Jewish Atrocities
Also check out my discussion of white people!
Der jude has been kicked out of 109 civilized nations not because of who it is but because of what it does. For over 5000 years der Jude has been a bandit, a slave, a slave owner, writer, banker, doctor and a lawyer plus any other thing that doesn't require him to do any hard labor.(1)
The Jewish role in the African Slave Trade
Jewish Banker Wars on America
Jews War On Germany
Jewish Bankers control the world - Interview Part 1
Crooked Jewish Lawyers
The Jew is only there to help his own cause. He is not some poor immigrant or Holohoax survivor, he has a plan .A plan to further the survival of his people .The best way he can survive is by corrupting people into destroying themselves.(2)
Holocaust Fraud
Jewish Talmud
While his enemies are destroying themselves ,the Jew is also profiting from their mistakes. It is not in the white man's best interest to continue to help the Jew by supporting him. There is no logic in selling yourself out to the Jew. To compromise with the Jew is the worst thing a white person could do to his people. Jews also condemn those who question their practices.(3)
Jewish Mind control #jewish longcon
The arrogance of the Jew will surface time and time again as long as people dare to stand up for their white race. If whites challenge the Jew to answer for his atrocities then he will either come up with some ridiculous lie which will only prove that he is a fraud or he will brag about the plague he has devastated the world with.
Arrogance of the Jew Jewish Immigration Policy
The Jew must be forced to come clean so all white people are safe and free of his tyranny all over the world. If the Jew is allowed to do as he pleases the he will do just that over and over again. You can't wait for der Jude to spill the beans. He has to be confronted. SNEAKY So you think it's cool to be careless as Ein Jude. Well,the der Jude sees it OK for his people to act as irresponsible as they possibly can but he will betray those who are non-Jews and trap them into guilt and make them confess to whatever criminal act against nature or the
Jüdisches Gesetz. While der Jude excludes himself and uses subterfuge in order to be free to commit the same acts against society over and over again forever. The arrogant so-called "chosen one" will cheat you out of what's rightfully yours and discard you at a moments notice.(4)
Call out the Jews George Lincoln Rockwell
Der Jude will order you to get involved with the mongrelization of the world and then he'll turn you into a filth loving punching bag for the turd world.(5) If you refuse to honor his demands,der Jude will go to great lengths to have you silenced. If he can't silence you he'll attempt to turn others against you and endanger your life. You'll be regarded as a hater and he will welcome terrorist. TRICKERY Trickery of the Jews is one of his biggest tools. (6)
Whitegenocide Racemixing
Der Jude wants to make everyone believe that he some poor minority group that has been victimized throughout history. However it is the other way around. The Jew has gone from country to country destroying their cultures and turning their empires into ruins. He may have had some setbacks but he has used his cunning ways to capitalize on it .The Jew preys on gullible people who will fall for his guilt trip. The Jews walks away with their riches due to these mindless fools who feel sorry for them. He is the world's greatest scam. While the world is tricked out of everything and have to live like slaves the rest of their lives, der Jude lives happily ever after.They degrade society to a level below white man's standards. LIES To make matters worse der Jude gets a treacherous politician to promote the lies of Judentum plus he will promote any religious outfit that has fallen for the trap of racial suicide. So, become independent of the Jew and lead your family in the white direction. They'll bribe white traitors or get sheeple to show support for Der jüdische Führer and his suicidal policies.(7)
Jewish Victimhood
They make sure that they are seen in every social gathering that is der Jude has promoted. They get the sheeple to believe how wonderful they are and how great their community service is. Once that happens they start hassling the sheeple for donations to charities that are non-existent or from ones to which they embezzle the funds. Then they launder the money out to other der Jude self-interest groups and it is never seen again. They condemn you if you question them or if they are suspected they'll get a puppet to tell the sheeple world not to worry or that they're looking into it. The Jews are progressing.They demagogue against the truth seekers and this needs to be exposed so the truth is revealed. After it is revealed it must be made to be never forgotten or der Jude will just start up the propaganda machine again. TRAPS All men are created equal, stands out as the biggest trap unleashed on the white race.Guilt and shame via Christianity are other traps.By trapping gullible whites with guilt and shame ,der Jude seeks to destroy his enemy even further. (8)
Israellobby Aipac
Jewry will try to force you to believe that you are guilty for being white or the falsehood that diversity is the key to survival .Stand up so White civilizations can go back to advancing in knowledge and culture that is free of Jewry. If his lies and traps don't work he will threaten you with racism and if that don't work he'll create crimes and blame it on the white man.. Showing that hating your enemies will just get you killed.. He will even get his lackeys in the ZOG to preach doom upon those who don't embrace diversity.
