Working My Regular Job Am - I earning a living or wasting my life.

in #jobs7 years ago

June 26, 2017
Yes I am one of those people that has a regular full time job with benefits. I’m not complaining or saying that it is a bad thing but I often wonder if I’m wasting my life.
The time is spend at this place is time in my life that will not be recovered. However I am trading this time for money which enables me to have a pretty decent standard of living. By no means am I making a lot of money by working, but I don’t miss any meals and always have a roof over my head and money to support my transportation.
I get paid every two weeks and have never had a problem getting my funds. That being said I have several friends that don’t have regular jobs. They can get by working part time but have family support that assists with their income.
I don’t hate my job but I also don’t hate it. (most of the time I don’t love it).
Often I wonder what I could do to earn a good living and also have the feeling that I’m doing what I WANT to do with my time.
When I think about what I would want to do all day long 40+ hours a week. The answer comes to me but the answer is not a solution.
There is NOTHING that I WANT to do for 40 plus hours a week 5 days a week every week for years and years. Even some of my favorite activities like playing in rock bands, smoking cigars, or even watching movies.
I’ve had times where work was scarce but money was plentiful. This however was unsustainable, but even during those times I still wondered what do I do with my time.
Knowing that I’m not going to live forever and being middle aged, these are still questions that run through my mind “what am I doing with my time here on earth? & how do I make my life valuable for me and humanity in general?”
For now I’m going to continue with my job, collect my pay, and keep as positive an attitude about it as I can.
I imagine that there are many people with these same thoughts and feelings.


We, humans, are not meant to be working in the manner that we do. Society dictates that in order to maintain order, you must keep people busy with mundane tasks. "Idle hands do the devil's work". When we are bored, we act out. Think about how you acted in college with all of your extensive free time!

The best balance is to find something where you at least sometimes feel self-achievement, and to find a place where you enjoy working with the people around you. That will make your work-life more manageable and hopefully you're earning a living wage from the experience.

At least that's my $0.02 (which is currently powered down to $0.01, sorry).


Wise words!

Thank you :) I get lucky sometimes!

Thank you! I agree I'm working in the "system" and enjoying the interactions with people is so important and that is so often overlooked.

The people aspect is the most important, in my opinion. We are a social species and need meaningful interpersonal relationships to thrive!

Work is work. However, if you had all the time to do what you love, would you appreciate it more? When I get off work, I like all the time off I get and it makes me feel like I can go back and accomplish more. I don't know what I would do with all the time off. Would I look to have my needs fulfilled some other way? Collect the pay and live like everyone else until you retire. Then, you can fully relax.

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