Do you know the Biden family history? Who were Neilia and Naomi? Do you know Joe's daughter Ashley's husband got Obama's stamp of approval for a Health startup and it became a For Profit? His Co has advised on Cv. Conflict of Interest? You Decide!

in #joebiden4 years ago (edited)

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The Accident
The way Answers Africa states it. ..

While the family was rejoicing over Joe's new senatorial election in 1972. The newly elected senator went to the office to interview prospective employees to fill in vacancies while Nelia and the children went Christmas shopping.

According to reports on the 18th of December 1972, her vehicle was hit by a truck carrying corncobs. For reasons unknown Neilia was holding the baby (Naomi) and was hit by a truck driven by Curtis C. Dunn which was coming down a long hill. Although she had a stop sign, the truck driver did not.

Nelia, whose face was turned away from the oncoming truck drove into it's path and was killed alongside her baby girl in the fatal accident. Beau and Hunter also suffered serious injuries when they both recovered from spending months in the hospital.

Think about it, 1972 so Beau would have only been around 3 and Hunter 2 years old.

Some allege Joe tried to claim the truck driver was drunk, but according to Answers Africa and others, None of the police reports claim this and Dunn was never accused of any wrong doing.

From a logical point of view, Neilia had a stop sign and the truck driver did not so would not have been expecting her to not look and pull out in front of him.

Very interesting. ..Stargab is reporting this wrong because this cannot be Neilia in this photo as she died back in 1972 when her boys were just toddlers and her daughter Naomi a baby.

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Another reminder to be discerning as these photos would have to be of his second wife Jill. Take a look for yourself.
DisCERNment is Key!

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According to The Sun,

JILL Biden’s ex-husband claims she had an affair with Joe Biden while still being married to him.

Her ex-husband, Bill Stevenson claims that both Joe and Jill lied about how they fell in love after meeting on a blind date.

Prior to marrying Joe, Jill was married to Bill Stevenson, a former college football player.

He and Jill worked together and founded the Stone Balloon, one of the most popular bars near the University of Delaware.

Stevenson claims Jill and Joe had an affair while he and Jill were still married and that Biden lied when he claimed they met on a blind date.

Jill's ex-husband also mentioned that he is going to publish a tell-all book about their marriage will "blow the lid off the sham story."

Now here is where there are parallels to the stories circulating about Jill being the Biden's babysitter.

Stevenson claims that both him and Jill were working on-then New Castle County Councilman for Biden's first campaign for the Senate.

He suspected that Jill was involved with Biden after he had to go out of town to meet Bruce Springsteen and Jill did not want to go, as she had offered to watch Biden’s kids.

“Then one of her best friends told me she thought Joe and Jill were getting a little too close. I was surprised that she came to me,” Stevenson added.

Stevenson and Jill divorced in 1975 - two years later, she married Biden.

oe and Jill married in 1977 and have a daughter named Ashley, born in 1981.

Jill became stepmother to Joe’s two young sons from his first marriage, Beau and Hunter, after their mother and baby sister died in a car accident in 1972.

Joe's second daughter is Ashley who was born June 8, 1981

She and her husband have benefited financially also as have many members of Joe's family from him being a "public servant" according to the New York Post,

It would be a dream for any new company to announce their launch in the Oval Office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

StartUp Health is an investment consultancy based out of New York City, and in June 2011, the company barely had a website. The firm was the brainchild of three siblings from Philadelphia. Steven Krein is CEO and co-founder, while his brother, Dr. Howard Krein, serves as chief medical officer. Sister Bari serves as the firm’s chief strategy officer. A friend named Unity Stoakes is a co-founder and serves as president.

StartUp Health was barely up and running when, in June 2011, two of the company’s executives were ushered into the Oval Office of the White House. They met with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

The following day, the new company would be featured at a large health care tech conference being run by the US Department of Health and Human Services, and StartUp Health executives became regular visitors to the White House, attending events in 2011, 2014 and 2015.

