The Race Is Set, None Can Avoid It...

in #jesus4 years ago

My Lord:

No discharge from the battle at hand, no one can by their own strength remove themselves from this war. Nor can the way of the race be changed, it is set. They who Name Him, depart from iniquity, this is set, it is a standard, it is a banner flown. You can stand under the banner of Truth or the banner of lies, it is for you to choose, for that is the true nature God has given. He made you upright, you choose to whom you will serve.

Ecclesiastes 8:8, " There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it. "

Whether one accepts the Truth or not, there is no discharge in the war that surrounds us all, no place to hide, no place to run. If one takes a look at all the vain imaginations of man and the things they desire to hold back death, to hold unto the spirit in them that no man can hold unto. It remains as long as God allows it, no doctor, no medicine, no idol, no invention, no tradition, no creation, no provision, no nothing can retain the spirit that gives life. When your soul is required of you, it will be taken. Time is short, but a vapor, waste not this short time given to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Everyone will suffer death, even though men try to find ways to avoid it. Movies of men downloaded their thoughts into a computer, O how vain O man, to think you can retain the soul, for the sum of man is not memories recorded. Something that can not be grasped, held onto to is the spirit, and by all the wickedness man can commit and invent, it will not save a single soul from the end that all will know.

When I had an open vision of my past played out. It was not just the memories of it. It was the literal moment and the exact emotions I was feeling. Unlike anything I have ever known. There is no memory that I have that can make it known to me the exact feelings I was having at that very moment, as if I were living that very moment again. No picture taken, no video can capture the soul. It was perfect in recalling ever single detail, every thought and feeling. Nothing was missed and while that was something to be in awe of, it did not trump the message, the reason that it was being shown to me, played back. I had no control over it, could not retain it, make it stay longer, have more time to examine what was taking place, or to question it. It was clear why it was taking place and the feelings I felt proved the judgement to be perfect. The moment I recall now was a decision I made about my wife. I cried before my friend who was sitting inches in front of me. I cried knowing it was all my fault, all that was happening was a choice made by me and in this moment my heart was being massaged or touched physically. I wrote about this many times. I could literally feel a hand upon my heart and it massaging my heart, is the best I can explain it. I recall Jimmy saying maybe he should call an ambulance and I said "don't you dare" as the vision played out and my heart was massaged. I sat crying knowing what I had done and I called my wife to apologize, and tell her, it was all my fault, that God had shown it to me. I can not recall her response at all today, not one word that she said. She thought I was crazy anyway so it would not of made much difference I think.

Try telling someone you heard from God, hand visions, had your heart massaged, felt his hand upon your forehead as you sat upright but dead being given a choice to stay of go, and many other things. I can see it in their eyes when I speak of such things, but I lie not and God knows it. It is what it is and I had no power over any of it. This being the main point in telling this again, one has no power over the Spirit, it listed where it listed, went where it went, like the wind goes and who truly knows?

Men love to give credit to men, when no man has power to do anything but to choose between good and evil. To refuse the evil and choose to good, or not. The ultimate nature of man is to choose to whom he will serve, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. For all things are indeed vanity, vain imaginations, pride, or lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. The further you walk with Him, the clearer it becomes. What so many think important, has no real value. The value found in doing what is right is without measure. Great riches found in the Law, found in obeying the Truth. To be blessed of the Lord are true riches, and blessed is that man that delights in the Commandments, keeps them, maintains them. For what is worth of regret? Knowing reward for disobedience, oh how poor is that soul lost in regret? In the keeping, the delight of knowing one has lifted up the Lord, lifted up the Truth, lifted what ought to be, whose boast is in the Lord, oh what riches to thine soul. Better to obey then to sacrifice, that makes much more sense when you realize what you sacrifice when you refuse to obey the Truth. The cost the weighs upon the wicked, the cost that weighed upon me my entire life. As I testified, I knew not God, nor did I truly believe, but deep within I knew my place I had chosen was hell. It burned deep within and I would pray to never be forgiven for the evil deeds I had done.

