Upon All Sides, Provisions Made, Sold And Bought...
My Lord:
James 1:2, " My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; "
Fall into temptation, not sin. For sin is temptation not endured but conceived through giving into it. There is nothing being endured when one concedes themselves to commit evil. Yet one will have to endure the wages of sin, death and hell, that everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, where the smoke of your torment will rise up forever and ever before the Lamb and His angels. For there is nothing but torment outside the presence of the Lord, that outer darkness is truly dark. I warn you of that which I was shown and felt. I have felt the torment and the smoke rose from me as I was outside the presence of the Lord and in the presence of evil. I call that vision "the image of lust" for it wanted without measure, without limit. It was a picture set before me and moved not but it was alive, I have no way to explain this, for I have no measure to measure it by. It is simply what I lived and I share it freely for anyone who is truly desiring the Truth.
Count it joy to find yourself being tempted, for there is no need to tempt them that openly, willfllfully sin. For then that proclaim to be Christian but stocked up on provisons to allow them the live in sin. I have seen them joy in this, "this", being the ability to sin and live, have life, not surely die. In the invention of man, the vain imagination of man they are happy, for that image is their own image freed in the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye and that pride of life. As I was just told, I now live life like I never lived it before, now that I know I can not keep the Commandments of God and that He loves me like this. That I will continue to sin and grace will forever cover my sins. Truly happy was this witness to be free from the cost, the wage of sin, death and hell. Truly miserable was he keeping the Commandents of God. Not my words, but his.
When you can truly see that someone is being used to tempt you, when all around you the temptation is out of the norm. You know you are on the Rock, you know it because satan is trying hard to call you off. Every time you find a measure to measure where you stand, it brings great joy when you know you are on the Rock, rejoice indeed. Temptation rains down and you see it for what it is and you rejoice being able to recognize it for what it is. Having eyes and ye see, having ears and ye hear, having a nose and you smell, praise the Lord for the ability to overcome with Him. Synergism, together, through Him we are more than able to do all things and if there was only one thing that we could do through Him, it would be Go and Sin No More. It would be obedience to His Commandments. If nothing else were possible with Christ, through Christ, ceasing from the filth of sin would absolutely be that one thing. Called to labor with Him in the vineyard, workers together. He surely is not doing it all for us or has done it all already for us. We are to work the works of the Spirit and not the flesh, the living sacrifice as written, sacrificing the fruit of our lips, Christ is Lord, Christ is King, Christ was crucified and resurrected as an earnest payment for sin.
Ephesians 1:14, " Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. "
Greek - G728
Word: ἀῤῥαβών
Transliteration: arrhabōn
Phonetic: ar-hrab-ohn'
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Definition: an earnest, money which in purchases is given as a pledge or downpayment that the full amount will subsequently be paid...
So many things are tossed in the Way, listen to this, look at that, look over here, distraction and seeds of doubt tossed so thick its down right all out war. As I write this all I can hear is this verse screaming in me.
Do not turn but ever straight and narrowly forward. Mind stayed upon the prize, fighting the good fight of faithfulness to the Truth at all cost, no matter the cost. I will do what is right, I will fight to know what that is and I will grab hold unto it and I will not let it leave me. Faith is faithful, not unfaithful, it works by love and love does not fail if it be true love.
Proverbs 4:27, " Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil. "
Which brings all of these to mean so much, for the warning is repeated over and over and over and over. If you are walking straight and narrow, down the Path FEW find, there will be divers/many temptations placed before you to draw you to the left or to the right, to DISTRACT you from the WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, fear God, worship God and KEEP, KEEP, KEEP the Commandments. To be just, loving mercy and walk humbly with God. Always looking forward, eyes on the prize (another thing copied from the book of the Lord), it matters not what is going on over there, shut thine eye to evil. It matters not what is going on over there close thy ear from hearing evil. It matters not what is going on over there refuse to smell the foul stench of sin. Do not be over charged by the cares of this world, many will try and pile it upon you, to wear you out. We do not become entangled in the affairs of the world. We are here to please Him who called us.
