Hidden Heaven Shards on Borneo Earth

in #jjangjjangman6 years ago

For those of you who want a vacation to East Kalimantan, don't forget to stop by Mangku Hajj Cave bro! Because you will get a panoramic view and beautiful natural pesoan. Don't believe it? Just look at the information below!

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For you who have a hobby of snorkeling, you must be happy because there is an area or spot in the East Kalimantan region. There you can get a beautiful natural panorama and you can only get it there. The area is the Mangku Haji Cave located on Maratua Island. Well, to find out more information about this one tourist destination, just look at the facts and uniqueness that you need to know below.

Indeed Derawan Islands itself always presents a natural tourist destination that always makes many travelers willing to spend their energy and time to come and feel directly with the beauty that these islands offer. One such beauty is this cave. Gua Haji Mangku itself is located about ten meters from the north shore of Maratua Beach. The atmosphere and exoticism of this cave are also the main reasons why it is often visited by both domestic and foreign travelers.

Well, than you are increasingly curious about the facts about what is in this cave, and the facts. Hopefully it can be useful so that your vacation gets more colorful bro!

Travel Destinations for Mangku Hajj Cave - Beautiful Natural Enchantment

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Talking about the natural charm contained in this cave is not a doubt anymore, because you will see a miracle that you would never have thought before. Indeed, for the most famous tourist attraction in East Kalimantan itself is Labuan Cermin, but if you have visited this cave, maybe you will change your mind.

With natural beauty and authenticity from this area, it is also another reason why many of the travelers who want to keep coming to this place. Not only that, the clear water is another reason. Yes, you will find a very clear blue light water.

Lo will also be greeted with cave lips that form like a natural pond stretching with the beautiful water. Indeed, not a few people who think that this cave keeps a mystical atmosphere, but it will also disappear when you ventured to dive into the clear water.

Travel Destinations for Mangku Hajj Cave - Dive the Cave

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Yes, to know the beauty of this tourist destination, of course you have to go through diving into the waters. For those of you who have a hobby of snorkeling, this area is like a hidden paradise. Because even in this brackish waters there is a view that is not worth the price.

Apart from that, the extent of the waters in the cave has become a special excitement when you explore. As there is no end bro, the beauty will continue to make you stunned. The feeling or mystical atmosphere that you feel when you first see this region will disappear instantly if you manage to see the beauty that is down there.

Well, to still be in the brackish waters there are also two ways. You can jump directly from the top of the cave or enter through the mouth of the cave, half of which is covered with water. For the best time to visit this cave is during the day, because at that time the sun's light will enter the cave and even penetrate to the inside of the cave. So that the beauty of this cave will be even more visible if you come during the daytime.

Tourist Destinations Cave Haji Mangku - Located on a Cliff

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The uniqueness that is owned by this tourist spot is to be on a cliff that forms a cave. Then inside there is a waters that have been discussed in the previous point. This also became a magnet for the Mangku Hajj Cave for travelers.

So you will get a view and atmosphere like you were swimming in ancient times. That atmosphere will be a unique experience that is hard to forget in your life. The view of the color of the lake or the water in the cave is so beautiful. Just imagine that you will see a combination of dark blue that occasionally mixes with young turquoise blue to become an exotic value when you visit there.

Apart from that, its location in the forest interior also makes the water in this fund cold and very refreshing. So you will always be comfortable and at home to linger in this water. Has it begun to be attracted yet to come to this one tourist destination?

Travel Destinations for Mangku Hajj Cave - Origin of the Name of the Cave

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This cave that has exotic natural beauty certainly raises a lot of questions, exactly where the name always comes from. Yes, apparently the name of the cave came from the name of the inventor.

Yaap, according to the story of the residents around the name of the lake in the cave itself comes from the name of the inventor, namely Mr. Haji Mangku. It's a pretty unique story bro. When visiting East Kalimantan don't forget to get to this one tourist spot.

Mangku Hajj Cave Travel Destinations - Access to Locations

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You can start your trip from Maratua Island, because the location of Mangku Haji Cave is closer to being accessed from Maratua. Alternatives to the location of the Mangku Haji Cave are two events namely via land and via sea. If you want to use the land route, you can rent a motorized vehicle from Maratua Island to Payung-Payung Village. Then proceed with light trekking which takes about a few hours to arrive at the cave location.

The second alternative is by sea, you can rent a speed boat or boat that has a local fisherman with a travel time of about 20 minutes from Maratua Island. When you reach the outskirts of the rocky island, you can travel with light trekking for about 10 minutes to reach the point where this cave is located.

So how bro with information about the Mangku Hajj Cave above? Hopefully it can be your guide when you visit there. The most important thing is to always maintain the cleanliness and sustainability of every tourist place you visit. Spirit is always bro!


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