Lessons You Can Learn from Fitness Classes : Pump, Step, Attack and Jam || Your way to Optimal ‎Health

in #jh3 years ago (edited)



Health and fitness, these are primarily the words used to portray people’s physiological condition. ‎Medicine, recreation and sports are essential aspects of the health and fitness industry, but you will ‎find it also overlaps into other fields like tourism, education, etc…. Get all the info you need here.‎


‎Lessons You Can Learn From Fitness Classes ‎

Pump, Step, Attack and Jam Your Way to Optimal Health

Chapter 1: Introduction‎


The industry offers all kinds of products and services, all designed to sustain or enhance physical ‎health. There are medical and sports facilities devoted entirely for health and fitness, and diet ‎regimens for weight loss programs are usually accompanied by workout routines that not only are ‎meant for addressing weight but also for promoting general fitness and healthy lifestyles.‎


The Basics

In addition, during the past decades a whole range of natural therapies have been introduced to ‎provide people another alternative, an alternative considered by many to be better at delivering ‎health and fitness goals.‎
With the industry involving varied fields, it also offers job opportunities demanding varied skills. ‎Depending on your related skills, you can get employment in sporting clubs, leisure centers, fitness ‎gyms, swimming pools, schools, sports facilities, equipment and food health manufacturers, ‎resorts, sports equipment retailers, medical clinics and many others.‎

What This ‎Course Offers‎

Diet and exercise programs fuel the industry, but there are just too many of them that sometimes ‎you have a difficult time choosing. This course, however, won’t confuse. Instead it will enable you ‎understand your needs in relation to health and fitness better.‎
This course is composed of 10 chapters aimed at providing you basic knowledge of how your body ‎works and the effective ways you can keep it healthy and fit by following a regular exercise routine ‎and appropriate diet.‎
To provide you with a preview of the whole course and give you an idea of the benefits you will get ‎from it, the following is a summary of topic discussed in each chapter.‎
‎✔️Chapter 2-- entitled the bio-chemistry of fitness and health discusses the things that you should ‎be doing to ensure your health remain stable. It discusses the importance of knowing how your ‎body works, obviously the bio-chemistry of people are not the same, and what specific diet you ‎should be following to keep your body running well.‎
‎✔️Chapter 3 --this chapter, entitled Fitness and Health, discusses the importance of regular ‎exercise to good health
‎✔️Chapter 4 ---this discusses what regular exercise specifically does for you and what it ‎contributes to your health.‎
‎✔️Chapter 5 --this chapter discusses the relationship between nutrition and fitness. You will find ‎out in the discussions that getting fitness is not just about exercises, it also requires other things ‎like proper nutrition.‎
‎✔️Chapter 6 --this chapter discusses the reasons why fitness training is important to maintaining ‎good health.‎
‎✔️Chapter 7 --this is the chapter that contains the main content of the course – the unique ‎exercises featuring the pump, step, attack and jam routine.‎
‎✔️Chapter 8 --this describes the benefits you will get from the unique styles of exercises.‎
‎✔️Chapter 9-- this is a discussion on how the exercise helps you attain optimal health
‎✔️Chapter 10 --in this chapter which is the last chapter of the course, you will read various case ‎studies clearly illustrating how the technique helped people obtain the excellent health they are ‎enjoying now.‎
There are many health and fitness courses online. This one is different in that it helps you ‎understand your body and its needs better and thus you get better appreciation of the exercises.‎


Chapter 2: The Biochemistry Of Fitness And Health‎


Our body should be fuelled enough to sustain our daily activities. Imagine it to be a vehicle that ‎should be maintained for long: checking if gas will not run out and if the engine is running smoothly.‎
How much we take care of our vehicle should be the same with taking care of our body. We should ‎check daily if our food consumption is enough for a day’s work. Not too much as it may clog veins ‎nor too little to cause dizziness.‎
Do you know how to check your body’s fuel? Check your body’s biochemistry of fitness and health ‎by doing these practical tips:‎