Psalms 112:1, " Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. "

To come to understand, truly understand, such wealth, that it can not be contained, nor used up, it overflows, it pours out, it is freely given and one can freely give. It is delight, it is joy, to do the works that God has tasked to be done. To realize the reward that is given within thine soul. To please God, to give glory to Him, to magnify His Name, to be lower, so He becomes higher. Yea, lift up the Lord with thine praises, praise ye the Lord, O what a reward Amen. I can not say all of this without always making the point, that I mourn this house, this body, this life. I can not forget it is far better to be with the Lord and that I yearn to be back in the presence I was allowed to taste of. I can not go without trying to explain how beautiful He is and perfect. The delight, the bliss, the perfection that I felt can not be understood by my words. It pains me to know that I am outside of that, I cry from time to time knowing that I am here. It bears a cost, it is for a purpose, even when I lose sight of that purpose, forget in my anguish. When I just want to sigh and cry, O Lord where art Thou. Just one more time, like a child, please just one more time. I know that I would ask again, just one more time. God forgive me for being childish. I'm fifty years old and like a child I try to press God to give me more attention. It is funny but I was given so much I ought to be silent and spend more time going over all that I was given. Also to the point that I desire you all to know as I know. I want you all to know His presence, that reveal within you. So I can see it in your eyes that you have indeed tasted that the Lord is gracious indeed. To know that perfection is a real literal thing, that one can strive for. One of the truest statements Paul made was "better that I stay for you", when he knew it was much better for him to be with the Lord. He knew he had to endure that knowing, that understanding. While other may grasp the concept, how many actually know it? Truly the weight of knowing can bring grief, much of it. I digress and find myself rambling, anatomizing the many things that took places seven years ago. Always looking to make a connection with one event to the other, to find a deeper understanding of the events.

Proverbs 3:16, " Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour. "

The war remains, the battle continues, denial is not an option, pretending, avoidance, none of these will in the end do anything, you will serve sin and death or righteousness and Life. That is the absolute nature of all mankind, fear God and keep the Commandments or don't. It is my duty to warn all, if you choose not to, to be separated from the presence of the Lord, you will weep, wail, and gnash your teeth. It will be a terror unto thee, rue the day if it be, you will. Do not create a false image, or buy one. Do not put your will before Gods will, rather submit thyself unto God.

Luke 22:42, " Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Luke 22:43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.

Luke 22:44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. "

What ought to be done, said, is, if God be willing, I will do this and the other thing. If He be not willing, praise ye the Lord God Almighty, not my will, but Thy will Amen.

The fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much, but not all. Praying and believing is not enough, be not offended and understand, so that one is not offended when it is not in the will of God. If one asks amiss, then God be praised for not answering. Just as he ignored my many, many prayers to never be forgiven. God be praised for it, for being willing to forgive me the evils I committed and unwilling to hear my prayers condemning myself to hell.

Just as they say all you have to do to be saved is believe, is also a lie, it is just part of the Truth. They love to torture John 3:15-16 to make it an empty shell, a belief that has no overflowing of the Spirit which effects true change in ones life to be ABLE to obey from the heart the Commandments of God Almighty. I love to point out again and again that faith is not just a word, nor is believe. They are synonymous, they mean the same thing, bear the same quality's and are imbued with the same effects when virtue is added. Effects to change ones life, morally, righteously, godly, uprightly, faithfully, loyally, sincerity, trusty, obediently. For the Holy Ghost is come to reprove us of sin and to teach, to put into effect the values, the requirements. To understand what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Not only to believe, but to believe and to suffer. To do the works that ye are called into. To tell someone "just believe" without the whole of the word understood to be faithful, faithfully obedient. Pray and believe and it will absolutely be granted is a lie. Just believe and you will be saved is a lie. Do not sell half of the Truth, so when one does not receive, they understand why they received not. The works worthy and the the will of the Father to do that which is asked of Him. Do not tell them they have power over the Spirit, when they do not. Can one see the subtle lie that can offend someone to turn back from God? To cause them to doubt, when in the beginning ones faith might be small, when ones conscience is weak. Evil knows these things and surely uses them against us all. Who loves to see the pain of others, to see the mighty fall, the rich broken? Who loves to see a saint of God fall? Who stands waiting to see the righteous man fall? To see these thing so they can have reason, excuse, provisions to not run the race in Truth?

