Emails af 13. june 2018, i forbindelse med min søn - Emails related to my son to the mother and a lawyer.
Hej Lasse,
Sarah Pedersen heter jag och jag har fått ditt namn och telefonnummer från advokat Jenny Jörwall.
Jag har förstått att det gäller din sons rätt till umgänge med dig.
Jag bokar gärna in en timmes rådgivning med dig, för att dels gå igenom ärendet, dels diskutera eventuella åtgärder. En inledande timme kostar 1 700 kr och betalas med kort innan mötet.
Hur ser din kalender ut kommande vecka? Jag har möjlighet nästa onsdag 20/6, någon gång under eftermiddagen, dock senast kl. 15.30.
Återkom med om du vill boka in ett möte, och om det inte fungerar den eftermiddagen, maila gärna egna förslag på dagar/tider.
Med vänlig hälsning,
Sarah Pedersen
Jur kand
Adacta advokatbyrå
For Joanne:
They want me to pay 1700 sek for one hour..
Joanne will you please stop this BS!!!??
We both know that we get nothing out of the illegitimate court... its just destruction.
Hej Sarah Pedersen,
Ved de tidligere advokater som har været involveret i denne barne sag, har jeg ikke skullet betale for et indledende møde, derfor er dette nyt for mig.
Da der stort set ikke er flere advokater tilbage i Malmö tilbage og jeg ikke har andre muligheder end at henvende mig til dette monopolistiske statslige retsystem i håbet om at se min søn igen, har jeg jo intet andet valg end at betale de 1700 SEK.
Jeg er anarkokapitalist og anser staten for at være illegitim, men da "staten" og jer som arbejder for den, har magten i det nuværende samfund, forsøger jeg at overholde de abitrære love som er udstikket.
Med håbet om at få almindeligt samvær med min 9 årige søn, accepterer jeg mødet onsdag 20/6 og foreslår at mødes kl 12.30 på jeres kontor i Malmø. Jeg vil dog gerne vide inden at jeg betaler, hvor meget I forventer jeg vil skulle betale for hele sagen og om jeg skal betale forud hver gang, idet jeg tidligere skulle betale Elisabeth Ask Lundgren bagefter, fik meget retshjælp fra staten og kunne endda betale på afbetaling, hvilket jeg ikke benyttede mig af. Herudover kan jeg oplyse at jeg har betalt alle advokat regninger i forbindelse med Angelo, siden dette helvede startede i 2010, netop fordi jeg har prioriteret at holder kontakten med min søn for at kunne beskytte ham mod og oplyse ham om den forfærdelige verden vi lever i.
Lasse Ehlers
Sent for Joanne today also:
Do you know how much shit I have been through??
The people working at dagis/school treating me bad, like a non person.
And 5-10 lawyers that I had to explain myself to and 15 employers since I meet you.
Cant we just end this crap and agree on every second weekend???
My current employer is tolerable so fare (not that it is his fault that the state is a slavefarm, I just hate the fact that I am a slave), and I can work two days a week after 2-4 months working alot.. then combine with 'a kasse'.
I am leaning towards that the earth is flat, because of I know about masons and satanic lies, sun spots, the moons cold light, nasa's fake videos, fake moon landing and much more.
I see that most people will not even questioning the planet.
I have known about the corrupt money system since 2004, and tried to live outside if it as much as possible as you know. So it was easier for me to questiob the ball earth.
Also the philosophy of anarkokapitalism makes perfect sense for me, the non aggression principle, no state, taxation is theft and so on all resonate with all I know about life and humans.
In effect then you are violating the non aggression principle by using the illegitimate state and state courts to take Angelo from me. Meaning the you are a criminal according to the NAP and anarchocapitalism. Please think about that and agree on every second weekend as it is a common compromise in this hellish society of statism.
Please respond fast, as my head and body is suffering from not knowing when I will see Angelo again.
Joanne, what I have been through in the "umgåsen" was completely wrong on the part of the people "working there"... of course I get upsat if they treat me and my son without respect and they suddenly want to end it all for no reason at all.. these people are corrupt people, doing nothing but harm in the world.
And you Joanne, you have been beating me up with other people through the use of the coversive corrupt state power that you got granted by the corrupt system, because they want to ruin fathers that dont follow their orders of the system.
Its a slave farm.
Joanne, I dont know if I will pay 1700 SEK to a corrupt criminal "lawyer" in a monopolistic statism system, that clearly dont do anything good for anybody, just destruction.
You must be delussional if you dont understand the above.
Will you please respond and I it is a very simple compromise that I am asking for, every second weekend!!!???