1. You Need To Be Aware Of Signs‎

The biochemistry of fitness and health should start with knowing the warning signs your body is ‎giving. All unnatural intakes, especially drugs and other medicines, may affect the biochemistry ‎inside your body so you may feel better if you are suffering from any disease.‎
On the other hand, it may also cause complications especially when these are taken without proper ‎precautions. In order to check your biochemistry, you need to be more sensitive and be aware of ‎signs and symptoms.‎

‎2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle‎

Just like any ordinary vehicle, your body should be maintained in a proper way. With that, it is good ‎to practice a healthy way of living by investing on healthy food items that are low in fat. A balanced ‎diet should also be practiced with the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. For ‎example, you are to drink alcohol tonight so you need to understand that at large consumptions, ‎you may feel dizzy. This is your body telling you to stop. This also goes when we feel sleepy with ‎sugary snacks or feel full as we eat a high-fat meal.‎

3. Tune-Up and Check-Up

Our body needs the right tune up in order to function well. With that, a thorough check-up should ‎be done once or twice a year – even more when necessary. It is ideal to go visit your doctor for a ‎series of medical check-ups and talk to healthcare professionals on how to maintain a healthy ‎lifestyle. In this way, you will get to learn how your body’s chemistry works. You will know how to ‎deal with any signs and take control of your over-all wellness.‎

4. Long Term Maintenance

If you are on a restricted diet without the help of food supplements, you are sure to be susceptible ‎to nutrient deficiencies. This is the reason why health advocates continue to hold campaigns of ‎fortifying certain food items with vitamins and minerals.‎
These are the facts that you need to know about the biochemistry of health and fitness. We all ‎have a different biochemistry, just as we have different thumbnails. Some people may have fast ‎metabolism while other have slower ones. A drug can be effective to one but ineffective to others. ‎Others have a strong immunes system while some develops infections easily. This is how we are ‎different and the way to define the balance of your biochemistry is called homeostasis.‎


Chapter 3: Exercise and Health‎


We all already know that exercise is good for the body. Maintaining a life with constant exercise ‎helps in the prevention of many diseases especially those that are lifestyle-generated like diabetes, ‎heart diseases, obesity and even cancer. Aside from that, regular exercise is known to give you a ‎fitter body and a healthy weight.‎
With its many benefits, health experts recommend a regular physical activity for 20-30 minutes at a ‎regular interval, ideally 3-4 times a week. This is good enough to maintain a healthy cardiovascular ‎system just as long as you are doing an aerobic activity like walking, jogging, bicycling and many ‎others.‎
To gain strength and burn more calories, it is also advisable that you allot time for strength training. ‎This is done by doing resistance workout to build more lean body mass.‎


If you are still starting to learn how to do a consistent exercise, or you were previously active and ‎have gone sedentary, you may need to start slowly. To do this, you can start to do light activities for ‎about 20 minutes at your own comfortable pace. When your body is able to cope up, you may ‎increase the duration or the intensity of a fitness routine you are performing. Practicing this activity ‎can burn as much as 1000 calories, enough to burn a high-fat fast food meal!‎
Now that you have learned the importance of exercise, you may want to appreciate more of it by ‎knowing what it can further contribute to your body. Regular physical activity has been known to ‎improve health and over-all wellness.‎
To be more specific, here are the benefits of having a regular physical activity:‎
‎✔️ Lessens the risk of dying at an early age or dying prematurely ;‎
‎✔️ Lessens the risk from dying at an early age due to heart disease which may develop because of ‎sedentary activity and poor diet ;‎
‎✔️ Lessens the risk of developing blood sugar problems ;‎
‎✔️ Lessens the risk of developing blood pressure problems which may lead to hypertension ;‎
‎✔️ For those who already have hypertension, it also helps in the regulation of blood pressure ;‎
‎✔️ It contributes to mental health by developing good vibes thus reduces the onset of anxiety and ‎depression ;‎
‎✔️ Aids in weight management ;‎
‎✔️ Lessens the risk of cancer ;‎
‎✔️ Helps in developing a fit body by increasing lean body mass, healthy bones and joints ;‎
‎✔️ Helps older people strengthen their body so they are able to move better and lessen the risk ‎of physical injuries ;‎
‎✔️ Promotes healthy mind and psychological health.‎
These are the specific benefits of exercise that your body can achieve. In order to know the best ‎exercise that is good for your health profile, it is advisable that you visit your doctor or your fitness ‎trainer so you can practice a program that will allow your body shift from a life of sedentary to an ‎active one. More so, combine your regular physical activity with a healthy diet. In this way, you are ‎holistically changing your lifestyle to a fitter and healthier you.‎