Just one small proof out of many, not to just believe, but to believe and suffer for His sake.

Philippians 1:29, " For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; "

So many things trying to get one to stop racing. To avoid the Truth, to pretend, to make provisions. To think more of ones self then they ought. It is a vicious battle, them trying to deceive, to blind and make deaf, to guile, amuse, muse, entertain one out of being able to control themselves, to have temperance and patience, preparing, watching, waiting faithfully. Endure, to endure till the end, there is no discharge from the war but the Lord God require thy soul.

Matthew 10:22, " And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. "

Endure - to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding, to undergo especially without giving in, to regard with acceptance or tolerance.

Greek - G5278
Word: ὑπομένω
Transliteration: hupomenō
Phonetic: hoop-om-en'-o
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: to remain
a. to tarry behind

  1. to remain i.e. abide, not recede or flee
    a. to preserve: under misfortunes and trials to hold fast to one's faith in Christ
    b. to endure, bear bravely and calmly: ill treatments...

Revelation 2:10, " Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. "

When I hear not of works, it makes ill, for how mighty is the work of endurance? To endure whatever may befall one in this life and not turn away from the Lord God. What of them that that try to lesson this? Who say without blushing there is nothing to endure, for it is all paid, all obeyed, all has been done for you. Look at the importance of the Truth, a Crown of Life to them that endure. Written it is plainly, "be thou faithful unto death". To the very end and they who do so "only" shall be saved. Who then is saved this very day? Them who die this day in the faith that are faithful. Them who obeyed, for here are patience of the saints of God that have obeyed and kept the Commandments of God. Do not be fooled by them, do not be moved by them, do not be called of by them. Fear not what men can do, fear God who has the power over the Spirit, power over Life and death. Fear nothing that must be suffered for what is to come far exceeds all that must be endured. Know the Truth, ye are told in advance so you will not be offended. Whatever ever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord. Endure all things, keep the faith, abide, tarry, long suffer, remain, hold fast, bear bravely.

Speak the whole Truth, do not respect a persons person. Preach ye to please men or God? Endure to please men or God? Whom do ye love? Think yourself something or nothing? Love the upper most seats of men or the lowly estate of the Truth, of the Lord?

Who then is saved already this day but them that die faithful. Wearing a name makes no man anything, bearing it makes you, forms you. The sigh and the cry marks you of the Lord. Them who loveth pleasure and have pleasure in wickedness are marked. There is no escape from the war, for it is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. To whom ye yield, ye are servants to whom ye obey. There is an everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and it is hell. It is far worse then one can fathom. Fear ye the Lord for it is wisdom, it is riches, equity, it is wealth that can not be spent, do not degrade, dust does not corrupt it. No effort is in vain but ye endureth not till the end. For all that a man has will be taken if he endures not. Do not change the image of God into the image of corruptible man. He that turns back from God, will lose all that he has. He that gives no increase will have even that single talent taken. There is no discharge from the Truth. The Truth does not change, be ye prepared, ready, watching, waiting for the Masters knock, for the call. Put thine hand upon the latch of the door even now. For now is the time for salvation. Be not ashamed of the Truth. They who endure and they alone. They who are born again and given a new heart, not anyone else. Light the fire, do not quench it. Light the fire in yourself and them around you to war a good warfare. If they know the Truth, then they will prepare properly. Will not heed the heathen that sell foolishness. Will not tarry with them that make provisions. Will not hear them that lesson the Truth of hell everlasting. There will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Light the fire, warn them, sound the alarm, not a strange trump, but that which they will recognize and respond rightly. For they who do righteousness are righteous even as Christ is righteous.

Get ye up and do it, say and so do, don't wear it, bear it. There are no Christian struggling with the sins unto death, just them that are wearing it like some fashion.

