GIGO: holocaust garbage in, jew world order garbage out
GIGO = garbage in – garbage out … a computer is a fast calculator, nothing more…precise…accurate…fast…it doesn’t judge or discriminate or ‘correct’ the input YOU give it…or others ‘program’ into it…so if your programs are junk, your output, your ideas, beliefs, behaviors, habits, will be junk / garbage / sub-optimal / destructive/ self-limiting / self-sabotaging etc…the subconscious acts just like a typical computer…Hobbes reduced mental activity, centuries before computers were built, to pure calculation…the movement of electrons…which is literally what computers are…electron movers…on-off switches…they have no ‘intention’ other than the program…literally…what goes in, is what comes out…what you tell it to do, no matter how insane and fatuous, is what it will do…tell it 2+2=7 and it will base ALL its calculations on this erroneous assumption…even Einstein made such simple errors, and they stopped him realising his ambitions for decades… so what are the chances YOU have inputted something similar…some ‘false assumption’, some erroneous belief, some faulty conclusion, into YOUR computer…do you think you SHOULD trust that everything you have ever been told, and rewarded for agreeing with, and ‘working’ with i.e inputting into further calculations, was actually correct? That no-one ELSE could have made a mistake? Or that no-one could possibly have any vested interest in deliberately LYING to you, misleading you? Even though the hero of all religions and governments, PLATO, stated clearly that ‘The State’, those in ‘Authority’, have an OBLIGATION, and a RIGHT, to deceive you…with what he called ‘NOBEL’ LIES ? Even though the favorite of all politicians, Macchiavelli, insisted that ‘The ends justify the means’, and the best means of warfare and subjection and persusation are LIES…actually suggestion FALSE FLAG operations to instill fear into the population, so that they would be willing to SUBMIT to YOUR rule over them, to pay ‘protection money’, to give up their freedoms to you, all in the false belief that you were protecting them from some real threat…EXACTLY what 911 achieved…and motivate them to join you in your wars of conquest, which were totally avoidable, and never would have happened, in the name of DEFENSE … when the attackers were the very same people running this oldest form of ‘PROTECTION RACKET’. How do you think the Zionists got Jews to move from their privileged, comfortable positions in Europe, to to inhospitable desert? If not via Hitlers KZ labor camps, and faked ‘Holocaust’ fear mongering…
And then there is another layer to our mind-computer analogy that is perfectly apt. You can input a perfect program, free of any bugs or errors, say the perfect philosopher, the most compelling argument, but it will still produce GARBAGE if there is a problem with the computers Basic Input Output System, or some sub-program. What in this analogy would be the basic assumptions imprinted into our muscle memory, neural networks, from birth, during our earliest years. During our pre-rational years. During our most ‘impressionable’ years…assumptions that then remain unchallenged / as they are so unobtrusive…you didn’t ‘write’ them into your new code, the philosopher didn’t write them in their compelling argument…would never dream of saying such stupid things, making such terrible errors, including such propagandistic lies…but they are there in the BIOS, and other sub-programs, which in our analogy would be our subconscious, most basic, assumptions about TROONATNOOR. The assumptions we take for granted as natural, normal, universally agreed upon, beyond question or doubt (which nothing should be to the scientific / skeptical mind).
Every propagandist and ‘noble’ liar has their favorite ‘lie’ they have implanted in your mind. So deeply, so early in your life, and so repeatedly reinforced as ‘self evident truth’, as unquestionable fact, that you literally never challenge it, question it, doubt it, interrogate it, investigate it, and therefore never come to see it for what it is…a lie…’noble’ or otherwise…usually malicious…serving the interests of some narrow elite group, such as the priesthood, nobility, royalty, or current privileged and powerful hegemonic groups…
So dear Deborah Lipstadt will insist that ‘the holocaust’, one of the most blatant ‘noble’ lies to date, after ‘religion’ and ‘man-made global climate crisis’, should be given a privileged status like those other ‘noble’ lies. That YOU should be forced to accept it. And criminally punished for daring to question it. For asking questions. Let along finding fault with it and ‘denying’ it. This should be the clearest ‘red flag’ to anyone interrogating TROONATNOOR. Interrogating the ‘beliefs’ they have been implanted with at birth, and have had continually reinforced by the mass media, Hollywood, the education systems, television ‘programming’, religion, and on and on.