2 Timothy 2:4, " No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. "
The cares of this world will choke you to death and that is the intent of them. We are not of the world, we are in it, but not of it. They of the world hate the Father, for they love the world. They who love the world are enmity towards God, but this simple Truth does not effect most and I am almost always talking about the professed Christian, the born again new creation that shows no newness but proclaims it. Will gladly profess sin to be greater than the Lord they say they love by commiting sin and yet say they are a new creation.
Mark 4:19, " And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. "
What I notice is James is speaking to adulterers and adluteresses, people who surely think they are in the service but surely are not. They seem nice, act nice but led many to death and hell through provisons. They call you brother and sister when they are anything but. For true brothers and sister are doing the will of the Father, obeying from the heart, not living that old mans life filled with inability.
James 4:4, " Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. "
Look not left, look not right, heart, mind, soul, body, might, strength all on the Lord, all for Him. No time to waste serving thy self, pointless, it is a waste of time to be concerned with the foolishness of this world. Do not get entangled in what MATTERS NOT AT ALL. Do not be carried off by them who wait and watch for the world to give them a sign or wonder, it will always be false, it can not do anything but be false. Look to that which is always right and wait and watch of the Spirit, things angels desire to look into. Pointless to look for evil, down right ignorant to waste time looking for what is at every turn, common like dirt. Eyes forward and you walk as He walked, put on the mind and be about the business you were called to be about. I was told to tell about Him, so I write.
Numbers 22:26, " And the angel of the LORD went further, and stood in a narrow place, where was no way to turn either to the right hand or to the left. "
Deuteronomy 2:27, " Let me pass through thy land: I will go along by the high way, I will neither turn unto the right hand nor to the left. "
Deuteronomy 5:32, " Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. "
Deuteronomy 17:20, " That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment, to the right hand, or to the left: to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel. "
Deuteronomy 28:14, " And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them. "
Joshua 1:7, " Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. "
2 Kings 22:2, " And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in all the way of David his father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left. "
Always something in the Way, always a call to have pleasure in that which is vile, but told it is no big deal, no harm, just for fun or acceptable to God, already covered, as they plead the cross or the blood or whatever thing they cling to that allows one to sin. How many times does one hear "no one is perfect"? To many! How oft does one hear " I strive for perfection and will obtain it by the will of God "? Not enough! How oft does one hear "I sinned not today"? Not enough! Smile, joy, when all one hears is the seeds of inability and be stronger knowing you have done no evil, you have called no evil good, you have had no pleasure in unrighteousness or them that do unrighteousness. You have obeyed from the heart the doctrine received of God. You're fighting the good fight at all times, yearning to be free of this tabernacle and to have the new put on. Yet patient, for others still need to find the Truth, so wait Lord, give them time, I pray for time but I am ready now! Having the Truth ever before you, fighting for it, it is a fight beyond all battles, to keep the Truth, to keep it free of provisions.
Say it without ceasing, question it and answer it, what is faith? Faithful obedience. What is grace? A teacher. Am I in the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds? Do I examine myself daily, hourly, by the minute, even by the second? Have I this day affirmed myself to be in the faith? When all around me provisions rain down, one could easily pick one up, could easily buy doubt, buy the cares of this world, buy the inability, buy the sin nature, the sin filled flesh, the total depravity, the forever filthy rag wretch that is forever unable to obey from the heart for sin is all powerful. So powerful it is, I hear them say, that no man can be free of it. I can not keep the Commandments, no one can. I can not Go and Sin No More, it is impossible and I need not to, for grace is that magic cover, so many love this provision. They love the fruits of unrighteousness, for a lie is unrighteous. They love to have is so, tell them lies and they can be happy.
No man can be free of sin... How many times has one heard this filthy lie? How many times must one hear it in this life? How many different ways do they package this lie and sell it? How many names does this lie fall under? Right here, right now is the tearing down these filthy strongholds built by the untempered mortar of them that loveth lies, finding pleasure in unrighteousness.
So which is it, free or bondage?