Chapter 4: How Effective Is Fitness to Health‎


Regular physical activity has different beneficial effects to human health, especially the heart. ‎Energetic exercise makes the heart pump better making this muscle stronger and healthier. Even ‎activities like household chores can increase the circulation of the blood, lowering blood fats and ‎blood pressure.‎
All these good effects reduce the common health problems of the heart such as stroke and heart ‎attack.‎
Fitness can also result to other benefits like building muscles, enhancing flexibility, and ‎strengthening bones. These benefits will protect you against thinning of the bones known as ‎‎“osteoporosis.”‎
Consistent activity also promotes health of the mind because of the relieved anxiety and pressures. ‎It results to sound sleep and renewed body energy. If benefits of exercise can be contained into a ‎small container, this would be the most saleable medicine everywhere.‎

Activity is Effective to All

People can become healthy through the activities they do. But each year, surveys show that more ‎people become inactive as they continue to live. They are less physically active and this causes their ‎serious health problems. Sadly, but there is a cost of being inactive, and people pay for this.‎
The cause of being inactive is not hard to identify. Most jobs that require long hours of sitting can ‎limit the body to do physical activity. These days, people tend to rely more on modern devices like ‎power tools, appliances, cars, when they are supposed to do hand-on tasks.‎
However, there’s one more reason why overweight and lack of physical movement happen. Look ‎at those bodies on televisions showing how vigorous exercise is. Viewers have the notion that ‎exercise is tough to do and requires lots of perspiration. They think exercise is best done by the fit, ‎strong, and sporty individuals. However, it is proven wrong. Good benefits are acquired even from ‎minor activities such as sweeping, gardening, and walking.‎

Activity and Maintaining Ideal Weight

If your body burns more calories compared to the amount you consume, the result is you shed ‎pounds. For additional 3,500 of calories spent, you will lose 1 pound. Have vigorous physical activity ‎and you get your calories burnt immediately. Fortunately, you burn equal amount of calories with ‎minor activities. The secret is you should perform it more frequently and with longer time. Exercise ‎also offers slimming effects to the body. It helps in reducing body fat and builds leaner muscles. A ‎mass of muscle has more weight than the similar amount of fat.‎
Since exercise helps to build tough muscles, it can also encourage the desire to go on diet. As the ‎body reduces calories, the metabolism will slack off burning calories more gradually. So it makes ‎weight loss harder to attain. But studies show that routine activities will correct the low burning of ‎calories. As a result, it also helps to continue to shed pounds.‎
If you have some struggles about spending time on fitness, then don’t be discouraged. As long as ‎you have daily activities and you don’t remain sedentary most of the time, then you can still be ‎healthy. Keep in mind that minor activities like walking and gardening have the same health ‎benefits you get from exercise. Just do it regularly and you are on your way to your good health.‎

Chapter 5: Fitness and Nutrition‎


The significance of nutrition and body fitness can’t be denied in terms of keeping good shape and ‎health. Nutrition and fitness have the same value in helping individuals gain optimum health. ‎Nutrition is the procedure where organisms consume and use food materials. Basically, nutrition ‎comes from the liquid and solid food people take in regularly.‎