How did StartUp Health gain access to the highest levels of power in Washington? There was nothing particularly unique about the company, but for this:

The chief medical officer of StartUp Health, Howard Krein, is married to Joe Biden’s youngest daughter, Ashley.

How Ashley's (Joe Biden's daughter) husband gained access and benefits from Joe Biden's vice presidency.

“I happened to be talking to my father-in-law that day and I mentioned Steve and Unity were down there [in Washington, DC],” recalled Howard Krein. “He knew about StartUp Health and was a big fan of it. He asked for Steve’s number and said, ‘I have to get them up here to talk with Barack.’ The Secret Service came and got Steve and Unity and brought them to the Oval Office.”

StartUp Health offers to provide new companies technical and relationship advice in exchange for a stake in the business. Demonstrating and highlighting the fact that you can score a meeting with the president of the United States certainly helps prove a strategic company asset: high-level contacts.

Interesting Howard. tell us more!

Vice President Joe Biden continued to help Krein promote his company at several appearances through his last months in the White House, including one in January 2017, where he made a surprise showing at the StartUp Health Festival in San Francisco. The corporate event, open only to StartUp Health members, enabled the 250 people in attendance to chat in a closed session with the vice president.

Awe, so very special!. Especially when you have Special Connections!

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Very Interesting!

When you try to load this you get an error for one and the other. . .

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Let's see how they did this year, shall we?
Interesting wording and Very Interesting "networking!" That's Always a clue in! Be leery of people using certain terms because Guess who else was heavily involved in JP Morgan?

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They must be doing Pretty Well, this Startup Health because this festival is sold out according to their website.
Take a look for yourself and what they are all about!

ooh look here he is check 2nd image, 2nd row with other buddies from his Company dad in law helped further.
First image is to show what this line up is for.

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Check it out for yourself

Odd or Not so odd? You decide as I get errors for much of these links. I wonder why? What is there they so desperately need Hidden?

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Happened upon this! Looks like they forgot to scrub so will archive!

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Now do You see what I see? Of course you do!
Steven Krein

And so it begins to unfold!

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If you pop over to his linkedin you will see this. . .

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The Hunt doesn't take long!

Take a look at his top influencers and interests.

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I know you're Not Surprised!

From 10 years ago.

Steven Krein talks about the new WisdomCards and the Expert Health Graph. Matthew Holt THCB & Health 2.0 interviews....

Steven & Howard Krein Champion 10 Global Health Moonshots at the Vatican's Unite to Cure Conference

Hear Howard, his son in law mention the Biden Cancer Initiative in here at about 1:24

Sure does fit the globalist formula doesn't it? Create the Chaos (disaster, pandemic, upheaval) then swoop in with the Cure as Saviors who also garnish a Ton of Profits and surprise, surprise not only a cost to the victims. ..but more Controls, regulations. Goodbye more freedom for your salvation and cure!

Whoa. ..he Literally states, one of our partners. . .Google!

Bringing it directly at this point!

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In March, as Covid-19 began spreading in the United States, the investment firm, StartUp Health, unveiled a new coronavirus initiative soliciting pitches from entrepreneurs with products that addressed the outbreak.

The next month, reports in Bloomberg and the New York Times listed Krein among those participating in daily calls to brief Biden on health policy during the pandemic, while StartUp Health announced its intention to invest $1 million across 10 startups with coronavirus applications within 30 days.

“StartUp Health is putting the full support of its platform and network behind building a post-Covid world that uses technology and entrepreneurial ingenuity to improve health outcomes,” the firm said at the time.

Krein simultaneously advising the campaign and venturing into Covid investing could pose conflict-of-interest concerns for a Biden administration or simply create the awkward appearance of Krein profiting off his father-in-law’s policies. Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, the federal government has directed tens of billions of dollars in coronavirus medical spending in areas like testing and vaccine research to private firms. It is poised to spend billions more next year and possibly beyond.

