An apple a day does keep the doctor away. How can I be healthier? Just eat an apple before a meal. The fiber is crucial. UNITED NATIONS are COLLUDING NOT WITH RUSSIA but with CATHOLICS to SMUGGLE CHILDREN INTO AMERICA. And that is just one of the MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY CITIES with facilities which are paid hundreds of millions of dollars each to SMUGGLE CHILDREN. Gorg Foid. Many people don't know a few things about it. You must tell them around five things. ONLY U CAN. I mean George Floyd. I do NOT believe in Search Warrants. Around 5,000 people met for a freedom conference these past few days in Tulsa, no masks, no social distancing, no injections, and no sickness. How did USSR take over Russia? If Facebook encourages me to promote something that kills people, does that make both us accomplishes to genocide?
Mosquitoes War
In the 1600s, people were getting sick from mosquitoes but the British empire classified that information because they don't want people to know how they can be free, it is a war on information as always. British would put lime in their beer, that was the secret to their health for over 200 years, that is how they were able to fight & win against the Spanish and other countries too who were so weak. Since the 1600s, many countries MOCKED England for the SILLY LIMES, but it really was the SECRET TO THEIR HEALTH. Russia became the USSR as they came promising free money, equality, safety, and then tens of millions of people died. CURIOUS-GEORGE FLOYD: "I can't breathe." He said this in the car MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MINUTES BEFORE he was on the ground. Overdose death. I said CURIOUS GEORGE, ok Facebook, a fictional cartoon monkey. Let's burn down cities. Ban anybody who talks about this. Delete my account. Throw me in prison for exposing the truth.
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2021-04-19 - Monday - Weekly Monday Oatmeal Show - Episode 008 - X-Files
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-04-19 - Monday | Published in April of 2021
Johnny Depp in a movie, you don't want to know what he is holding
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Search Warrants
2021-04-19 - Monday - 02:05 PM - Freedom Log
I do NOT believe in Search Warrants.
Oatmeal Health
If Facebook encourages me to promote something that kills people, does that make both us accomplishes to genocide?
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If Facebook encourages me to promote something that kills people, does that make both us accomplishes to genocide?
02:36 PM
Bren Moss, do Catholics believe in Ephesians 2:8-9, that salvation is by faith in Christ alone and not via a list of good works and things they must do on top of faith in Christ?
In Bible Colleges I attended, they taught Catholics are not really told about this and are distracted with praying to saints.
Jenn Demor, I am not going to say no Catholics are Christians, but there is so much distraction from the heart of the gospel.
Bren Moss, are Catholics taught Lordship Salvation or are they taught they must continue to repent for their sins or else they will lose their salvation when they die?
God can be mad at sin. And so on one hand, some people can be tolerant to sin. And on the other hand, some can be too scared, too fearful, like with your example. And people should be exposed to a complete overview of who God is, all the aspects of his justice and his grace at the same time. Too often, people can be too focused or distracted with the justice part or with the grace part. And then they lose sight of the perspective of the bigger picture of how it all works together, Romans 8:28.
03:31 PM
Friday, after a murder, thousands of little girls were relocated from Houston facilities which were then shut down. Suddenly now, Biden is saying, "Oh, come on man, I guess there is an emergency at the US Mexico border." Let's not expose this to the world. Keep your mouth shut people. Don't try to save the world. Let it burn. Just keep your mouth shut and pretend you're not reading this. Scroll down and forget you just read this post.
04:51 PM
Toby Hugh Daniell, so the borders are not closed then. It is like pretty closed but not totally closed. So, they let people they like in. Do they let Vietnamese leave Vietnam? What kind of paperwork is required to be allowed to leave Vietnam if you're Vietnamese?
Toby Hugh Daniell, so if I was already in Vietnam. Since I was in there for tourism. Would I be allowed to leave Vietnam as a tourist? I would imagine you need the right paperwork to enter and to leave meaning a possible limbo. Reminds me of a movie Tom Hanks was in called The Terminal based on a true story where a man was stuck living at an airport for many many many years, imagine me being Tom Hanks in a Vietnam version of that movie running around asking people for oatmeal for 12 years.
09:54 PM
Markeiz Ryan, and start gardens. More people need to get off the computer and grow gardens more and more. You have good advice for people.
09:56 PM
Toby Hugh Daniell, so, you're saying England has restrictions on who can leave and Vietnam does not?
Can you say, "MK Ultra"? How bout Tuskegee Study?🤦🏽♀️
10:19 PM
If you are using Android, it might be an Android problem. That is why I am using a laptop and not a phone. I use web browsers. I use Ubuntu as opposed to Apple or Windows operating systems which could be causing problems. It could be any numbers of problems or combinations of issues simultaneously including Internet related problems like with ISP, DNS, etc. I also don't know how their website is setup and how it runs and how and where it is hosted and how it is distributed online.
You could try http:// and then also https:// before the web address and or with www or without like https://www. and http://www.
or just www.
How can I say the web page is not found if the header image is showing?
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12:46 PM
If Facebook encourages me to promote something that kills people, does that make both us accomplishes to genocide?
01:23 PM
Video memes are a lot harder to make, well unless if there are some easy head swapping programs out there. I've not done video memes yet. But the ones on Friday Night Tight, the intro section, are awesome.
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Find me on other websites, other places, as well
01:07 PM
I bought a flip phone which I like because it's waterproof. For Internet, I use a laptop. But for phones, I prefer simple.
What happened to Steem?
By the way, Steemit currently has this weird editor thing when you go to post, I'm glad people can join Hive Blog.
When I post to Steemit, I include links going back to Hive Blog.
Regarding danger vs freedom?