Importance of Liquid in the Body

One of the most popular substances that humans need in order to live is found in plain, clean ‎water. This life-giving liquid is necessary in each bodily function—from inhaling oxygen through ‎breathing to blinking of the eyes. Every human cell is made up of water. If there’s no sufficient ‎supply, cells will eventually dry out and perish.‎
The total weight of the body is composed roughly of 70% water. Breaking it down into smaller ‎amount, people’s blood is made up of 90% water, muscles 75%, brain 95%, and lungs 90%. See how ‎useful water is inside the human body? All vital parts of the body benefit a lot from what water can ‎do to the entire system.‎
Water consumption is a nutritious liquid food that has great direct effects on fitness. What is ‎needed is to drink enough water every day. People who drink five glasses of 8-ounce water ‎everyday are 50% more likely to live although they have heart disease than to those who only drink ‎two glasses or less every day.‎
Water also helps the body to normalize the right temperature. The body perspires when its ‎temperature changes. It is the natural way of causing the body temperature to become lower. ‎Also, water helps in keeping the normal pH balance inside the body.‎
In all possibilities, the body’s pH level must be 7 or a little bit higher. If pH level turns acidic, the ‎probability of getting sick and vitamin deficiency will increase significantly. Aside from the usual ‎water consumption, taking one to two ounces of apple cider everyday will turn the pH level of the ‎body more alkaline.‎
For digestion purposes, water is important for vitamins and minerals absorption. Water assists in ‎metabolizing the body fat and in giving recovery from physical work and exercise. Water keeps the ‎brain functioning well, joints to have lubrication, and blood to circulate properly.‎
For nutritional value, how much amount of water should people drink every day? The right answer ‎will depend on different aspects, which include the level of physical movement, surroundings, and ‎general condition of health including sex.‎
Here are some helpful guidelines on the suitable amount of water to drink:‎

Required Amount of Water

‎1. To prevent the formation of kidney stones, it is recommended to drink 10 glasses of water, ‎equivalent to 2 liters.‎
‎2. For pregnant females, it is recommended to drink water at least 2.3 liters each day. For women ‎who breastfeed, 3.1 liters are needed. It is also suggested that men should drink 3 liters of water ‎every day and women 2.2 liters.‎
‎3. The quickest way to know that body has enough liquid or not is to observe the color of your ‎urine. Light yellow or colorless urine means you have enough water inside the body. You should ‎also release about 1.5 liters or 6 cups or urine every day.‎
Bear in mind that consumption of water must be increased when you are ill, especially when you ‎have fever. You should also drink more water during the hot summer season and while you are ‎exercising. With enough liquid in the body, you will get the best fitness and nutrition you need.‎


Chapter 6: 15 Reasons on Why We Need Fitness Training‎


Fitness training can literally change your life if you commit to making it an essential part of your daily ‎routine. It may be hard work at the start, but that’s all good when you consider the numerous ‎benefits you stand to enjoy with fitness training.‎



Reason #1: It can reduce stress.‎

The cause of your stress does not matter. If you want a productive outlet for relieving your stress, ‎then fitness training is your answer.‎

Reason #2: It promotes healthy eating habits.‎

The rules on what you can and can’t eat may differ, but all fitness training programs generally lie on ‎the same fundamental principles for healthy eating. It promotes increased intake of fruits, ‎vegetables, lean meat, and those rich in high cholesterol and other essential vitamins and minerals. ‎Conversely, it encourages lesser intake of food rich in calories, sugar, and fat.‎

Reason #3: It aids in weight loss.‎

Fitness training should be a part of your plan if you want to lose weight more quickly. The nature of ‎your training does not matter as long as it is effective in burning calories.‎

Reason #4: It leads to increased intake of good cholesterol.‎

Fitness training programs also promote increased intake of food that have high levels of good ‎cholesterol, which consequently lowers your risk from suffering any kind of cardiac disease.‎

Reason #5: It offers a sense of safety about one’s well-being.‎

Regular and proper training gives you a sense of safety about your health and well-being. You ‎become more confident about yourself and your ability to enjoy life even as you age.‎

Reason #6: It lowers blood sugar levels.‎

Diabetes remains today as one of the diseases with the highest mortality rates. Reducing intake of ‎sweets is always a good thing to do if you want to avoid becoming diabetic but regular exercise ‎definitely helps as well.‎

Reason #7: It minimizes risk of high blood pressure.‎

Hypertension also has one of the highest mortality rates among today’s most common types of ‎diseases. Proper training can help burn excess oils and fats that could cause your blood pressure to ‎elevate.‎