If you KNOW the Truth you are FREE! So then what are they who proclaim the power of sin to be greater than the Truth? Bondage. They can not know the Truth, they know lip service, but they do not know Him in Truth. Ever learning and never able. What good is to teach anyone they are free but not really, because God made them with some flesh imbued with sin already. When it is not written anywhere in the book of the Lord. It is what we do that makes us sinful flesh. Sin is transgression of the Law, it is not flesh, flesh sinning is sinful flesh, flesh sinning not is not sinful flesh. It is what you are doing that makes you that which you are, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. Sin is conceived through what (as the book of steel teaches, James), giving into the lust of the flesh, that wantonness which leads men to death and hell. That disgusting lie of sin nature, which IS A license to sin, this is how all of this foolishness lives on. Tell people the can not obey, give them a provision that says they are made that way and they will go about being doers of it and not keepers of the Truth but lies. For the love of a lie one is strongly deluded by God, one reaps what one sows, strong delusion. A bad tree makes bad fruit. A good tree makes good fruit. Either make the tree good and its fruit or make it bad. It is what is done by YOU! So then we get the filthy lies or provisions, that many love to quote, "it is not what you do, it is what has been done" or " it not what you do but Christ did". It allows for the lie to live, to give quarter to it, when God has said utterly destroy it all, spare nothing, keep nothing. For if you keep a little piece, then one ought to hear this Truth, a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
John 8:32, " And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. "
This verse does not express free from the wages of sin, but free from sin, that it no longer as a hold on you BUT YOU allow it to have a hold on you. You are free indeed to Go and Sin No More, if you truly believe, truly have faith, truly trust, truly have all your hope in Christ then you will be a doer of the Truth and you will not accept provisions. Nothing less than perfection, be as the Father is in Heaven, perfect. Know it was not said to torment you, but to affirm that you can, you are free, you are able, so Go and Sin No More...
John 8:36, " If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. "
Right back to Saul, and Samuel 15. Saul spared, when God said spare not. For that disobedience what was reaped by Saul? evil. Give no quarter to sin, do not spare it but cast it from you, turn from it, let it go, look not left nor right. They will call from all sides, the world (the people) has so many cares that it will consume anyone who loves it more than the Truth. Out of fear of the death men are placed into bondage. Until one truly acknowledges the Truth and not the foolish inventions of man, they will be kept bound to the fear of death. It will cause many to make provisions, for that conscience that is defiled, guilt and shame create the desire to sacrifice and God had no pleasure in burnt offerings, sacrifice, He loves and desires obedience. Obedience is far greater than sacrifice.
How could God truly have pleasure in knowing one desires sacrifice because one is rebelling against Him? For that rebellion guilt and shame defile the conscience and makes one not want to be in the presence of God, for it is like your about to be hit by a speeding train. As it was shown to me as sin was placed before me in the Spirit, it was shocking and the closest I can come to explain it is knowing your going to be hit by a speeding train and there is nothing that can change it, you are going to die, you have taken your last step, your last breathe, your last look at those you loved. If one were to obey, there would be none of this. As God told Cain, you do it Cain or the evil your about to do (killing your brother) will rule over you. The conscience defiled, the fear, the certain knowing of the destruction to come. Deep down one knows it is coming, that train is coming and it is speeding and it is going to destroy you.
Sin can not bear the presence of the Lord, it can not bear the beauty of holiness, God Almighty. It wants to flee, it will not love the appearing, it will hate the appearing and one then realizes the mark that they bear in them, is not a tattoo, rfid chip, or an energy drink, the beast system, all of that is distraction, a bunch of entertainment, amusement, etc, it is sin in you. The calling of evil good, pleasant and desiring it. It is not sighing and crying over the abominations but having pleasure in them. For they who loveth pleasure are already dead.
1 Samuel 15:23, " For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. "
Words, simple words, spoken so easily and sometimes one can not manage speaking them at all.
Staying focused on the Truth, teaches. Focus learns thy lips to speak sweet things. But not all agree on what is truly sweet and what is evil. What words people use to entice and allure, the great swelling words of emptiness used by the wicked to sell provisions to the masses. Again, it is not the falling down that gives the increase, it is the focus and standing upright that teaches the greatest of lessons. Falling hurts, breaks, destroys, as written, we hand them over to satan for the DESTRUCTION of the flesh. So just maybe they will be saved in the end. So just maybe they will realize the awful place they have allowed themselves to go and be broken by it and look up. Yet some will not, some only grow harder and harder and will forever refuse. For them that look up. a true lesson awaits that will grow you from a silly child to an adult that hath no pleasure in wickedness or them that do wickedness.