That video link above. ..ends with them speaking about Chills up the Spine and then Howard tells what he thinks about, but all I see is Chills and giddiness due to the Amount of Profits to be Made!

Bringing it at exact time. .

Do their smiles parallel those of Joe Biden, John Kerry and Barry Sotero when doing deals in China, Ukraine and making mind blowing profits?

Sort of reminded me. ..

Find more info here in under 7 min. set to Stellar music!

What is going on? How many people connected to Epstein? Epstein connected to Biden Deal?

From a MeWe Memoirs Post Fully Soured

I know my ears perk up when I hear globalists dedicated to a StartUp Health initiative. ..

Stating it has a Biden Cancer initiative as one of it's Major components for their "Moonshots"

And in the mix they are speaking of the Vatican? Yikes!

This is Howard Krein, son in law to Joe Biden. Swung a deal and said Joe got them into the White House. That's handy for a Health Start up don't you think.

Were they put in place with others Knowing there were profits to be made on a certain pandemic? You decide!

This is how Politico put it. . .Yes MSM, so the haters can keep on wailing, but This is verified even by their own Corporate owned media!

At the same time that Joe Biden’s son-in-law, Howard Krein, has been advising Biden’s campaign on its coronavirus response, Krein’s venture capital business has been running a special initiative to invest in health care startups that offer solutions to the pandemic.

In March, as Covid-19 began spreading in the United States, the investment firm, StartUp Health, unveiled a new coronavirus initiative soliciting pitches from entrepreneurs with products that addressed the outbreak.

Krein simultaneously advising the campaign and venturing into Covid investing could pose conflict-of-interest concerns for a Biden administration or simply create the awkward appearance of Krein profiting off his father-in-law’s policies.

The potential conflicts are not limited to the coronavirus for Krein, 53, a Philadelphia-based head-and-neck surgeon who got into venture investing not long after he began dating Biden’s daughter, Ashley, in 2010.

language that echoes that of Joe Biden’s own signature Cancer Moonshot initiative. In its early years, the firm enjoyed close ties to the Obama administration and described Krein as a White House adviser.

Krein’s brother described it as an “initiative ... to inspire entrepreneurship in health and wellness.” Coverage of the launch described it as a “a health-specific variation on Startup America,” the Obama administration’s entrepreneurship initiative, which worked with a nonprofit arm, Startup America Partnership.

The day before the launch, Krein’s brother scored a meeting with Obama and Biden in the Oval Office. Krein told the Philadelphia Business Journal that Biden was “a big fan” of StartUp Health and had arranged the Oval Office meeting when Krein mentioned to his father-in-law that his business partners were in Washington. Krein’s brother told the Business Journal that he used the meeting to let Obama know the administration’s health reforms offered a potential “treasure trove” to health startups. “The President loved it and it became a talking point for him,” Krein’s brother told the publication.

See what all Biden has been involved in as his son in law speaks about their "health" co which has a partnership with Google.

Don't forget, as pointed out in a MeWe Memoirs thread. ..Howard's father Steven's main influencer as verified on his Linkedin page is Bill Gates. If that gives you a warm and fuzzy, you should see my other deep dives on the Gate's family history and what Africa and Indian doctors have Proven he has done. Not to mention what he said himself about Decreasing the population. His words, not mine!

YT has given me a strike. This is from my backup channel on Bitchute. Stay Strong and Vigilant out there Fine Warriors!

According to National File,

"The author then explored why she felt this need to have sex, saying she believes she was molested as a child.

“Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma,” wrote the author, before listing a series of potential incidents, one of which may have included Ashley Biden’s cousin Caroline Biden, as the author says she remembers “being somewhat sexualized” alongside a person named “Caroline.”

See a video here that is under 7min. maps out much of the Biden fam corruption and is set to Stellar Music.
One deal leads straight to a firm Epstein used to work for!

What is going on? How many people connected to Epstein? Epstein connected to Biden Deal?