Reason #8: It strengthens the body’s ability to fight oxidants.‎

Simply put, think of fitness training as natural antioxidants for your body. Combine it with a daily ‎cup of green tea – well known for its high content of antioxidants as well – and you will effectively ‎eliminate toxins in your body.‎

Reason #9: It lets you enjoy a better quality of sleep.‎

Just because you’ve slept for a good number of hours doesn’t mean you have the best quality of ‎sleep. Fitness training also ensures that your body is better prepared to enjoy a long and relaxing ‎rest.‎

Reason #10: It improves stamina.‎

Fitness training can gradually improve your endurance, allowing you to enjoy more activities for ‎longer periods of time.‎

Reason #11: It lowers risk for several types of cancer.‎

Studies have revealed that risks for having breast and colon cancer may be reduced with fitness ‎training.‎

Reason #12: It sharpens your mental skills.‎

Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you’ll become less smart. Keep your wits sharp as ‎ever with regular exercise.‎

Reason #13: It reduces symptoms for anxiety and depression.‎

You will be less prone to moodiness, depression, and anxiety with regular fitness training.‎

Reason #14: It makes you more flexible.‎

Get to enjoy the maximum potential of your body with fitness training.‎

Reason #15: It improves a person’s life expectancy rate.‎

Finally, when you combine all the benefits of fitness training above you get to enjoy a higher life ‎expectancy rate compared to others.‎

Chapter 7: Why the Unique styles: Pump, Step, Attack and Jam‎


In the previous chapter, you have learned why you need exercises and trainings to keep you fit and ‎healthy. Since these two states are necessary to improve your well-being, you need to make sure ‎that you adapt the appropriate workout or training styles which will suit your body needs.‎
Well, as you go into fitness classes, you will learn a lot of styles that are used in these trainings. ‎Some of these are commonly used in gyms and other exercise sessions, but there are also those ‎unique styles which could be actually more fun and effective.‎
Trying these uncommon classes will add to your variety of exercises and help you achieve that fit ‎and healthy body.‎

‎Why these unique styles?‎

Introduced by Les Mills from New Zealand, here are four unique classes that you should try for ‎yourself. Moreover, find out the reasons why these four should come first on your list:‎


Also called BodyPump, this cardio-strength class is enjoyed by many in different parts of the world. ‎With upbeat music, this class, which requires the use of barbells, lasts about 45-60 minutes and ‎definitely works out the whole body, increase heart rate, and burn calorie.‎
Why this class? Well, if you want to lose weight soon, surely you would consider pump upon ‎knowing that you can burn around 600 calories in a 60-minute session using this style. Moreover, ‎you will not only lose fat but also be ready to notice a better body shape as your body tone up as it ‎gains muscle.‎


If you want a fun-filled training, you should find yourself in BodyStep or Step class. This is not only a ‎challenging exercise for your body but also for your mind. Each 55-minute session includes doing a ‎variety of simple steps onto a platform.‎
Step will help you be fit as you burn up to 620 calories and tone your body muscles. Also, aside from ‎improving your lung and heart condition, this workout will revitalize you as you get motivated by ‎the nice instructors and sing-a-long music.‎


Another unique workout style that you will love is BodyAttack which is a sports-inspired cardio ‎exercise usually lasting about 55 minutes. This workout combines stabilization and strength ‎trainings with athletic aerobic exercises.‎
What you would love about this class is that aside that you improve your stamina and lose 735 ‎calories each session, from a typical athletic individual, your competitive side will be totally ‎unleashed in this group dynamic class.‎


If you love dancing then BodyJam is the right class for you. The jam style is actually a combination of ‎the newest funky music and latest dance moves. In every 55-minute session, learn how to dance ‎with attitude from your hippy instructors. Enjoy new choreography and music every now and then ‎as this class depends on what is the latest and hottest craze.‎
Aside from burning an average of 530 calories per session, jam will also help you improve your body ‎coordination and self-expression.‎
These mentioned unique fitness classes are just some of the new styles that people are adding to ‎their exercise routines. Not only are they proven effective but they are also guaranteed fun. ‎Therefore, if you want to achieve that perfect hourglass figure, better enroll into one of these ‎classes already.‎