1 John 3:7, " Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. "

2 Timothy 4:5, " But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. "

Ministry - a person executing the Commandments of God, doing, obeying, proving. Making full proof through execution of that which is Commanded by that which is served. Not lip service, but moral fortitude service, through action, deeds, works, ability, proof. One who is able, is a minister of that which they do, are doing.

Here the whole Truth must be heard. Many do wonderful works, feed the poor, give their money, preach, teach and all the wonderful works like to these. But do not be deceived and do not deceived yourselves, they who do wonderful works and continue to work iniquity are not of God, nor are they known. Here the Truth must be spoken, the bar is set, the standard is set, one either fly's, keeps, rises to it, or they do not. If the Truth offends you, then you can not be of the Truth. If inventing your own truth, making your own image pleases you more, the you are not discharged from the war, you just are on the other side of the battle field. Many think they are in the service of God as they work iniquity. Many speak of Him but they do not depart from iniquity. Lip service is not service but one do the works. Faith without works is no faith at all, it is a dead faith, useless faith, a faith that has no value, no equity, it is a vain faith.

Just keep saying, so it is forever written within ones heart and mind.

To faith add virtue, to virtue add knowledge, to knowledge add temperance, to temperance add patience, to patience add godliness, to godliness add brotherly kindness, to brotherly kindness add charity. It is be just, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Do not become entangled in the cares of the world, but be entangled in the business of God.

They want you to be ensnared, whether you believe it or not, it is your blood they lust after. They lie in wait for it, to kill, steal and destroy.

Mark 4:19, " And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. "

Christ makes one free from the bondage that this world lies in, wickedness. Not free to be wicked, but free to Go and Sin No More....

Galatians 5:1, " Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. "

Find this Christian man described in verse 2 Timothy 2:4.

2 Timothy 2:4, " No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. "

The warning are powerful, absolute, they are there for purpose. Take heed, be ye warned, be that doer, fight for it, run the race that is set unchangable. Do not allow the day to come upon you unaware, being involved in what has no value, no equity. It is there to distract, to call you off, to move you from the Truth.

Luke 21:34, " And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. "

The cares and riches and pleasures of this life, robbing you of the good fruit. Notice the word used? Perfection. It will keep you from being perfect. Consider how many mock the mere idea of perfection, of being able, having the ability to strive for that which one is called to. Ye are called to work, to be a worker with God, fellow labourer. But many hear, have heard and go forth being chocked to death by them that have no Truth in them. They wear the name but they are not what they appear. Behold ye are sent out as sheep amongst wolves, counted as sheep for the slaughter ALL the day long, not only to believe, but to suffer for His Name sake. Wolves that desire to devour you with guile. To get you to not keep. not maintain, no do, to say and then do it not. To have faith in the inability, the wickedness as if it could save. To make Christ needed through sinning. Christ did not come to morally reform anyone, just to liberate them in sin, in their inability they choose to stand in. These vain imaginations are being sold and bought right now and will be tomorrow and the next day. The provision package you can by at any so called church building of mans hands. Just believe, just accept Christ, just admit you have broken some Commandments of God and then get back to the snares and cares of the world. For nothing can take you from the hand and the love of God Almighty, not even you choosing to. Yes this is a lesson sold, you can not even if you tried to go to hell, get there because you are saved already, even if you never believe, never have faith, never trust, never are born again, never receive the new heart, never give your all, never count the cost and pay it, never stand fast, never run the race, never give chase, never strive to enter, never prove your love, never affirm your faith, never endure till the end. This is sold in many forms under many names, all to appeal to the lust of the flesh. Be ye not snared by the temptation of the devil and them that serve it.