True love chastens, true love is that rod of correction that builds the fear of the Lord, that beginning of wisdom. In that beginning one begins to grow truly, to increase. It is not flattering someone with provisions, it is giving no quarter to sin. True mercy is handing one over to satan for the destruction of their flesh that they might actually be saved. For giving quarter to sin, and allowing one to remain in sin, and in the body (thinking they are), does nothing but kill them, keep them from the salvation to come and leaven others to the same end, death and hell. It appears to be kind and sweet, but it is death and hell. True love, true sweet words that feed the soul and the bones, chasten, correct, chastise, exhort, encourage, it is a rod of correction for the Father loves whom he corrects. It is true encouragement that says you can Go and Sin No More out true love unfeigned. Yes you can obey from the heart, yes you can ignore the calls of the world and them in it the world. You can be free from the cares of the world and all the distraction caused by cares that carry so many off, choking the breathe of Life from them.
Want to hear what loves sounds like? It is the Truth spoken, not to harm, but to lead one back from harm. For true love is not silent in the face of death and hell.
John 8:44, " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John 8:45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
John 8:46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
John 8:47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. "
Who hears the love in the Truth? Yes one can read Psalms or Proverbs and hear about being forgiven and lifted up on high, the delight in the Law of the Lord and being led unto still waters, calmness and peace. But in them also are all the warnings of death and hell. The cost, the price for being evil, for finding pleasure in evil and them that do evil. True love does not just tell you part of the Truth, it tells you the whole of the Truth, it does not respect a persons person. One Truth for all, no exceptions, for true love does not make exceptions. Truly loveth God Almighty? then hating sin is an absolute duty, quality, a manifestation of the Spirit being in you proving that love. To have no pleasure in wickedness, in unrighteousness, to obey the simple Commandment, Go and Sin No More.
Want to hear the sound of true love?
1 Corinthians 5:5, " To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
1 Corinthains 5:6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?
1 Corinthians 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: "
To be willing to hand another over to satan so they might be saved through having their flesh destroyed so they might see in the end. To then correct them that have not done this, who claim to love one another, love the Lord Jesus. When I was hungry you fed Me or when I was hungry you fed Me not!!!! Then explain it, explain what the cost of not doing what is right will be? You will become leavened by the individual that you allow to remain unchecked. If you make a provision for sin, it will leaven you all. You will go from calling evil evil, to calling it good. You will allow it to grow amongst you and choke out the Truth if you do not OBEY what is Commanded. Many speak what APPEARS to be sweet words, that appear to express love, concern, but truly it is not. Just like Saul was told to do what? SPARE NO ONE, NOT EVEN THE BEASTS. It was a simple expression of giving no quarter to sin and death and hell. For if you do not OBEY, you will allow sin to come in and leaven you all. A simple expression yet do so to make the severe point of the gravity of what lies before all mankind. You will bring it back with you and it will spread amongst all. God has said give no quarter to sin, has with true love spoken of what must be done, like it or not, understand it or not. Nothing God has given or said is for our harm, but our good. It is so very simple, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
Sin is the transgression of the Law, the Father and the Son are Law, what they have spoken to do are Commandments, expressions of love. Saul sinned, he did not keep the Commandment of God, spare nothing... Utterly destroy all... Man can not hear the love, they hear their own hate, and want and that certain fear that has them in bondage. They apply this to God, they change the image of God into the corruptible image of man. It is always a provision made to allow for sin, which is disobedience to the Law, and the wrath of God is stored up for the children of disobedience, which are they who break the Commandments.
How can there be wrath stored up if it was all paid already, all done already, all obeyed already. They are liars, robbing you of the Truth, for misery loveth company and they want you to confirm them in a lie.