Chapter 8: Benefits of the Unique Styles‎


Learning about Les Mills’ unique fitness classes gives an idea that losing weight and gaining a ‎healthy body can be done in various ways that are not only fun but are also as effective than the ‎usual workouts—or even better. Moreover, aside from being enjoyable, some of these classes also ‎help the person become better by either helping them improve their skills or develop their self-‎esteem.‎
To help you understand more the advantages of going through these unique classes in fitness ‎trainings, here are some of the general benefits of the Les Mills styles that you can experience ‎yourself when you try them:‎


Lose Weight‎

One of the common goals of fitness exercises is to lose weight and have a leaner body. Well, you ‎are assured that you can achieve these through the Pump, Jam, Attack, and Step styles. All these ‎classes help you to burn more fat and calories within each session. Depending on how much effort ‎or energy you exert in every exercise, you can lose a great deal of calories. If you do a class ‎regularly, you can count on seeing a big improvement on your body in a short matter of time.‎

Get a Leaner and Toned Body‎

Losing weight is not enough to say you have a fit body. There are those who really lose weight ‎through massive exercises and intense diet, but instead of looking better, they just appear skinny ‎and stressed out. This is all because the secret to having a better body shape is by having your ‎muscles toned. This way, you get a leaner figure without looking thin and sickly. Well, these unique ‎styles are developed to help you accomplish this goal. They do not only help you burn calories but ‎they help your muscles grow and be toned up so that you can have that perfect figure you are ‎dying for.‎

Improve Stamina and Strength‎

Moreover, just like other fitness trainings, these Les Mills classes will also help you increase your ‎endurance and stamina. The cardio-workouts, such as Attack and Pump, are designed not only to ‎build your muscles and lose fat but also to improve your stamina and strength. How are these ‎important to your overall fitness? Well, by being strong and having a good stamina, you do not only ‎endure more workouts for a faster weight loss but you also become fit enough to get more work ‎done in your daily routine.‎

Be More Confident

Another benefit that you can get from these unique styles is an increased self-esteem. First of all, ‎by having a better shaped body, you feel attractive so you can walk with your chin up. What is ‎more, some of these classes help you develop your skills in dancing, such as Jam and Step. Through ‎them, you improve your body coordination and become more used to following rhythms. Of ‎course, if you are confident of your talent, you will be more comfortable executing it in public and ‎you lose all your shyness.‎
Pump, Attack, Step, and Jam are just some of the unique classes that can help you achieve a better ‎body and health. These exercises are also designed to have an impact on your whole being. Your ‎figure, health, skills, and confidence are just among the areas they can improve in you. If you want ‎to find out about the other benefits of these styles, you better try doing them now.‎

Chapter 9: Associated Importance to Optimal Health‎


Most people go to the gym or attend fitness classes to lose weight and have a better figure. ‎However, this mindset defeats the primary reason why being fit is important. More than having a ‎good body shape, fitness is necessary in order to remain healthy. Yes, it is all about being healthy.‎
Getting optimal health should be a main concern for people who go to fitness classes. If you have ‎forgotten what optimal health is, it means that being in the healthiest state possible—without ‎sickness and having enough energy to do anything.‎
This includes being healthy in all areas of your life, meaning physically, intellectually, emotionally, ‎and spiritually. If you succeed of keeping all these up, you can enjoy an optimal health.‎