Anti White Propaganda driven by Jew Hollywood
America supported the practice of Eugenics until Hitler made it infamous.(9) Jewry has shamed most everyone into diversity.Fair and balanced reporting of the news. Unterwerfung des jude and how they shill unless of course they outright lie.Christmas, Easter, Jesus and The Bible are the game plan of der Jude to get rich and have control over the sheeple with the help of his lackeys. Every man is created equal, Ein Jude concoction for ZOG and religious freaks alike. Love your enemies, hate yourself is what der Jude teaches his enemies so he can ultimately destroy them.(10)
Diversity is a Weapon against White People
Since der Jude invented the word racism or at least he came to abuse it, he had to create Anti-racism to promote his quantity over quality agenda. Who wants an intelligent slave anyway? Not der Jude. He rather have a world of degenerate filth to run rampant in der Jude invented dumbed down society.(11)
Secret Origin of Racism
So you better go out and love every nigger and spic you can so you won't endanger your family according to der Jude. Enough with teaching of tolerance! Tolerate what, the filth of the world and why? Why should white people have to put up with and support Juden Blutegel. It makes no sense. Only the Jew will be better off because of it. The more white people tolerate the garbage of the world, the more der Jude is able to brainwash the masses and turn them into sheeple. Reject all Ju-Philosophien and idealogies. They make whites less human and der Jude more tyrannical.(12) Once all the filth of the world and the problems they bring with them are repelled der Jude must be expelled for his atrocities. The white traitors who Gönnen Sie sich jüdische Unterstützung must be imprisoned or ordered to serve the white race as a slave. Whites who practice their own race's racial religion will be honored and may be rewarded with an anti-white white slave.
The Eternal Jew
Homosexuality-What better way to stop whites from reproducing and rebel against normal whites.Incest-What die Juden practice with their Itzig sons and Jüdin daughters on the Sabbath. Bestiality is a normal practice for Juden. They promote this because they regard non-Jews as goyim. So der Jude feels he's doing goyim a favor by mating with it or raping it. (12)
Jewish Billionaire And Child Molester Says He Is Normal
According to their religious beliefs mating with Ein Jude is the only alternative for non-Jews to mating with animals . Der Jude is religiously a demented pervert. Ein Jude religion has no real standards as der Jude will jump at the opportunity to taint his enemies' racial traits in order to further the survival of his beliefs and impure race. Whites must stay pure and not be tempted to mix with die Juden or other filth in order for their race to survive and flourish. BEWARE Beware of public school teachings and tutor you children yourself or research the best white private schools.(Ones that don't cater to die Juden and Niggers)Denounce religions that love your enemies (non-whites, that includes Jews).Make your family a proud member of the white race. Put the Jew out of business and send his Niggers and muds with him. It will only help your family to do what is right and what is white. Blood is thicker than the watered down Jew. Compulsive addictions are masterminded by der Jude to enslave the masses.(13)
White Angry and Proud
All these can be eliminated by removing the temptation of Jewry and replacing it with whiter brighter acts of nature. Whites must learn their heritage and how nice it was have pride in yourself before die Juden infected the world with religions and der Jude alternatives to religions. JEWISH RULE What happens when you let the Jews control you? First of all you'll have barely any money. Then you will have no opportunity for a better job because der Jude has set in place his plan for mongrelization with muds working for dirt. After that you be forced to play games of Jewry where only the Jew wins. In the end you'll be left with hardly anything of value because the Jew has swindled everything from you. The Disneyland lifestyle was designed only for the Jew to prosper from it. You'll be a slave to him for the rest of your life if you let him control you.(14)
Adolf Hitler's Warning about the Jewish Control Structure
What has a white person have to gain by giving his life savings to Jews and giving their children to the spooks? If you don't think Jews ruined America then you are naive and deserve to have your life stripped from you. Jews ,masquerading as whites, bamboozle masses of gullible whites into being traitors.Now these masses must answer to the Jewish rule or be labeled a hater, ostracized and even fired from their jobs.(15)