I have read, "it matters not how good you are, but your relationship with Jesus". I tell you that is a lie, it does matter what YOU do, it always matters what you do. If you do not Repent, you will have no relationship with Jesus. If you give lip service to Jesus and say you Repented but not truly from the heart, you will have no relationship with Jesus. If you do not do what is written, Repent and to do works WORTHY of repentance, it will matter not what you think your relationship is with Jesus. For many think they are in His service but are not, many provide lip service but not their hearts, many will stand before Him and will hear Him say "depart from me, ye who work iniquity" or simply said you who did good but continued to be lawless, sinful, making provisions that allow you to be sinful and yet calling yourselves saved. Then it begs to ask and answer them that sell "it matters not what you do but what Jesus did". Or, it matters not "how good you are, but your relationship with Jesus". It begs one to truly acknowledge the WHOLE Truth and to speak the whole Truth. For flattering easy words that take any ability, any work, any requirement, any cost off of them that needs to be counted, weighed, be aware of, affirm, strive, run, dig deep, prove, be diligent, study, work out your OWN salvation with fear and trembling, it robs all the Truth, all the power, all the virtue out of simple words. Effectualness, the operation of faith being faithful or good, as written, doing GOOD WORKS.
Two steps, two entirely different moments in life. Before you come to the Truth and after. Two points of grace, time and the teaching. In this time of grace to have the flesh destroyed, to look up or have your hearts hardened. For them that acknowledge the Truth, forgiveness of sins through Repenting and repentance given by God and doing the works meet/worthy of this precious gift (the remission of sin PAST). Then grace teaches one how to live, what work one ought to be doing worthy of repentance, worthy of the Masters use. Deny ungodliness an worldly lusts and to LIVE soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world. Right here and now, not tomorrow, next week or year, not a lifetime of trying to do what is right. If you are set free indeed, you are free to Go and Sin No More indeed. To Name the Name of the Lord and DEPART from iniquity, indeed, all of it, not part of it.
Acts 26:20, " But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. "
Who hears the word "IF"? Who hears the word "PURGE"? If you purge what?
2 Timothy 2:21, " If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. "
Greek - G514
Word: ἄξιος
Transliteration: axios
Phonetic: ax'-ee-os
Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: weighing, having weight, having the weight of another thing of like value, worth as much, befitting, congruous, corresponding to a thing, of one who has merited anything worthy, both in a good and a bad sense...
Meet, To come together, approaching in opposite or different directions; to come face to face; as, to meet a man in the road. To come together, synergism, labouring for the same thing, as one in the body, to come face to face, to be worthy of use.
How does one strive lawfully by a grace that allows for breaking the Law? They who accept inability as some ultimate sacrifice of faith, which is so odd, because being unfaithful, or unable to keep ones oath, bond of marriage, promise, is NOT AN ACT OF FAITH. And all they do is talk about faith alone, yet profess being unfaithful. How can people be so strongly deluded to think unfaithfulness is an act of faith? They who sell the doubt, and speak this type of filth and I quote "there is no way I can, could or need to keep the Commandments of God". "God loves me so much that I can live like a literal devil and no matter what He still loves me, God love me like that!"...
Jesus said, they who sin are servants to sin, not Him. Yet I was told again, one can sin all they want and they are absolutely loved by the Lord. Then yet again I was told the same old lie of God seeing Jesus and not me but with a new twist. God sees me through Jesus, I liveth but not I that liveth, Christ liveth in me. So God sees Christ living in you, while you are watching porn, lusting after strange flesh, lying, cheating, stealing, fornicating, committing adultery, hating, murdering and ever abomination there is, but Christ is somehow living in this person?! Really?
So then when Paul handed that man who slept with his mother, over to satan, Paul misunderstood, God loved that man just the way he was. God did not want this man handed over to satan for the destruction of the flesh, for God loved Him like that! Strange kind of grace is that not? True love corrects, spares not the rod, for that is true mercy.
