What is Acceptable Jitter?
Jitter can damage your ability to provide an excellent user experience.
The user experience can be a perfect video. Delivery of advertising bids. Or ensure that online games meet user expectations.
When working on the network, jitter may hinder this. You must ensure that the application design has appropriate measures to compensate for irregular interruptions caused by jitter ping test. The main tool used is the buffering function. Both networks and applications have buffering tools. Buffering is what we use to compensate for jitter, but what should we be satisfied with?
The next question we need to ask is what is acceptable jitter?
What is acceptable jitter?
Jitter is an irregular time delay that occurs when sending data packets on the network.
Acceptable jitter refers to the irregular fluctuations in data transmission that we are willing to accept.
According to Cisco, the jitter tolerance is as follows:
The jitter should be less than 30 milliseconds.
The packet loss rate cannot exceed 1%.
The network latency should not exceed 150 milliseconds. This is a delay in one direction, which means that the round-trip time (RTT) will be 300 milliseconds.
These numbers are best practices for maintaining quality of service (QoS).
Acceptable jitter in different applications
The numbers we use above are interactive video streams. In this case, the jitter tolerance is very low. Depending on the application, jitter tolerance may be low or insignificant.
For example, during Skype calls, jitter will cause high attention. It is important to ensure that the jitter is low to zero. Our jitter acceptance values above are specific to this use case.
In the second scenario, if you are transmitting video from Netflix, Amazon Prime, or HBO Now, the importance of jitter is not as high. The tolerance for shaking is much greater. It is in one direction. This is a one-way video stream. The reason is that the service can be designed as a larger buffer. A large buffer can provide more cached data. This creates the ability to handle large fluctuations in data transmission.
Notes on buffer storage
The main tool we use to adjust the jitter effect is buffering or buffer memory. After determining the jitter tolerance and service, determine its design.
A buffer is a system that allows for the storage of temporary data. Its purpose is to adjust for irregular fluctuations in data transmission. It is designed as a memory caching system to adjust for the negative impact of jitter.
The size, design, and structure of the buffer system depend on the size of the network. It is also important to consider the type of service to be designed for it.
The three main questions to ask are:
How big is my network?
What is my jitter tolerance?
What service is my design for?
Once these three factors are determined, you can start planning buffer design.
Now that you have a general understanding of TikTok's tolerance, you can start building a network.