The Jewish Oligarchy: Running and ruining America
Anti-white policies have spread like wild fire. More and more sheeple whites are enslaved and turn to the suicidal teaching of Judeo-Christ-insanity. This was first taught by Jews and their lackeys in the Roman Empire and what became it's own destruction as people turned to God rather than have strength in numbers against their enemies. The ZOG does not care about history or care about learning from mistakes because it has been the them who have Westernized it with lies.Mistakes made throughout history only benefited ZOGs and hurt it's own people. They are the ones who's ancestors have been slaughtered in order to protect the future of ZOG's. Where are the ZOG's in this suffering? They're creating more anti-white legislation and taxes to fund their enemies so they can profit from it's mass destruction. Don't be fooled, the Jew wants to get rid of white people. (16)
Jewish Plan for White Genocide
Their real religious book is the Talmud of Babylon. All Jews follow this book no matter what kind of der Jude they are. They regard Gentiles as goyim or goy which means stupid cattle. Why do think that every time you turn on the TV you see a show or commercial with integrated people all but a white male unless he is gay. The Jews have their politicians who are mostly non-white anyway preach anti-white legislation. They will try to crowd you out with massive non-white immigration. They will make next to impossible for a white person to have a good paying job due to affirmative action. Hate crime laws are written to imprison white people and let Niggers, muds and cruds get away with murder. It never worked in other white empires and it won't work now. der Jude knows this he's been practicing this for 5000 years. Wake up and save your race from the atrocities of der Jude! It is not in die Juden best interest to practice what he preaches. Der Jude would love more than anything for all the sheeple to accept the filth of the world.(17)
Jewish Talmud Exposed
This way der Jude can stay in the racial genocide and gold stealing business forever. It's against die Juden belief to be an honest citizen and to live a normal life. Die Juden insist on being involved in everyone's life but demand the public stay out of their life. Der Jude would loves to disgust the world with filth and promotes it with the sheeple supporters. Ein Jude nothing for any nation ,continent or world to be proud of. Putting the Jew leaders of the world out of commission ,which is what needs to be done to send die Juden back to where they came from Since the Jews control the governments and their money it will take some measures to put the Jew out of commission. First step would to be is not to vote in their sham elections since the politicians do nothing for white people anyway. Don't buy your goods from Jew businesses.Reframe from being entertained by the Jew. Promote being white in your community. Don't let the Jew get involved with your life. Once die Juden can't capitalize on the white man and see they can't destroy him they will end up turning on each other. Then when no one is there to fall for their tricks and traps they will find somewhere else to go until finally they're all by themselves destroying each other.
The biggest thief of all time (1694 - 2017) || Who banned gold currency
Hollywood is a tool to mentally enslave the sheeple so they have the logic of a nigger primate. (18)To have religions accept the political correctness of Hollywood is absurd but this is what der Jude needs to further his conquest for the genocide of his largest enemy - the white race. When Hollywood Jews rewrite facts it is an attempt to make a story appealing and profitable.Hollywood Jews are nothing but propaganda tools and definitely shouldn't be worshipped. Movie stars are die Juden or are loyal to die Juden. They're always trying to brainwash sheeple further with public address announcements or with programs promoting bestiality. These filth are used to extort money from sheeple who believe that their donations are going good cause when in reality it used to line the pockets of die Juden and other dishonest filth. These Hollywood Juden have no standards and feel that to be immoral is their right and to promote immorality is the normal thing to do. They feel they have no responsibility and shall be treated as royalty regardless of what they do or say. The filth has their sheeple believe that they should be honored and respected just because they have a career. Never mind that their entertaining career is made to distort history with constant lies and deceptions.