See how this land Joe's brother, James purchased has a Fort with underground rooms verified by a tourist group in the Virgin Islands. The Fort on Water Island was set up to guard and protect a submarine base on St. Thomas, which is located Directly Across from Little St. James which was one of Epstein's islands. See photos, footage and evidence with Politico as a backup source about the owned land. Joe was known to vacation there!

Little St James near Fort Segarra known Tunnels built for Submarine base near Epstein Island, Biden

See a video here that is under 7min. maps out much of the Biden fam corruption and is set to Stellar Music.
One deal leads straight to a firm Epstein used to work for!

What is going on? How many people connected to Epstein? Epstein connected to Biden Deal?

See how this land Joe's brother, James purchased has a Fort with underground rooms verified by a tourist group in the Virgin Islands. The Fort on Water Island was set up to guard and protect a submarine base on St. Thomas, which is located Directly Across from Little St. James which was one of Epstein's islands. See photos, footage and evidence with Politico as a backup source about the owned land. Joe was known to vacation there!

Little St James near Fort Segarra known Tunnels built for Submarine base near Epstein Island, Biden

The Hunter/s become the huntED

Records of conversations testifying to international corruption are out!
Here is a Facebook Frames of some of what has been revealed.
Will drop prior research throughout and in comments.
I will also be dropping the video footage from the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU).
Do you suppose MSM will Now report what many #anons and independent news channels have been reporting for over 2 years now.
Thank God they are releasing documents and asking the right questions for the allegations and documented evidence of missing taxpayer's money concerning billions.
See who Biden is linked to in attempting to hide who who was involved with and the evidenced bribery.


Facebook Frames Do you trust Bill Gates to Help you or Harm you?

Facebook Frames American Eugenics Society now known under another name, back in the day Mrs. E. H. Harriman established the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) at Cold Spring Harbor, the ERO eventually became part of the Department of Genetics.

Facebook Frames October 25, 2020 the face of corruption and what lies beneath!
9 days Make it Count!
See the memo from Jim Biden Key Phase One Domestic Contacts with links.

Facebook Frames, The Truth about Caged Children with verified evidence including their own msm sources!

Part of the Greatest Intel Operation ever Seen!
Thank you for the Front Row Seat STELLAR!
Go We the People!
Gen. Flynn stated it Best. . .Irregular warfare at it's Finest!
Able to be carried out because all Warriors across the United States and world wide have been dedicated to working together for Years.

From GEORGEnews
The White House Communications Agency: The Voice of The PRESIDENT.

Very Interesting Verification!
a 3+ seen on the White House footage of the released 60 min. vid.

Footage taken from the White House on GEORGEnews Channel
RAW 60 Minutes Interview with President Trump: Lesley Stahl is SHOCKING!

Well worth the listen on here,

Some of the latest from Intel drops.
Looks like we are only 10 days away from the Election of All Elections!
Go forth and have no fear!
2 Timothy 1:7
7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
It's our time to make a move!
On you've all been On IT!
Go Midnight Riders, Guardians of Children, Patriots.
United We STAND!

So here we go again.
October 22, 2020
12 days prior to the Election of All Elections!
From some of the latest intel drops.
Thank you prayer warriors and those who share out the info.
Typhoon Investigations

The YT attacks against Free Speech even when one has their corporate MSM sources for evidence. . .it's a No Go unless you are one of them! The Truth with verified source links is Now called harassing and bullying. Never mind our side doesn't name call and they do, yet they are free to keep spewing their hate as long as they are Not President Trump Supporters.

So they pulled Ob@_@ out last night to do a speech for you know who.
Here he is in the Keystone state talking about 13 days left to election and 13 being their "Lucky" number! Oh we KNOW BS we Know about the original 13! You might be calling on their powers, but we call on a power much higher and greater!
Nothing like telling us who is in charge of Their game! The verse John 8:44 so two eternal numbers to boot!
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
I'm afraid we Already had your number a Long Time ago BS (b@rry Sot*ro), but thanks for signaling to your peeps and trying more of your "spell casting!"

