagion Plan.

2030 is the scheduled end of the world, that is their plan, they believe you won't try to stop them, they're counting on it.

Globalists are not transsexual, they're literally transrobotic.

Kids are going to school with oxygen deprecation.

Antibiotics created super bugs in hospitals, tens of many thousands of people died in hospitals from them each year, many which are inserted through a probe up the rear. The gab gab is very similar if not much worse than this.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation admit to how it will kill your immune system, you will have to take weekly shots from them, they've confessed many times, all we have to do is read it, hear it, share it.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies


2021-03-17 - Wednesday - 12:00 PM - Globalism Log

Globalists are not transsexual, they're literally transrobotic.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Antibiotic Created Super Bugs

2021-03-17 - Wednesday - 12:11 PM - Covid Log - Facebook

Antibiotics created super bugs in hospitals, tens of many thousands of people died in hospitals from them each year, many which are inserted through a probe up the rear. The gab gab is very similar if not much worse than this.

When a hospital patient takes antibiotics, it kills off most of the germs and the germs which do survive have more space to multiply through the body.
Germs mutate and adapt all the time. When the patient is prescribed with new antibiotics, that in return kills off most of the germs and the germs which end up surviving due to evolution (SCIENCE!!!!!!), they are at that point immune to two sets of antibiotics. They become a second generation super bug in that type of situation. This process is repeated countless times, countless cycles especially in hospitals, for countless decades now.
Right now, a similar thing is happening and dumb people fall for the gab gab. On top of that, it is messing with the brain to cause people to come back for more and more, talk about creating demand by dumbing down the customers towards coming back for more.

Imagine if they said all humans have to get antibiotics, what would happen?

Kids are going to school with oxygen deprecation.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation admit to how it will kill your immune system, you will have to take weekly shots from them, they've confessed many times, all we have to do is read it, hear it, share it.

The Crimson Contagion Plan.

Agenda 2035

By authority of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation, I do hereby exercise my right to refuse to submit to or to administer the COVID-19 vaccine.
The United States Government has prosecuted, convicted and executed Medical Doctors who have violated the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation. Aiders and abettors of Nuremberg Crimes are equally guilty and have also been prosecuted, convicted, and executed.

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The Crimson Contagion Plan.

Oatmeal Health

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The Crimson Contagion Plan.

Chat with me on Facebook

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Deleting Trump Nationalism Over Globalism

2021-03-17 - Wednesday - 12:16 PM - Banned Log - Facebook

Jorge Peralta, why were you trying to delete my Trump Nationalism Over Globalism Facebook page in 14 days? Did you do that or were you hacked or were you threatened or do you hate freedom or what?

The Crimson Contagion Plan.

Happy Little Accidents

2021-03-17 - Wednesday - 09:43 PM - Covid Log - Facebook

Imagine for a moment, I punch you in the face but then say, "Your face just so happens to feel pain, but it had nothing to do with your face meeting up with my fist, the fact checkers have proven it was happenchance, coincidental." Now imagine for a second that this post has nothing to do with anything.

Agenda 201

2021-03-17 - Wednesday - 10:08 PM - Covid Log - Facebook

Many countries were given the 5 levels of lockdown and other plans which they then tweaked a little to make it look like they came up with it on their own, the remedy to the problem was tested in animals years before 2019, you could have read the public documents or watch tabletop exercises war gaming the scenario live on the Internet, the evidence is there.
As people wake up, the best thing people can do is to simply evangelize so speak and continue to collect and archive data online and offline while you still can, prepare for a day when things may be much worse. If you are already awoke, you get everything I'm saying.
For the people who don't get what I'm saying, we can still reach out to them but we may need to consider different techniques in order to find what might be most effective long-term speaking for helping them see what we already see and it can take many many years for some people to see the light and sometimes you need to simply plant the seed and move on to the next person simple as that. Don't get too stuck when some people refuse to see the light, it may be time to move on to the next person calmly.

Chat with me on Twitter

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The Crimson Contagion Plan.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

The Crimson Contagion Plan.

Other Websites

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Seeing Faces in Objects

04:15 AM - Hive

Like looking at clouds, it looks like an alien face or a headless genie about to clap his drum-like hands, I see no Mother Mary in this tree, my hands are not bleeding I swear.