How the Jews Created Hollywood
Hi-jacking the newsprint and broadcast media(Jewsmedia) help aid der Jude crimes.(19)
Jews Media
The one-sided top stories and headlines of white only crime against non-whites is reported but the facts are never told or everything is taken out of context in order to serve der Jude agenda. Der Jude will cover up over and over again crimes against whites plus he will cover up Jewish atrocities unless it can help themselves become more profitable. You'll hardly ever hear a bad thing said or the truth revealed about the lifestyle of die Juden. Instead, der Jude will promote his filthy agenda as the way to be alive and free. Whites must fight fire with fire just as Nazis did. Whites must flood the world with promotion of the white race and it's natural purity. More promotion of self-hatred, love der Jude and his enemies but hate yourself is broadcast to the masses. The sheeple follow in lockstep to whatever der Jude orders them to do.(20) TELEVISION What better way to shove die Juden agenda down the sheeples' throats, than to do it by using the Electric Jew plus the motion filth industry. Mix some "sympathy for der Jude" propaganda in with Multi-culturalism then the sheeple will plunge off a cliff for you on demand. Hollywood is where der Jude has helped his enemies become aggressive enemies of the white race.(21) Do something constructive instead of watching TV or going to the movies. Eliminate cable service if you have it. Work towards shutting down Hollywood by boycotting it and the businesses who sponsor it. The boob tube is also used for Religious propaganda so you would suicidally commit yourself to church on Sunday. (22)Meanwhile der Jude is opened for business and making a killing at it ,especially at sports events and other mindless Kikeries. Der Jude also uses the TV to make sheeple feel guilty about the helpless and weak by trying to get them to give to his charities. In the meantime ,he's siphoning the funds and donations from the very cause he supposedly supports. The Jew Stock market is no more than a casino for his addicts. While people are suckered into tanking or non-existent stocks. der Jude is getting rich off the blue chip stocks of the companies he controls. Speaking of controlling companies, the food industry that is, der Jude pressures or bribes these companies so he can issue his Kosher tax on the people.(23)
A rabbi blesses the food and adds a tax to the consumer. This is insane since a lot of the products aren't even healthy and contain sugar,an exploited addictive product. Die Juden will push unsafe products on the world as long as they're profiting from it.
Jewish Gambling
If the ZOG cared about the safety of civilians then der Jude lawyers couldn't feed off the lawsuits that are due to the unsafeness of the money influenced products. So everyone is doomed and deemed to lose if they choose to take part in the Slavish practices of the Jew. The news even tries to sell people on the praise for Kikery.(24)
Freed from Jewish Law
They paint non-Jews as evil and give unconditional support or love to degenerate Juden. A fantasy world for Jews is a world of non-kikes enslaved by them. This is where filth is exploited and promoted as the way everyone should be and act. The world is not safe with Jude greed running rampant. His practice of filth needs to be stomped out and der Jude needs to be given a reality check along with his lackeys. Reality is stronger than any Jude fantasy. Juden should banned from the presence of white people and his filth holes to be destroyed. The propagand Ein Jude machine has turned reporting of the news into an all out attack on the truth and common sense. The jewsmedia are constantly making up things and hiding the facts. Why believe something that has no basis or evidence to support it. The destruction of the white race is die Juden main goal since whites are the only ones that can expose him for the scoundrel he is. (25)
Destruction of the White Race
That is only if the white traitors are taken care of so der Jude won't have a gullible voice to protect him. Jews then will have to fight their own enemies which would include the white race as a more powerful foe. All it takes is for white people to stop falling for religions and politicians alike. The white race can only save itself. The enemy must be uncompromisingly destroyed!If the Jews are exposed for the scoundrelism,eventually they will have to flee to their homeland wherever that should be. Hollywood and Washington D.C. should be proof and warning enough not to keep contributing to Jewry. There's no doubt der Jude wants to get rid of the white man. The best way he can do this is by creating wars against white people or other Jude enemies and using propaganda to stir things up in his favor. (26)
