My summary of the story of+ "Jesus of Mercy"+____ //Accompanied by an image with recyclable material

Hello to all of you today I want to share with you my Jesus of mercy with recycling materials, such as cardboard and newspaper. And this image has a nice story which I have studied in the last 6 years and this is what I understood and I want to share it with you.


Jesus of Mercy appeared to Saint Maria Faustina de Kowalska in 1931, this was the first time that she saw her image as Jesus continually let her face to her to show signs because at that time humanity was committing many sins that in the eyes of God were horrendous, although at the moment many sins originate as well.

This story is very beautiful because Jesus manifested to Saint Faustina his sadness and gave him tables of salvation for humanity, that is, he expressed ways for humanity to get rid of sin, the most important is that they should trust in him and have always present the phrase "Jesus I trust in you" also prayed that resará with faith the rosary to the divine mercy this is based on

Pray as the first part the "our father, the bird of Mary and the creed"

Ask for the favor you want

Repeat 10 times "For your painful passion" and answer "Have mercy on us and on the whole world" (for each one for your painful passion, repeat mercy on us and on the whole world)

At the end of each sequence is repeated "eternal father I offer you body and blood the soul and divinity of your beloved son our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world, and so it continues for 5 dozen.

In the end it is repeated 3 times "Holy God, Holy strong, Holy immortal, Have mercy on us and the whole world" and the final blessing is given.

NOTE: It is important to make this rosary at 3 o'clock in the afternoon because it is said that Jesus died on the cross at this time, and this rosary is performed as repentance for the sin of humanity and imploring for God's forgiveness.

It is so significant to think that in spite of our sins, God seeks all possible ways to save us and we still ignore it. This rosary is done in itself for 10 minutes and many people do not even take the time to do it. Today I leave you a little push to be taken in practice

Thank you for reading my post and do not forget to always keep in mind the phrase "Jesus I trust in you"


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