How Fitness Affects Optimal Health‎

One thing that you should realize is that optimal health is a lifestyle. It does not happen overnight ‎so you need self-discipline to achieve it. How is fitness associated to optimal health then?‎
As stated above, getting optimal health means living an active and sickness-free life. In order to ‎have this kind of physical health, you need to be fit. Of course, if you easily get tired because you ‎have low stamina, you cannot be active all throughout the day. Also, you cannot call an obese ‎person healthy either.‎
On the other hand, being fit allows you to do more things in a day. You will have enough energy to ‎keep you active though you have been moving around from morning even until late in the evening. ‎Also, being fit means you have a better resistance against sickness so it means that you are totally ‎healthy.‎
Well, a plus point of why fitness is essential to achieve optimal health is appearing presentable. Yes, ‎a good body shape can also contribute to your optimal health. Feeling attractive and confident of ‎yourself is an indication that you have a healthy self-image—and it is part of optimal health.‎
Overall, you should understand that your physical health has a big impact on the other areas of your ‎life. No matter how intelligent you are if you are sick, you still cannot use your mind properly. Even ‎if you have no reason to get depressed but you are easily exhausted, surely you would feel sulky. ‎Therefore, you should never take fitness for granted if you do not want these to happen to you.‎

Fitness Lessons for Optimal Health‎

The fitness classes that we have discussed in the previous chapters can contribute much to the ‎achievement of optimal health. You have learned how these lessons have been created to help ‎you lose weight, improve stamina and strength, and even develop your confidence. If you want to ‎be completely healthy, going through these classes in a regular basis will not hurt.‎
You should find out which fitness class is suitable for you. You can consider among the Les Mills ‎trainings, such as Pump, Step, Jam, and Attack. These unique styles of exercise can help you hit two ‎birds with one stone as they can have other positive effects on you aside from keeping you fit.‎

Wrapping Up : Case Studies‎

The Craze for Fitness‎

A lot of people attend fitness classes because of their desire to achieve a slim and leaner body. ‎Others who enroll are health-conscious and they consider such trainings helpful in making them ‎lose weight and improve their overall health. Whatever their reasons are, those who regularly ‎attend these classes believe in the power of exercise in making them fit and healthy.‎
However, there are those who are skeptical of the effects of fitness exercises. Some think that ‎they do not have to waste money attending a training class because they can lose weight on their ‎own. They believe skipping meals and a simple exercise daily are enough to keep them fit. What ‎these people do not know is that a fitness class offers more than just weight loss.‎
Those who have regularly attended a fitness training program have experienced firsthand the ‎wonders of these classes. For them all their time, money, and effort have not been wasted. To ‎encourage you of what these exercises can do to you, here are some case studies showing how ‎fitness classes have helped a lot of people become fit and healthier.‎

Case Study 1: Just In Time for the Prom

Since childhood, Karen R. had been called piggy by her schoolmates because of her size. When she ‎entered high school, she gained more weight until she reached 200 pounds. The situation got ‎worse for her because no guy took her seriously because of her physical appearance. It was during ‎her senior year when she became really determined to lose weight. She had the goal of enjoying ‎her prom by wearing a sexy dress she had never able to wear before.‎
To help her in her goal, Karen’s friend suggested that she enroll in a BodyStep class. Together, they ‎had been regularly attending classes for months. The light but rigorous movements which last up to ‎‎55 minutes per session had done a lot to improve Karen’s body figure. In a matter of 4 months, she ‎was able to lose up to 40 pounds. When their prom came up, it was a big success for her to finally ‎be able to wear her dream dress—and dance with the cute guys whom never paid attention to her ‎before.‎

Case Study 2: Better Body for a Better Health‎

At 260 pounds, Andre B. was suffering from obesity since his early adulthood. Aside from having ‎difficulty in moving around and finding clothes his size, other health complications started to arise, ‎like high blood pressure. He also became more prone to stroke and heart attack. To solve his health ‎condition, his doctor advised him to do workouts, along with a controlled diet.‎
Being athletic in his teenage years, he decided to enroll in a BodyAttack training class. This sporty ‎workout allowed him to burn a great deal of calories in each session and in 6 months, he lost much ‎weight. Having decreased to 190 pounds has helped improve his health. He is also now able to buy ‎clothes easily.‎
Aside from being enjoyable, these fitness classes are no doubt effective in helping people achieve ‎a fit and healthy body. However, these cannot help you if you have no self-discipline. Of course, ‎regularity of exercise and a balanced diet are also necessary. Therefore, if you want to enroll into ‎one of these classes, better be determined first of what you want to achieve through these ‎trainings.‎


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