Der Jude try to use what's left of the white civilization as slave workers as long as they agree to destroy themselves and their heritage by accepting diversity. Then the process starts all over again to all of the white race is destroyed either by mongrelization or by being human shields for der Jude . WAR Allowing enemies to violate other enemies to start wars, der Jude rallies patridoitic Christians to die for his cause at the same time praising his enemies at home and abroad so they become mass slaves to their Jude master. He herds his sheeple into places of worship so they'll love their enemies. The sheeple are convinced that they need to go on a racial suicide unconditional mission in the name of der Jude . After his enemies are killed off der Jude will promote his filth so he can enslave the remaining enemies even more than before. Der Jude will always paint himself as a victim so he will be praised and rewarded to shield himself from danger. War propaganda, don't get caught up in the hogwash. Live your life in a way that can only help your whiteness. Being herded into battles will only benefit der Jude . Save the white race. Tell the Jew to fight his own wars! Die Juden use wars to bankrupt one enemy and to profit off another.(27)
They inbreed the human race to both destroy their enemies (other races-gentiles) and assure their survival by living as a parasite on the other races. They have done this for 5,000 years. In other words, a race mixing genocide. They poison the world with propaganda (Hollywood, media- television and newspapers). These weapons are enforced by Jew lies. This is only a small portion of what the Jew is capable of as the list goes on and on. HOLOHOAX Holohoaxes are set up to guilt sheeple into accepting Jewry . (28)
Pure JEWS and racemixing
With the Holohoax fraud and going back to the Crusades der Jude cries out to be a victim. When in fact it was der Jude with his corruptive shady business dealings with civilizations has got him expelled or exterminated from the civilizations. Der Jude is guilty as any convicted criminal for his cunning ways of deceiving the public. Der Jude has every one believe in Christianity but himself doesn't want nothing to do with it since he created it to destroy his enemies. Der Jude is a fraud and a deceiver. He can't be trusted. He has everything to gain when sheeple stupidly go along with his plan for their own destruction. It's about time der Jude fights his own wars.It's about time white people wake up and quit falling for all the holohoaxes der Jude creates.Why continue to support such a suicidal way of life such as Communism and Capitalism all rolled up into one? Do you really need the services of der Jude? Wouldn't the world do just fine if people didn't have to worry about Jew inspired debt? Wouldn't it be better for the world to trade with gold and silver instead of overprinted,counterfeited paper and slugs? Why gamble with things Jewry controls especially when the odds aren't in your favor? Why go to church every Sunday and be taught racial suicide while der Jude is out and about trying to cheat people out their life savings? Why support ZOGs who don't have the best interest of whites in mind? Why go along with the crowd when you know it does nothing but hurt your people? Cut off ties with der Jude .Banish all die juden problems he's forced on whites.Support the white race exclusively.Be proud,be free of muds,cruds,niggers and Kikes. SLAVE Kike slave trade still exists in the form of prostitution and cheap labor is a form of slavery practiced by businesses who are controlled by the corporate regime of the ZOG both directly and indirectly. (29)
Jews and the white slave trade
The affirmative action and equal opportunity employers are either federally funded operations or are pressured to be an AA/eo employers by the ZOG mob with the threats of lawsuits, audits or heavy fines. The cheap laborers are not taxed due the lower tax bracket and their non-ZOG residency. The low wage slaves are to be supported by higher ZOG taxation on workers who can barely eke out a living and those who have had a successful career but are punished for it. Businesses who don't over hire minorities are subject to frivolous lawsuits concocted by kikes and their lackeys. Banking is another kike slave trade where customers are subjected to low interest rates on their savings and stiff penalties by their creditors even if they are a day late on payments. These low rates on savings and the ridiculous penalty fees cover for the loans to minorities who can't or won't pay these loans back. So more and more rates get lower and fees get higher as unconditional loans granted to minorities increase. This can also be said for grants issued by the ZOG that allow or encourage people to do business for the corporate regime and are only granted to minorities due to affirmative action. The grants are also unconditional unless it is to a large corporation who eventually get kickbacks anyway for their anti-white policies. If all else fails, the ZOG will just bomb turd world countries on the behalf of fellow Zionist and more jobs are handed to minorities to build war related products. The corporate regime of the ZOG is tyrannical towards whites and allows minorities to feed off the system as long as they work like and behave like good slaves. The funding of turd world countries is to produce drug crops.(30)
