NEW: Steemit Feed for Joomla

in #joomla7 years ago (edited)

Hi there,

This week we have a treat for all Joomla users.

Steemit Feed for Joomla has been fixed and updated to version 1.1.0.

What's new in v.1.1.0

The module has been re-designed from scratch and now has the exact same features as the WordPress version, including:

  • Include/exclude posts from specific tags
  • Exclude specific posts 
  • AJAX pagination
  • Synchronous/asynchronous loading
  • etc

General settings

Module class suffix: An optional class to be applied to the feed container. Allows for individual feed styling.

Referral username: Appends a referral username to the feed links. This feature is in beta version as referring links have not been introduced to steemit yet.

Load asynchronously: If enabled, loads the feed asynchronously after the document has loaded. 

Data source

Author: Enter a steem author username (without the @ symbol).

Include tags: Load posts only from these tags. Separate tags with commas.

Exclude tags: Exclude posts from these tags. Separate tags with commas. 

Exclude posts: Exclude specific posts. Enter each post permlink on a new line.


Initial posts: The amount of posts to be initially loaded into the feed. 

Posts per page: The amount of posts to load on each additional page.

Additional pages: The amount of allowed additional pages.


Layout: Allows for creating a template override.

Enable scrollbar: Displays a vertical scrollbar that allows you to scroll down the feed. Works in conjuction with the 'Max-height' parameter.

Max height: Limits the feed container to this height (in pixels).

Responsive breakpoint: For screens smaller than this size (in pixels), the responsive css comes into effect.

Title font size: Changes the title font size (in pixels).

Body font size: Changes the body text font size (in pixels).

Tags font size: Changes the tags font size (in pixels). 

Image settings

Show images: Select whether the post image will be displayed.

Image size: Select image size (small or large).

Fallback image: A fallback image to be displayed if a post does not have an image. 

Detail box

Show title: Select whether the post title will be displayed.

Title limit: Limits the title word count.

Show body text: Select whether the body text will be displayed.

Body text limit: Limits the body text word count.

Show date: Select whether the post date will be displayed.

Show category: Select whether the post main category will be displayed.

Show tags: Select whether the post tags will be displayed.

Show author: Select whether the post author will be displayed.

Show author reputation: Select whether the post author reputation will be displayed.

Show reward: Select whether the post reward will be displayed.

Show votes: Select whether the votes count will be displayed.

Show comments count: Select whether the comments count will be displayed. 


Enjoy! :)


Wow! Didn't even realize you had a Joomla solution as well. Any chance of an Adobe Muse widget someday?

I was not familiar with Adobe Muse but I will certainly look into that. :)

Will it work both ways, i.e. can i write and schedule in Jooma, have it post magically to my Steem?

Wow! I was so happy to find this for my Joomla site but when publishing the module, my page got a HTTP ERROR 500. Page came back when unpublishing the module. Any idea of what it could be? Thanks anyways!

I know this post is old, but if it works i love you ... :)

Happy to report it works 100% and so I'll make a post about it later @wordpress-tips

Is it working now?

Don't work anymore. Where could I find the really working one?

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