Living dangerous is part of a purpose that humans have in exploring freewill. It's not that it is good to do bad. And we can do bad. And that is not good.
But it's like life is dangerous and we can seek after safety and such. And yet life is dangerous and it is often the men who must risk their lives to preserve safety, freedom, etc. Oddly, masks are killing people. Zinc is saving people.
Defying Fate
For over a century, we have been void of enough lesser of two evils especially in America and some cases longer than a century.
Rothschild is not the only force out there, well unless if Rothschild is your way of vaguely saying the powers that be. The world we live in today isn't totally the same as it was a century ago.
Neoliberalism and neoconservatism (RINOism) are all rooted from the powers that be. I share Alex Jones with the world. If you're not sharing Project Veritas, if you're not trying to stop child trafficking, rape, murder, you're missing out on history.
If you're not comparing the fall of Europe and America with the fall of Rome, you're missing out on opportunities in helping people see patterns in history and how humans can defy fate itself.
Does Michigan realize masks violate the 4th amendment among other rights?
The problem is if you put a mask under a microscope, you would not believe what you will see if you blow on the mask and look at it closely. I'm not going to tell you right now what so many people are finding on masks.
Cops are legally forbidden to enforce masks because it violates the 4th amendment, HIPPA, and other rights, other laws, commerce laws, etc. Police are breaking the law. Plus the mask mandates are not laws as laws are NOT passed by governors of states but must be passed by legislature of each state, that is how laws are passed.
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Banned Video
And that is just one of the MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY CITIES with facilities which are paid hundreds of millions of dollars each to SMUGGLE CHILDREN.
Economic Invasion
In the 1600s, people were getting sick from mosquitoes but the British empire classified that information because they don't want people to know how they can be free, it is a war on information as always.
British would put lime in their beer, that was the secret to their health for over 200 years, that is how they were able to fight & win against the Spanish and other countries too who were so weak.
Since the 1600s, many countries MOCKED England for the SILLY LIMES, but it really was the SECRET TO THEIR HEALTH.
Time Keeper
12:30 AM - THE ALEX JONES SHOW (APR 18, 2021)
Gorg Foid. Many people don't know a few things about it. You must tell them around five things. ONLY U CAN. I mean George Floyd.
The Nevers
2021-04-19 - Monday - 01:56 AM - 02:59 AM - The Nevers 102
This girl touches a polar bear statue and it floats for a few seconds and then crashes. WHen there is a Touched Person, people scream and then police try to find them and stop them. I do NOT believe in Search Warrants. Her best friend tries to turn her in. She runs away.
The Touch
Health Ranger
09:52 AM - Situation Update, April 19th, 2021 - REPORT: The game-changing Tulsa health freedom event
Around 5,000 people met for a freedom conference these past few days in Tulsa, no masks, no social distancing, no injections, and no sickness.
An apple a day does keep the doctor away. How can I be healthier? Just eat an apple before a meal. The fiber is crucial.
Ron Gibson
How did USSR take over Russia?
Oklahoma City Bombing, 26 years ago.
If Facebook encourages me to promote something that kills people, does that make both us accomplishes to genocide?
Russia became the USSR as they came promising free money, equality, safety, and then tens of millions of people died.
01:36 PM
Boys performing at Strip Club with Drag Queens.
Ron Gibson
Distribution Proxy
Don't forget to read the disclaimer at the bottom of their own disclaimer is another disclaimer like a mirror.
03:43 PM
CURIOUS-GEORGE: "I can't breathe." He said this in the car MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MINUTES BEFORE he was on the ground. Overdose death. I said CURIOUS GEORGE, ok Facebook, a fictional cartoon monkey. Let's burn down cities. Ban anybody who talks about this. Delete my account. Throw me in prison for exposing the truth.
Free Your Mind
1775-04-19 - Shot heard around the world.
Free Your Mind
Johnny Depp was in a movie. You wouldn't believe what he is holding.
Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching
Banned Video
Time Keeper
12:30 AM - THE ALEX JONES SHOW (APR 18, 2021)
The Nevers
2021-04-19 - Monday - 01:56 AM - 02:59 AM - The Nevers 102
Martinez Perspective
Stefan Molyneux
Health Ranger
09:52 AM - Situation Update, April 19th, 2021 - REPORT: The game-changing Tulsa health freedom event
12:34 PM - BEHIND THE SCENES of the star-studded Tulsa health freedom event
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Ron Gibson
Free Your Mind
Free Your Mind
Dear diary, got up at 9:30 AM, sunny day. She said he was out. Mom talked about plants and planting and gardening and trials and error, her lessons, what she plants. She tends to do this each day. Interesting my parents are becoming parents and it could be something that is passed on from generation to generation as opposed to say having farmer ancestors and having the farms passed on from there. Like a new family tradition in a good way. It is good when people are farmers and more should do it. Cliff said Sunday some plants maybe got sick. So, you stick bleach on some of the pots first. Was putting green wiring on the new fence we put up yesterday and we snaked in a new watering hose for the raspberries all the way in around 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM, all of that, around 2 hours or longer. Good walk over around 5 to 6 PM. Stopped by Heritage. Put in 60. Now got around 528.38. Something like that. Pizza. New video game like Paper Mario with bunnies. Rabbit Luigi and Peach. Wait and God waits and so did he. Like a long time. But sooner than later. Better late than never. Volleyball net thrown away but could have been fixed. Good game. Toss around and then the special game like monkey in the middle with many people and a volley ball. Nap around 8 to 9:30 PM.
Food log
Breakfast: banana, coffee, yogurt smoothy, 9:40 AM.
Lunch: potatoes on green beans chicken beans soup, 12:24 PM.
Dinner: pizza, 6 PM. Salmon, soup, shrimp, 9:35 PM.
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