Luke 8:14, " And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. "

Romans 8:36, " As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. "

What did Jesus say before John 3:15-16? Before saying just believe, He said one must be born again. One must be born of water and Spirit. Even this shows there are things required more than just saying you believe, more than just lip service. None of this, nothing written can take away from the Truth that it requires all thine heart, all thine mind, all thine soul, all thine body, all thine might. This statement of "all" is what faith is, what believe is, to believe beyond lip service. Ones heart is given over to the Truth, if you love, then you give it all. These people draw nigh with their lip but their hearts are far from Me. All know it is easy to use words when you are not filled with the Spirit and the light. The light that is Truth, for the Truth convicts, pricks the conscience, but them that do evil (continue in sin when they say they love Christ or saved or born again) actually hate the light, hate the Truth for it convicts them they are not what they say they are. They love darkness for they do the works proving they do. Evil deeds are the fruit of bad trees, not born again saints of God. Not them baptized by the Holy Ghost and fire. Yet even them that are truly baptized by the Holy Ghost and fire still can turn away from such a precious gift, for it tells us so. It does not beat around the bush about it. Some come to know the Truth for real and yet turn from the holy Commandment. Those who try to torture this Truth, the once saved always saved lie, for no one is saved until the end. Again I was saved from hell weeks before my death, when I found Christ in me. But I am not under any illusion of being saved already, or obtaining anything already. NO ONE wins the race but they run the race and do so till the end of the race. If this simple Truth is hidden from anyone, it is hidden from the "lost", NOT THE SAVED!!!

John 3:7, " Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. "

John 3:19, " And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. "

2 Corinthians 4:3, " But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: "

How many are lost be believe they are not? Right back to John 16, Matthew 7, many think they are in the service of God but continue to work iniquity and are not known. Few findeth, but many go in that broad way to destruction.

John 16:2, " They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. "

Matthew 7:14, " Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. "

This is not to dampen the Spirit, but to light a fire. Strive ye to enter in, for many will seek to enter, but few are out there striving to be ABLE. For all that is sold, the sin nature, once saved always saved, liberty in sin, all paid, all done for you, all obeyed for you, and many more. All of them are to extinguish any hint of fire. To make the race set before all mankind, finished already. They are all imagined to steal, kill and destroy and to do so with the appearance of being in the service of God, of appearing as a lamb. To get one to lower the bar, lessen the standard, remove the defense altogether. If you have to do nothing, if you can not but do what one ought not, rob one of ability, install doubt, no one can, imbued defect, to open the city gates and tell the watchman to go home, there is no need to watch, for it is all finished. You need no self control, you are going to do what your going to do and God loves you no matter what. As written a man without temperance is like a city without a wall.

Luke 13:23, " Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them,

Luke 13:24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. "

Proverbs 25:28, " He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. "

There is no running from the Truth, no hiding. One can deny, one can mock, one can pretend, but the war remains. What stands before us all remains absolute. Remains till the end, so endure Amen. Let grace abound in you, to live free of sin, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts and living soberly (define it), righteously (define it) and godly (define it) in this present world. For now is the time for salvation, now is the time to run the race. Now is the time to know that grace is a teacher that teaches in this time of grace given to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Again, it is not worked out for, for God found a Way for us to die and be raised in the newness of Life in Christ, as written the Spirit of Life in Christ. But taking not this precious gift in vain, not trampling the blood of Christ under foot, not making Christ into a minister of sin, but taking hold of that Rock and cleaving to it with ones all, enduring till the end, obeying from the heart, out of love. If ye love Me, keep My Commandments. Be faithful, have fidelity, loyalty, monogamy, obedience.

soberly (adv.)
mid-14c., "temperately;" late 14c., "gravely," from sober (adj.) + -ly (2).

It is to be grave, serious, marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor.

sober (adj.)
mid-14c., "moderate in desires or actions, temperate, restrained," especially "abstaining from strong drink," also "calm, quiet, not overcome by emotion," from Old French sobre "decent; sober" (12c.), from Latin sobrius "not drunk, temperate, moderate, sensible," from a variant of se- "without" (see se-) + ebrius "drunk," of unknown origin. Meaning "not drunk at the moment" is from late 14c.; also "appropriately solemn, serious, not giddy." Related: Soberly; soberness. Sobersides "sedate, serious-minded person" is recorded from 1705...

righteous (adj.)
early 16c. alteration of rightwise, from Old English rihtwis, from riht (see right) + wis "wise, way, manner" (see wise (adj.)). Suffix altered by influence of courteous, etc. Meaning "genuine, excellent" is 1942 in jazz slang. Related: Righteously.