I ask, is this is really the best man can hope for, not the POWER OF THE SPIRIT, but to have no power, no ability, walking just as the old man did, filled with joy and happiness knowing you are FREE TO SIN and yet have life just as satan professed to Eve? This is what I was just told AGAIN. This person did not have to strive lawfully, he gets to Name the Name of the Lord and NOT DEPART FROM INIQUITY. This is grace, this is the freedom promised, that we are free indeed by this type of grace. This is what it means when we read we are free indeed! If these are not the great swelling words of emptiness that we are all warned about, then there are no such words that are dead an empty that we need to be aware of. Words that are used to flatter others into submission to go and sin more, to be free to sin, to live like devils and have life. To say "God loves me like that"! To promise liberty as one serves corruption. To promise others life when it is absolutely death. To justify the wicked in their wickedness. To condemn them death that ought to live and them that ought to die to Life. If these are not the words that entice and allure through the lust of the flesh then no such words exist!
2 Timothy 2:5, " And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. "
Repent for what, why say sorry if your going to do it again and again? Sin all week and confess is the work of devils, is the provisions of devils, is the broad path to everlasting destrution from the presence of the Lord God Almighty. How can you truly feel bad about something your allowed even expected to do? What is the point of any of this if I can be wicked and just say I believe and get to live? Just say I repented and do it all over again? Yet all of them doing the very same do not get to live because they did not repeat the magic words "I believe" or all those other fallacies and provisions? How selfish, unkind, unfair, unequal would God be if any of this filth were true?
Strive to enter into what, a place that is filled with sinners as I am told? Why would I want that when I have that already in this world? This person told me they were absolutely born again, a new creation and then just a few words later explains how he is still that same old man, doing the same old things, but he is happy and filled with joy, living, truly living for the first time in his life. For before realizing he was free indeed to sin, he was trying to obey and he was Miserable. For him to obey and keep the Commandments was misery to him, a professed born again saint, led by the Spirit, supposedly knowing the Truth, and the best it could be is freedom to commit more sin. This is what it means when you read He came to destroy the works of satan? The Law was not a delight, but a heavy burden. Why? When you desire not the things of heaven, but the things of the world, the Truth is a great burden. For that is the realm of satan, destruction, death and hell. To burden them that obey, to make it most miserable.
1 John 3:8, " He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. "
Yet I still joy, and rejoice, despite being most miserable.
1 Corinthians 15:19, " If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. "
Strive lawfully. What reason is there if you are by the Grace of God allowed to live like a devil and Christ living in you allows God to see His Son in you and this makes your actions null and void, why run the race, what race? I am free indeed to live in sin. This is so foul and filthy and yet it is believed, taught, sold and bought by many. Who has not heard the lie of God seeing Jesus and not you? Who has not heard one is free indeed to sin. How can you be in bondage to sin and then set free from it but still bound to it? How is this type of double mindedness not understood to be double mindedness? Truly great swelling words of emptiness, wells without water that can provide no refreshing, no value, no use, just empty dead words spoken with joy and happiness from a person that seems so kind and friendly but it is just an outward appearance, looking like a sheep but speaking like a dragon.
Be strong in the grace that is in Jesus, why say strong? What strength does it take to profess Christ as Lord and do not what He says? In a grace that allows one to be born again but just the same as they were prior to being born again, except one difference, they are now free to sin all the sins unto death and have life. They repeated some words, they said they believed, right? Where as before they had no Life but certain death, for they had not repeated some words. Did not have faith that they were free to sin the sins unto death and live. Really! This is the grace one truly desires, this is what one seeks from heaven? This surely makes the flesh joyful and happy but what does it do to the Spirit of God?
If we go over the true meaning of grace, we will see the strength needed that is in Christ. Grace teaches us to DENY ourselves ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world. "Present" meaning NOW in this Life. It takes POWER to deny ones self. It takes POWER to do what is right in a world filled with wrong. Power it takes to be sober, that is to have sincerity and gravity for what is laid before us all and to take it not lightly. To be righteous, that is obedient unto death, takes POWER, ability, faithfulness. To be godly, upright, doing what is right requires POWER and without Christ, we can truly do nothing. With Him living in us, we can endure till the end, we can strive Lawfully, we can do all things, we can Go and Sin No More, if we stayed narrowly focused on Him, the Way, the Truth and the Life. I for one can not accept God saying "well done my faithful servant" in the end if I did not do anything that was faithful to Him. If all I did in life was cheat on Him with sin and death, then that would make God a liar, to say to anyone "well done thy faithful servant", when they never were faithful to Him. God is perfect and His mercy endureth forever, but He will not lie to anyone, and surely will not tell anyone that is unfaithful, "well done" for being unfaithful.