When I was a kid, I would stare at the wallpaper and see my older brother, if you stare long enough at anything you might seeing black dots appear or almost anything really.

Faces in Paintings

04:24 AM - Hive

How many faces can you spot here? I'm seeing four, two pairs facing each other on both sides of the painting and the two that stand out is the one to the far left looking like Star War's Darth Plagueis looking at a young Luke Skywalker to the far right side. The two faces in the middle could be Darth Maul on the left followed by Han Solo to the right.


12:00 PM - Hive

The thing that came to my mind is the Little Rascals but all grown up drinking beer, they're all married and can only hang out once every five years out in the woods, woof woof.

Talking Bitcoin & Banks

06:05 PM - Hive

Anybody who can speak multiple languages is like a tongue wizard.

I'm going to assume that some banks and cryptocurrency exchanges sadly try to throttle or limit how much money can be withdrawn per day.

Specifically, if a person buys Bitcoin via a bank or an exchange, they should probably then withdraw some or most of that out to wallets or other places mostly because like you said, if you don't got the keys then you don't really own the coins.

For example, I had some Bitcoin in Poloniex and Bittrex, around $500 worth of it, last time I checked was in 2018. Those are the two websites I remember, I don't think I had any in Binance. I bought a few other coins but emphasized on Bitcoin.

Now, in 2021, I've been trying to get back into those websites and I believe they suspended my accounts. I may check again. I've been trying to contact them. They disabled my accounts and I forget the excuses they gave.

I knew better, I knew something like this could possibly happen. Not to justify their actions, they shouldn't but they do do these kinds of shenanigans at times.

We can use traditional banks, money unions, exchanges, and websites because some of them may be good at and good for buying, selling, exchanging, converting, transition, wiring, trading, value, funds, tokens, coins, money, in general, they can help people with those types of needs.

But people shouldn't use traditional banks and exchanges as long-term storage, especially if you don't have possession of the passwords, the private keys, and more so the 12 random words, the passphrase, the seed.

Vietnam Coffee

06:45 PM - Hive

When I was in Vietnam, I visited Dalat, I was mostly in Saigon, I noticed Trung Nguyen coffee was almost as expensive and fake or bland or generic as Starbucks.

I would sometimes learn about coffee from people in Vietnam. I think I've heard of the kind of coffee you're mentioning here. I noticed differences between different coffee I had in Hanoi and also in southern Viet Nam as well.

The hard part is like you said with how there can be fake coffee versions which can give the authentic versions a bad name, taste, or reputation in the eye of the general public. The good news is that great coffee can go viral.

Karens Fighting Karens

07:57 PM - Hive

Zombie Karens eating each other, that is the one thing missing in The Walking Dead, they would actually eat each other in those shows and movies.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Superman & Lois 103

2021-03-17 - Wednesday - 01:41 AM - 04:20 AM - Superman & Lois 103

Lois follows a story. Man burns down her car or truck or whatever. Son joins football to get back at bullies, get the girl, and to make friends. But be careful. Superman becomes a manager for the football team and has to pretend to be weak moving a cooler. No internet for 85 or so minutes from 02:25 AM to 03:50 AM. See notes in my footer for more info or go see my tech log. After that continue watching this episode till like 4:20 AM or something like that.

Health Ranger

11:47 AM - Situation Update, Mar. 17th: How to survive the engineered EXTERMINATION of the human race

Antibiotics created super bugs in hospitals, tens of many thousands of people died in hospitals from them each year, many which are inserted through a probe up the rear. The gab gab is very similar if not much worse than this.

Lawn Mower Limbo Heaven

12:50 PM - Facebook

The Lawn Mower Man Syndrome is real, there are transhumanists who believe that when they upload their consciousness to the cloud, to Sky Net, the Matrix, Wall-E, Star Trek Data, that how they experience time as a ghost in a machine is determine by the processing speed meaning the faster the computer then the slower they can experience time.


