Child is the Most Beautiful Treasure

in #joel7 years ago


Family life is a gift of God that must be lived by human beings. How many treasures and high positions possessed by a person, but this life will feel empty and empty if you do not have family and children as a liar.

"Marry you so that you breed because I will be proud on the Day of Judgment due to my people and followers a lot", (H. R Abd Razak).

Marriage is not only in forming a family in which the child gets a gift, but marriage is also a door of sustenance for someone.

"Marry you because the marriage will add to your rezkimu", (H. R Hakim and Abu Daud).

The child is a gift of God that is so high value, he is a jewelry in the family who can become a tired healer after working harder bone, he as a motivation for parents to continue to work to survive, even to the children the parents hang thousands of hope for the future, every parents want their children to be more established, richer, smarter, even more noble than themselves before the human and the Creator.

"The treasures and the children are the jewelry of the life of the world but the everlasting works of righteousness are better than the reward of the sight of your Lord and better to be a hope" (Q. S Al Kahf: 46).

The position of a child in a family is a mandate that must be maintained, administered, placed, educated, and given comfort, so that he gets the right for him.

"Verily thy wealth and thy sons are but a trial (amanah), and beside Allah is the great reward", (Q. S At Taghabun: 15).

The child is also a door for parents to gain happiness in the world and the hereafter, and also it becomes a way for parents to fall into the destruction of the world and the hereafter.

Children As Trustees

The gift of the child who is the trust of Allah SWT should be treated well, never menyianyiakan child, because if the child is not guarded properly and do not treat it like the provisions of syara ', then this is a dausa Allah SWT.

Giving a spiritual and physical need is an obligation for parents to educate their spirits so that they can receive a proper education so they can recognize themselves, recognize their God, recognize their parents, recognize their friends, and recognize what environment is suitable for mingling. Then provide halal food that is nutritious for the growth process of children, so that children can grow fertile and healthy.

Maintain and care not only for the world, but parents must keep and keep them from falling into hell.

"O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your family from the fires of hell whose fuel is human and stone; the guardian of the angels who are harsh, loud, and disobeying Allah against what He has commanded them and always do what is commanded ", (Surah S At-Tahrim: 6).

But so many parents do not know how to treat a mandate, so by getting a child mostly negligent, either because it is too pampering or too let it, so their presence causes parents to forget to remember God. Too busy in seeking rizki to support them so that parents sometimes leave their obligations to God.

"O ye who believe! Let not your wealth and your children forsake you from the remembrance of Allah. whoever does so they are the losers "(Q. S Al Munafiqun: 9).

In terms of babysitting, the parents should pay attention to the education of children well, and in providing education there are levels. So parents should know what education is first given to their children.

The first thing that needs to be taught to children is to listen to the Quran readings, this is since it is still in the womb until it has been born and become big. Then familiarize the child to say and hear the phrase tauhid and understand the meaning if he has been able to understand it.

It instills the love of the child to Allah and His Messenger, this is to cultivate a strong faith, so that he is able to understand and accept any destiny from Allah, so that he is always optimistic in living this life.

Provide examples of the example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in educating his character, so that he has a noble character, so he will be easy to get along and accepted in community life.

Then provide formal education as a child, by choosing a good school, this greatly affects the character of the child. Because the nature of formal education is not only a place to transfer knowledge, but more inclined to coaching the child's personality.

The Relationship of Children to Parents Never Breaks

Children and parents are very close bonds, the relationship between the two will never break, even if one of them is dead. Parents will be able to feel what their children do in this world, so that he will get a blessing if his son did good.

"When a son of Adam dies, break his deeds except for three things; almsgiving, a beneficial science, and a pious son who prays for him ", (H. R Muslim).

Making a pious child is the responsibility of parents, in addition to providing a solid religious education also by praying to God, a pious child he will always pray to God for his parents, and he is also the eye conditioner.

"And those who say:" Our Lord, grant us our wives and our descendants as our hearts, and make us priests for the righteous "(Surah Al Furqan: 74) .

The relationship of both is a lasting relationship, so do not ever menyiakan them, in addition to religion, the state also requires parents to provide proper places, clothing and education, we should never sacrifice them for the sake of the moment.

Guiding them to success in the world and the hereafter is a priceless bliss. And may we really become parents as expected by the Quran and as the guidance of Rasulullah SAW.

"And those who believe, and whose offspring follow them in the faith, we connect their children and grandchildren with them, and we do not diminish one bit of the reward of their deeds. every man is bound by what he does ", (Q. S At Thuur: 21)

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