Jews and the Opium wars
Distribution of the drugs amongst the niggers, spics and other easily influenced degenerate is the ZOG goal.. The ZOG year after year tells the public how they've come up with a new way to fight the drug problem. Little does the public know or what to believe that their fearless leaders are the ones behind the drug trade in the first place. As people start to become tired of the same old dribble of the ZOG they'll lose interest in their so-called leaders. The ZOG then turns to turd world countries and makes deals with them in order to recruit more degenerate slave labor to be consumers in their drug business. The ZOG has to create legislation to help fund their newly recruited slaves. Leaving true citizens out in the cold and unemployed as these recruited invaders have stolen their jobs from them not to mention flooding their neighborhoods with filth. As more citizens are cast off to the side the ZOG takes it a step farther by threatening big businesses to recruit non-citizens to fill the high tech jobs instead homegrown qualified candidates. So the working class gets screwed (mostly whites) and the people of high education get thrust to the side so the ZOG can corrupts more people to become under the influence of it's big drug trade operation. The big reason why Jews concoct such a thing as humans vs. nature is just so they can create more lawsuits. (31)
antiboycott Israelfirst laws
Instead of making life a little more pleasant for everyone, the Jew will go out of his way to preserve land inhabited by worthless insects just long enough for him to see how much money he can make off of it and how much he drive down the price of the land. To keep people off public land he will drum up some insane law about the environment and gradually takes control of the land for himself. The Jew will stop at nothing to steal land . He loves to show how unsafe a place is by reporting man made disasters that he had purposely created. The Jew loves to invoke fear into people just so he can drive them out of an area he desires or corral them into an area where he can make a profit .(32)
Jewish Controlled Fear Mongering
The Jew is all about money and the survival of his people. He could give a damn about the environment because he is naturally a destroyer and a killer. Liberalism-A tool to weaken and destroy the white race. Democracy-doomed concept that leads to lawlessness and low morale that provides slaves for der Jude . Capitalism-A counterfeiting ring that steals more and more gold or silver without giving away any of the Jews' loot in the process. Communism -Fake freedom now being practiced by the ZOGs of the world except they're calling it democracy. Conservatism-A tool that allows kike slaves to fight battles in the name of Jewry. World government-To promote tyrannical Zionists and the plan to control the world. ZOG ZOG press releases and their Political windbags are thrust upon the civilians every time the ZOG wants to do a cover up or deliver subterfuge when they have been caught in the act. The ZOG lackeys report hoax after hoax so they get more sheeple go along with their plan of lying and cheating. The ZOG will even create disasters in order to create an enemy for their witch hunts. The ZOG is the real hater of freedom. The ZOG is greedy, negligent and must be relieved of it's duties. The only hope is for the white race to wake up and prevail against kikes. Once kikes are defeated the rest of the enemies of the white race will surely fall. Escape the wrath of the ZOG. For the most part the American government has violated it's contract with the people. They done this by doing what is the best interest of Jews instead of what's in the best interest of the majority population of America. The Jews only show alliance and are loyal only to Isn'treal. So, at the wishes of die Juden ,the U$A has become a ZOG. It didn't happen over night. It happened due to gross misinterpretation of the Constitution over the years where traitors have allowed Kikes power to corrupt. American was founded to get away from all the degenerate filth in the world. The allowance of der Jude Agenda has reversed that. Now America is a cesspool of turd world diversity and a melting pot to create more filth so der Jude can one day be the ultimate slave master. Don't buy into the scam of Kikery. Do what's best for yourself and your own kind ,not what's best for the ZOG and Isn'treal.The ZOG creates paranoia to trap the gullible into every trick in the book.(33)