2 Timothy 2:1, " Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. "
They who spare, and do not utterly destroy sin in their life, go about selling this to be the Way, is the flattering empty words that entice and allure through the lust of the flesh. We are in a battle for Life and death, it has nothing to do with the imaginations of men, or traditions and surely not their commandments. You can print billions of shirts of some revival and some sweet words that appear to speak the Truth printed on that shirt but it will not make it the whole Truth but the whole Truth is written. satan was good at quoting the Truth, but not the whole of the Truth. Jesus having to finish with the whole of the Truth, with a little here and a little there, here a little there a little. By every word and not just those that flatter but those that tell the whole of the sum of it all, Go and Sin No More. This is doing good and no one will lose their reward that is justly owed to them, good or bad. Slogans do not put you into a relationship with Jesus, obeying Him does, which is doing good by the standards of God Almighty. Keeping the Commandments are good and doing them, keeping them, maintaining them is what is good. The work that all must come to do or they will perish. To be just, love mercy and walk humbly, judgement, mercy and faith, righteousness, temperance and the judgement to come.
Read these verses and hear the severity, the gravity, if hate is in your heart, hate is what you will find. If love is in your heart, then love is what you will find. Remove sin from among you, do not bring it into yourselves, for it will leaven the whole of you. You will do as sin does, if you learn the ways of sin, the ways of sin you will do. these things are heard in learn not the way of the heathen. Do not worship God as they worship their gods. Do not inquire of them and their ways. This is done for your good, not your harm. A lesson found in what is right, obeying the Commandments is right. Increase cometh from obedience, there is no profit out of disobedience but the hardness or the brokenness. The same lesson learned every time.
1 Samuel 15:3, " Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. "
Romans 1:23, " And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. "
Created in Christ Jesus UNTO GOOD WORKS. Who really thinks they do not have to do any good works when they are in Christ, that He is doing them all for you? That His finished works are yours, even if you do not do them?
What are the true works that are good? Be just, love mercy, walk humbly with God. Judgement, mercy and faith. Righteousness, temperance and judgement. It is required that a servant be faithful, that is absolutely a good work. Faithful to what? His Commandments. If you love Me, keep My Commandments. Call me Lord, Lord and do what I ask. Do not call Me Lord, Lord and do not the things I ask, do not take My Name in vain. Fearing God, keeping the Commandments, is the whole of the Good Work. They who Name the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, depart from iniquity, that is a most excellent work and surely it is a good work. Obeying, Go and Sin No More, that is a beautiful thing. Holiness, the very beauty of God Almighty, to be found being that expressed image of God, surely is a great work. Godliness, sobriety from sin, sincerity, monogamy, fidelity, loyalty are all quality's, are all good works in deed of a faith that is faithfully obedient to the Truth. Counting the cost and paying it, is a good work. Running the race is a good work. Digging deep is another good work. Striving to enter the Gate that is Christ is a good work. Working out ones own salvation with fear and trembling is a good work.
I was told to tell of Him and obeying that Command is a great work. Fighting the good fight of faith is a good work. Knowing that faith works by love is a good work. Studying to show thyself approved is a good work. Affirming that one is in the faith that is faithful, is a good work. Standing fast is a good work. Holding fast is a good work. Being not moved from the Rock is a good work. Preaching righteousness is a good work. Preaching obedience is a good work. Proving righteousness and obedience and faith and godliness and holiness and uprightness and being humble are all one thing is a good work. Defining the Path through definition is a good work. Exhortation is a good work. To encourage others that they can obey from the heart is a good work.
Works of the flesh are not good works. Circumcision is not a good work. Sacrifice of animals is not a good work. Sin is not a good work. Naming the Name of the Lord and not departing from iniquity is not a good work. Saying you are born again and a new creation in Christ but still being that same old man is not a good work. Being a false witness is not a good work. Doing good works and doing iniquity is not a good work. Luke warm is not a good work.
