Tips to raise vibration living in cities
Tips to keep high vibration in city life
1 Prayer to God , universe and earth in morning and before bed ; ie protection prayer or clearing prayer
2 Meditation to clear old thoughts and subconscious
3 Walk in woods to clear aura and bad energy
4 Use earth medicine to clear old thoughts and subconscious , also to clear fear consciousness within and without ; Ganja ,mushrooms , ; iboga and ayahuasca once per year
5 Affirmations ; I am that I am , I am love , I am powerful
6.Deep breaths in and out , I breathe in life , I breathe out old
7 No tv and commercial radio and mainstream news
8 Drink lots of good water
9 Eat alkaline foods , fruits and veggies , try to stay away from meat, gmo , milk products , wheat and sugar
10 Detox body ; liver , colon and kidneys
11 Clearing energy using intention , crystals and orgone
12 Transform sexual energy to light ,light to love through the breath
13 Listen to high frequency music ; 432
14 Try not to react to drama or negative emotions , hold space and be
15 Bare feet in soil and ground
16 Yoga
17 Transformational breathing
18 Read Alternative news on Internet
19 Try to stay away from violent shows and movies
20 Follow your heart and listen to your heart , burn old thoughts and energy in chalice of heart
21 Try to stay away from toxic people , negative emotions and drama
22 Service to others , visit people in hospital , pray for others , give to others and help others
23 Love your enemy , bless fear and darkness, bless evil , bless it
24 Alchemical process and transcendence meditation and clearing within
25 Share enlightened and occult information with others
26 Sun gazing in morning and sunset ; INRI , IGNIS
27 Send high vibration love and light energy ; reiki to troubled spots ie., Masonic black magic controlled regions like London , Vatican and Washington DC
28 Form and create meditation groups to activate and channel information ; this also transforms consciousness around you and within you
29. Forgiveness
30. Ceremony and rituals ; calling on elementals , guides , masters and Angels
31 Fasting
32 Oneness blessings and accepting all religious paths
33 Gratitude for each day , food , life and love , abundance
34 Say Praise God universe Buddha , Jesus , Krishna , babagi, for my life
35 New age rebirth and transformation festivals
36 Go to high energy places like churches or temples ; vortices and lay lines
37. Do a sweat lodge ritual using earth medicine like sage and chokeberry
38 Mantras like Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
- Floating in Epsom salts