The ZOG loves to use propaganda and planted or invented evidence to support it.(34) It will make sure people are scared into further slavery. It will use it's biggest stooges to pass the propaganda onto the public. By the people are old and broken they have pretty much signed their families future over to the ZOG. Do these people care? How can they ,when they are bond by their suicidal religions. If it wasn't for their suicidal religions every enemy would be tried, convicted and hanged or expelled depending on their crime against the white race. That is why the ZOG promotes religion. That is why the ZOG exploits those who are against these suicidal religion. The gullible will fight for the ZOG without a question of morals. Common Sense must be used as a weapon against the ZOG and religion. The ZOG tries to control you by doing things like moving their mud into your area so it becomes run down. (35)
It used be the Nigger who was moved into neighborhoods that would destroy it's appearance, safety and value. Now it's the spic who gets to do that while the Nigger gets to destroy whole communities via ZOG legislation. Towns that once had a booming business are now full of empty buildings because the whole Niggerization thing just didn't work out. Meanwhile, der Jude is making off like the bandit he is with high prices and high taxes on the products from his Corporate regime. The sad thing about it is that the sheeple have accepted this behavior and der Jude is rubbing their noses in it. To those who want to change, refuse to give in to Kikery and force him out of business by not giving him any. Then there will be no where for him to go and he shall be driven from the land. Your environment will be turning white once all of his muds and spooks won't have no one to turn to either. They shall be driven from the land as well.
George Lincoln Rockwell 1966 White Power
Once Jew governments are defeated and their people are driven from the land the world will be a better place. That means don't cower down and be lumped together with the rest of the sheep. Once the gentiles or at least the whites band together, the Jews will start turning on each other. They can't survive unless they continue to get more and more gullible people to sway their way. The bandits will have now choice but to leave and search for something else to leech onto. Once they can't find anything they will have to move to some unihabited island and kill each other off. Then there will be no more race mixing genocide. Remember die Juden are cowards so they don't fight and have others do their fighting for them. Once there is no one who will do their dirty work for them ,their survival will be forced into jeopardy. Oswald done it, A ZOG conspiracy.
All Wars Are Jewish Wars
The Arabs done it, A Pro-Isn'treal ZOG conspiracy.Great nigger inventors,Political correct bullshit to discredit whites.Communism-,Pro-Zog attempts at ruling the world.To create wealth ZOG uses war.(36)ZOG needs an enemy to go to war against,so it creates victims and immediately issues propaganda.The ZOG uses it's legislation to let niggers,muds and even Jews open season on whites and get off on techinicalities.The ZOG blames the white victims for provoking the the filth of the world.So they show sympathy for scum and demonize whites for hating their attackers.The rest of the people are encouraged to go in lock-step with ZOG policies so the filth of the world are free to rape and ravage all they want.The ZOG is all for the destruction of the white race.They're either promoting suicidal anti-white legislation or they are encouraging people to go to church just as die Juden want you to do and pray for your attackers.They want you to believe that you're all sinners anyway and criminals need your support. The ZOG also makes it a practice to villianize white citizens of created enemies so they can bomb the hell out of them. They also send whites to nigger lands to westernize it for the best interest of the ZOG.If the natives rebel and kill the whites ,it's a victory for the ZOG.As long no turd world filth are being killed the ZOG will allow the natives to kill whites over and over again
Communists Jews
(When researching the links use instead. If that still does not work, thank the Jews for their frivolous lawsuits and their attacks on freedom of speech!)
(13) ,
(28 )
[The Jews Own The Press--The Siege]
(33) [Please Israel, Let My America Go Free!]
(36) (link with a liberal twist)
jew atrocities holohoax nazi jewish
Adolf Hitler's Warning about the Jewish Control Structure
Jewish Spirit cooking
Jew Gambling
Crooked Jewish Lawyers
#sixmillionlie #holohoax
Jewish Talmud
Jewish Bible Christinsanity
Holocaust Fraud
Jewish Mind control #jewish #longcon
Jews seed of the serpent