The transition towards the Golden Age

in #jonahcurrie8 years ago

The Earth is in a Great transformation shift. Very high energies are coming in to raise the planet and us. Our natural state is likewise very High in Unconditional Love and fearlessness. These Energies cause all our lower energies that we have buried for lifetimes to surface. If we can accept that we have created all this fear and pain in the past either by absorption from others or in response to situations in our lives we can see that carrying it in our subconscious, conscious, physical body and emotions are all creating much of the difficulties in our lives.
These feelings coupled with the beliefs we have accepted to justify our feelings make the world as it has been. Yes, there are controllers who have implanted all this to keep us under control and enslaved, but we have been a party to it. We have participated in wars, prejudices, allowed impoverishment and ignorance all because of our fear, guilt and feelings of importance ; ego.

The Earth is destined to Ascend into a higher dimension of Light and Love. It is actually doing this right now. And many of us have incarnated this life to assist in that process by raising our energy, transmuting fear consciousness and thus affecting the whole.

To assist we must begin again to see ourselves as masters of our lives. If our lives are painful, ill, lonely, miserable and fearful only we can change them.

What I shall give is how I do that. I do not claim this is the only nor even the best way but I have tried all the meditations, affirmations, guided pathways over nearly 50 years. What I am sharing is what has worked effectively for me. Most all the time my life is Joyful and I am in Bliss.

I accept that the Energies that are anxious, painful and fearful are coming up out of me.
I can choose to bemoan that or try to justify these feelings by recreating stories about how this happened to me or by me. With this added confirmation and justification the pain is again reburied in my subconscious to distort my life.

OR I can embrace the feelings in me like I would a lost and frightened child and comfort myself saying this is just old stuff I have created and carried from the past.

I KNOW I was created as a Pure Spirit of Absolute Light and Love and it is these feelings that make me think and feel I am less than that. I cannot dismiss the pain and ignore it as it will just resurface again later. So I will Love it. They have in fact made me more compassionate for others, and now for myself. They have made me more courageous as I have learned that no matter how insurmountable the challenges have been, I have survived, even thrived and carried on. I have a loving Heart and most of the time I am filled with gratitude for ever so much. Even in my darkest moment I can always find some thing that fills me with Joy and Gratitude.

I know I am embraced and surrounded by the most Loving of Beings and the Source of All that Is which has created the most wondrous of Universes and then allowed us to create within it. Whatever we choose.

Now I choose Love, Joy, Light, Peace, Compassion, Abundance and Gratitude. While I can see a lack of it in many, I choose to be that Light myself. In so doing I know I will silently assist others in their quest to find Peace and Love in themselves.

I Embrace and Love my fears. I ask my Guides and Angels to come to me and help me in this. But I know it is mine to do. My Higher Self is completely One with Creator and knows me far better than I do myself and whispers encouragement and guidance to me constantly. When I stop listening to the whining of my fearful ego, I can hear the Loving messages of my High Self easily. Not loud in a thundering voice but soft like the most loving Mother or Father.

When I feel anxiety in the next moment I will seek and create that Love again me. I will reshape my fear in to Golden White Light of incredible Love and send it out into the Universe that it might help others to heal. I will cherish all the wondrous gifts that surround me even the tiniest ones. Even the challenging ones that show me the way I have been following is not making me happy. And I will be Happy.

I Know the Universe listens intently to my feelings. If I feel impoverished, it knows I am asking for more impoverishment and sends it my way. If I am feeling Abundant, Loving, Grateful, Compassionate, Enlightened, Radiant, Healthy and Courageous, it sends me more that will increase those feelings.

I am learning to be a Co-Creator with the Almighty. This is a difficult place to learn it. So many seem to fall by the wayside. What a magnificent place to increase my Love and my Power in Love. When I have graduated here I will be asked if I wish to go to Other unfortunate worlds to assist them and I will go Joyfully.

I am Loved and Loving. The only Energy that is, is Love. There are many created distortions of Love but Love is Eternal and It is What and Who I Am. Who and What All is.

I hope this helps. Much of it came from listening to YOUR High Self. I am told to share this answer. <3

Bless it and so it is

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