Night Shift.
Will be back in the morning to source. I'm out after this.
Last 3 intel drops with connectors.
Not a Drill as told earlier. . .Coming back in to put the remaining drops from this evening. . .a Lot being revealed all at once.
It appears this is where a great deal will intersect!
You will want to flip all the way through. Will drop more verification tomorrow. Stay Safe, Stay Vigilant as I know all of you Warriors do!

Very interesting footage Tara Reade and seeing the inside of Bi*e_'s Senate office. One of the same guys who claimed she didn't work there was her supervisor and in the footage. Whoa!

Videos from inside Joe Biden's senate office in the 1990's | 60 Minutes Australia

Can't drop all source link lest they jail me even though it is from one of the Oldest Newspapers out there. Same Newspaper that published JFKjr's 1977 Cessna Skyline what they titled as "Creepy E-Auction" and mentioned at the beginning how it was one of the "Eeriest Auctions in American History!"
So managed to get both Creepy and Eerie in at the same time and lo and behold. ..there is a Ranker article out there on 15 Eerie Details and Theories of the Montauk Project and Camp Hero.
Wouldn't be so Eerie, except that JFKjr, with sister, cousins and their mothers. ..Jackie and Lee went to Montauk in 1972 when Jr. was 12 and Anthony Radziwill his cousin was 13 (who died 25 days after Jr.'s disappearance). They stayed at the Andy Warhol Compound, Eothen (means First Light in Greek) with other celebrities film producers like. . .
Peter Beard, he ended up "wandering away" from his Montauk home according to local reports and was simply never found this past March of 2020. Perhaps we can add that to the Eerie factor.

Records of conversations testifying to international corruption are out!
Here is a Facebook Frames of some of what has been revealed.
Will drop prior research throughout and in comments.
I will also be dropping the video footage from the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU).
Do you suppose MSM will Now report what many #anons and independent news channels have been reporting for over 2 years now.
Thank God they are releasing documents and asking the right questions for the allegations and documented evidence of missing taxpayer's money concerning billions.
See who Biden is linked to in attempting to hide who who was involved with and the evidenced bribery.

Timeline of corruption Regarding China Trade deal phase 1 Forbes reported back in January 2020,

See the series of photos where the Sisters who look to be twins or perhaps they are considered Irish Twins like my Sis and I due to closeness in age. . . and I FEEL for these girls in that moment! Footage is provided inside.

Facebook Frames American Pie do you have Faith In God Above?
Can music save your mortal soul?

Facebook Frames Kidnapping Attempt of JFKjr and a letter allegedly from Jr stating the then Sen. Biden was a Traitor Verified in the FBI Vault Evidence and source links given.
Personally delivered by a Special Agent (SA) on Sept. 8, 1994 so 9/8. . .1994
Delivered to then Senator Joseph Biden
At U.S. Capitol Building
Letter dated August 26, 1994 so 9/26. . .1994
The beginning of the letter stated,

Dear Sen. Biden: You are a Traitor.

Super Patriots noticing how they remove Truth!

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Goodbye BYDN?
What is playing out in Real Time?
You decide!
Looks like the Language is CLEAR!
How are they going to reAct now?
What goes down Before the 11th hour?
Let's see what happens!

Thank you for this Fine Patriot Victor Balbin

When you have to use The Explainer in your headline.
Would that be a possible Tell?

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Facebook Frames When you have to use The Explainer in your headline.
Would that be a possible Tell?

Resurrection Chamber of Gilgamesh in Hillary Docu's?
While you were sleeping or America was sleeping and just trying to take care of their families. ..
Shows how much was going on!
Source links throughout for ties and connectors.
From Hillary Clinton emails to FOIA requests. ..pretty involved.
Random ventures or. . .does All eventually Connect?
You be the judge.

Appealed on a videos taken from these articles which are Fully Sourced. ..

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UPDATE 6.01.2021

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