Ephesians 2:10, " For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. "
Does one want to hear the sound of true hate?
God expects you to sin, in fact God made you to sin. In fact God gave you a sin nature, so in fact it is God who is unjust, unkind, unfair, unequal for He made you to sin against His Commandments. In fact, no one can live free of sin, so Jesus has to do it all for you. In fact Jesus obeyed for us all so we do not have to obey. In fact one is made stronger through sinning, in so doing one is actually saved by sin. In fact all one has to do is say they believe and you will be saved, no matter what. In fact all you have to do is plead the blood. Nothing else is required of anyone, just say you trust in Jesus, just accept Jesus and you are in the club. In fact, once you are saved, you are forever saved, nothing you could do could change that. You can sin all the sins unto death and it will never change Gods love for you. In fact, God loves you just the way you are, so no need to Repent, or do the works worthy of repentance. In fact, it is not by works of any kind, not even obedience. In fact it matters not how good you are or if you obey, it is all about that relationship with Jesus. In fact, it is not about you at all, it is all about Jesus and what He did for you. In fact, it is not a sin thing, it is a Jesus thing. In fact, heaven is filled with sinners. In fact, saints are still sinners, yes, born again sinning saints of God. In fact, no need to even be born again, Jesus did that too. In fact, no reason to endure till the end as Jesus said, you just do what you want to do and let Jesus do all the rest. In fact, all you have to do is admit you are a sinner and have broken His Commandments and say this sinners prayer and you are good to go. In fact, just go down when they do an altar call and shed some tears and you are golden. In fact, grace does not teach you anything, it is simple a covering that hides God eyes from seeing you for what you really are, a filthy rag, forever wretch chief of sinners who is not able to do anything right. In fact, the whole duty of man is not to fear God and keep His Commandments, it is to break them so through sin they can be made better, stronger. In fact, it is not doing what is right that grows you into a perfect godly soul, it is sinning that builds you up.
Remember God does not see you, He sees Jesus living in you, so you should be filled with joy and happy that you can live a foul filthy disgusting life and Jesus has you covered. For this is what I was told just two days ago. Then I was told we are brothers, both seeking the same thing. We are not brothers, we are not seeking the same thing. The Lord I know is not the Lord this man seeks. There is a lord that provides provisions and that is not the Lord I know.
Jesus said, you are children of the devil and what you see your father do, you do likewise. They who sin are servants to sin and I strive for that Truth, I fight that good fight. I strive to be lawful, to Name the Name of the Lord Jesus and DEPART from iniquity. To stand fast and hold fast to the Rock and take it not lightly. For all who truly hope in Christ are most miserable indeed, yet in this I joy, in this I find happiness, it is the Truth and I want the Truth not a lie, not provisions, not excuses, not reasons. Never wanting to be free to sin, I want to be free from it. For true faith establishes the Law and the Law is the expression of the Love of God towards all whom love Him. And God LOVES THEM THAT LOVE HIM and they that love Him keep His Commandments.
It is REQUIRED of a servant to be FAITHFUL, there is nothing faithful in being unfaithful. One can pretend, one can lie, one can say anything they want, but a lie is a lie and the Truth the Truth. A lie can not sharpen the Truth and the Truth can not sharpen a lie. Truth sharpens Truth and lies sharpen lies. It is simple, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. That is the sum of it all, they who obey or they who disobey. There is no great hidden meaning in it, it is great plainness of speech, Go and Sin No More if you truly love Me.
This is the seventh day, this is the Lords day, this is the day created upon laying the foundation of the world, it may be the forth Commandment but it was written long before the Ten Commandments were given to us. It is the day God rested, it has nothing to do with mans creation, traditions or commandments. This is a day God made for man and not man for it. There is not one soul that can dispute this fact, they can try, they can invent, they can change the times and the Laws, but the Truth is the Truth from everlasting to everlasting. It is Lawful to do good on the Sabbath and this day is that day. For there is no Law of the Lord God Almighty that is against doing good. So then we hear the Truth, love, true love is the fulfillment of all the Law for true love is good. And where love is, no Law is needed or found for love is true though and through.
It is remission and not permission.
Seek, Repent and Sin No More.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...