You see, no matter how great the inputted program is, say, of the Historical ‘revisionist’ who attempts to ‘correct’ the previous programs inputted, it will be thwarted in its attempts to produce good outputs, by the pre-existing, (they got there first, which is why every hegemonic group from priests to holohoaxers are so keen to force you to send your young children to ‘institutions’, whether it be Sunday school, pre-school, or ‘Holocaust’ ‘museums’) programs. The more basic programs that the program writer, the Historian, writer, philosopher, etc, has no power to ‘re-write’…or at least it is VERY hard to. You have to open up the basic programs and re-write THEM, before the new program can run and produce good results. Correct calculations. Logical deductions and inductions.
This is the challenge to the philosopher of every variety, whether their specialty be history, politics, medicine, etc…That their ‘updates’ cannot produce the desired correct results as long as the BIOS and other pre-existing, previously imprinted, hard-wired, programs are operating.
The more basic programs will ALWAYS produce garbage from whatever input you program. No matter how perfect the program you write. For millennia philosphers have written the most compelling arguments, and offered them to people. However once the perfect program is inputted, it is distorted, corrupted, ruined, by the existing, pre-existing, more basic programs. In this analogy, the basic assumptions about TROONATNOOR, and ‘history’.
This is why they NEED laws to stop us UN-corrupting the existing programs. ‘The Holocaust’ lie is not just some independent phenomena aimed at ‘justifying’ Allied war crimes, and Israel’s current war crimes in Palestine, or benefitting 5 million ‘survivors’ with life-long pensions and compensation, or emotionally blackmailing Germans and North Americans into subsidizing the criminal state of Israel to the tune of Billions each year. It has a much WIDER impact. It contaminates ALL programs.
I realise that as most social realities are implanted during trance states, or over long periods of repetition, and that the hegemonic powers will never allow us to compete i.e to invest the huge resources THEY have invested in brainwashing us, into de-programming us back to a ‘clear’ state i.e ‘error –free’ state, and that most people won’t see any problem with their ‘self-evident ‘noble’ lies, and won’t submit to a ‘de-bugging’ trance / program…and so the position of the Philosohper, as always, is pretty pessimistic. It is amazing that the few of us who have escaped the social reality imprinted on us from birth have managed this feat. And we need to model the process. Find out how WE did this.
Our only hope is to eliminate, one by one, the ‘noble’ lies that have been implanted in all of us. To realise they are NOT noble in intent, no matter what the Plato’s of the world think. Everyone will define that which appears to serve their own narrow vested interests as ‘noble’…and so everyone with power will use that power to impose lies upon us that server THEIR perceived vested interests.
The ‘holocaust’ lie may appear to many Jews to be ‘noble’. But what they miss is the bigger picture. THEY are being used as pawns in a bigger game. And THEY are soon to be offered up as a ‘burnt offering’ a true ‘holocaust’ to the long term, end-game objectives of what at first appears to be a ‘jew’ world order, but in fact is hiding behind that appearance, to get the compliance of the ‘jews’ with their real goals. Unwittingly the clever jews are being used to further the ends of a very small group of powerful, hegemonic, elites.
You must understand that ‘The Holocaust’ is not just some side issue that we can neglect, while focusing on something that appears more important. It is key to the whole new world order operation. Which is why they are ramping up their censorship, increasing criminal fines and penalties, and insisting that that lie known as ‘The Holocaust’, be given exceptionalist, privileged status…the same the Vatican gave ‘Catholic dogma’ in the middle ages.
It is the basic ‘noble’ lie of the new world order. The Jews are being lead to their graves by this group, all the while thinking they are ‘outsmarting’ us stupid goys. Many have been brainwashed to the point of paranoia. A fear of all non-jews. A fear they feel justifies using all weapons at their disposal in DEFENSE of themselves … and the most powerful weapons have always been ‘lies’. Deception.
TROONATNOOR markus rehbach Youtube Channel…