In other words, they think they can experience many days in a matter of seconds in these machines. In reality, when they go to upload their mind to these machines, as soon as their body is dead, they die as well. They may have ended up creating a twisted avatar, a computer simulation program of their personality, but it is not actually their soul in the Holodeck Heaven that they're trying to create to obtain immortality apart from God.


Satan is fueling them to kill all humans and then to upload themselves to these databases after all of that. Satan is seeking to prevent Revelations from ever happening in order to create an infinite limbo effect where the events in Revelation regarding the Lake of Fire never happens. It is not exactly like the plot as seen in the Dogma movie, it is a little more subtle and more complex than that, but it is very similar in some ways. Dogma in some ways was a twisted revelation regarding what the Devil was and is trying to do in delaying judgement by creating a situation which God would be not allowed to interfere with, an eternal limbo effect for escaping fate, pretty clever I think so myself.

Globalists are not transsexual, they're literally transrobotic.

Dr. Charlie Ward


Kids are going to school with oxygen deprecation.

Ron Gibson


2030 is the scheduled end of the world, that is their plan, they believe you won't try to stop them, they're counting on it.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation admit to how it will kill your immune system, you will have to take weekly shots from them, they've confessed many times, all we have to do is read it, hear it, share it.

The Crimson Contagion Plan.

Agenda 2035

As they lock us down, they run off and hide out in New Zealand.

Trump is VERY EVIL for endorsing vaccines.


Imagine for a moment, I punch you in the face but then say, "Your face just so happens to feel pain, but it had nothing to do with your face meeting up with my fist, the fact checkers have proven it was happenchance, coincidental." Now imagine for a second that this post has nothing to do with anything.

Very funny. He got acute immune thrombocytopenia.

10:30 PM
Many people in Chile take the Covid Vaccine and may die.

Nuremberg Code

Y2K was a fail attempt at taking over the world by the globalists, people were able to fix the computer problems in time.

Puberty blockers kill people.

The average American makes more decisions in their first hour each day than a native American or caveman would make in a week a thousand years ago That is a good and bad thing.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Superman & Lois 103

2021-03-17 - Wednesday - 01:41 AM - 04:20 AM - Superman & Lois 103

Health Ranger

11:47 AM - Situation Update, Mar. 17th: How to survive the engineered EXTERMINATION of the human race

Dr. Charlie Ward


X22 Report


Ron Gibson


No internet for 85 or so minutes from 02:25 AM to 03:50 AM. Tried many things. Restart the manager, computer, Ethernet adapter, router, unplug, retry, try to go a web address via a web browser. The router may have restarted at night to update. Maybe Comcast was down. Maybe a combination of things. TV was down too. I think things are back now. I don't think it was my fault. Don't think my computer or other things caused it to go down or whatever happened. Dear diary, got up at 10:30 AM apx for a sec, was thinking about a dream which I forgot now and then was back to sleep until 11:30 AM, took out my 2004 STC journal to copy the first 24 pages via my scanner (will do that after breakfast), drunk a small glass of grape juice, took out the trash which is full, had to squeeze it in. STC Journal Intro post at 1:14 PM. Vacuum inside the 2 couches. Critter fed. Compost. Dishes. Food came. Grabbed a load with my arms, sunny day. Birds and squirrel(s) out. Looking through audio tapes to see what I have and what I might want to copy to DVD. Time for lunch at 3. Jeep car wash around 4 to 5. Went back out to check on things around 7 for a few minutes, car ok, yard ok, no mail today, nice day, see cars, animals, people, things looking good, feels good to be out. did some organizing, preparing to review audio tapes and discs, some may be copied to DVD, to computer, to the Internet, but not today I don't think. But I am labeling things and preparing things. Getting ready for more work.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: grape juice, coffee, orange, 11:40 AM.
Lunch: rice, tomato, on noodle soup, 3 PM.
Dinner: vegi meat salad with broccoli, 7:35 PM. Yogurt around 9:50 PM. Chocolate cake at 10 PM but it does not feel good on my stomach. I don't need to eat crap. I should not eat another one again outside of healthier versions.

Cash App Bitcoin is trending on Twitter, don't know if it is real, that they accept Bitcoin, but it is trending regardless.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.25
JST 0.034
BTC 96277.96
ETH 2823.68
SBD 0.68