RIGHTEOUSLY, adv. ri'chusly. Justly; in accordance with the laws of justice; equitably; as a criminal righteously condemned.

acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin,morally right or justifiable...

GOD'LY, a. god-like Pious; reverencing God, and his character and laws.

  1. Living in obedience to God's commands, from a principle of love to him and reverence of his character and precepts; religious; righteous; as a godly person.
  2. Pious; conformed to God's law; as a godly life.
    GOD'LY, adv. Piously; righteously.
    All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer
    persecution. 2 Tim.3.

Every time I define the Path, the same thing always happens. They all become synonymous with each other, or one. If not out right the same, they bleed into one another perfectly. One can not see where one began and the other ended.

To take the time to go over it, to read it again, to cement it into ones heart and mind. To be able to recall it, to define it, that always ready to give an answer. It seems that soon as someone asks you a question, everything you know leaves. You are left standing there empty. But when one constantly goes over it, it remains. But as soon as I cease the work, let it drift away, I begin to forget little parts, piece by piece. I then have to rediscover it and I think to myself how did I forget this. I have written this a thousand times now or more. Just proving that diligence is a must in the war. You can not be slack, slothful, always holding on to what you have received and finding room for more. I am not very smart and it amazes me how much can be remembered. How much can be forgotten! How much more there is to find. God willing, one can retain it all. Not lose any of it, recall at will, always be ready to give that answer.

So we hear the Truth then, this is the condemnation that is in the world through lust. But there is no condemnation in Christ IF you walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. For those in the Spirit do not commit sin, evil, they turn from it. They still in the flesh walk after the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. We hear then, warn them, that the righteous sin not!

Ezekiel 3:21, " Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul. "

We hear then, that a man born of God sins not. They can not sin, not that they are incapable of sinning, but they can not sin and be in Christ. For Christ said it clearly, they who sin are servants of sin, not Him. They who sin are of the devil as written in 1 John. The fruits are manifest, the deeds prove, the actions are clear to whom ye yield yourselves to obey. It is faith working by love and proven by deeds in the Truth, by the Truth. The message stands, it does not move, does not change, same today and forever.

John 8:34, " Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. "

1 John 3:8, " He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. "

1 John 3:10, " In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. "

Hebrews 13:8, " Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. "

The message stands, fear the Lord, and serve Him, and obey His voice, and rebel not against the Commandment of the Lord. The works worthy of repentance, what would be the point of repenting just to continue doing that which is repented of? If you have truly received the gift, obey the Commandments, do the works worthy. Be a vessel meet for the Masters use. Find the will of God and fight to hold unto it with all thine might, strive ye to enter. For the things that try to call one off, to distract, are mighty in number, common like dirt but you can through diligence keep thine eye upon what matters. Keep thy focus, set thy mind upon the Lord, have peace even in a storm. Have joy even when one mourns, be able to rejoice in knowing the Truth, what reality truly is. To see past that contrived understanding of men, brings peace.

The warfare, "if"...

1 Samuel 12:14, " If ye will fear the LORD, and serve him, and obey his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, then shall both ye and also the king that reigneth over you continue following the LORD your God: "

If you will obey, hearken, listen, heed, then you will be a PECULIAR treasure. Be ye peculiar, be ye separate (a quality of godliness), Go and Sin No More, for their is nothing peculiar about sin, like dirt, common and upon every side. This message does not move, it does not bend. Let the Lord be your dread, the terror of the Lord has more than one use. Oh the sweet terror of the Lord and woe the dread of the terror of the Lord. That which straightens and that which burns.

Exodus 19:5, " Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: "

Exodus 23:22, " But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries. "

Same today, same yesterday, the same tomorrow, the Truth does not change, ever. All scripture is good for doctrine, instruction in the Ways of righteousness (obeying).

Deuteronomy 11:27, " A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day: "

Cleave unto Him, with all thine might, all thine strength.

Deuteronomy 13:4, " Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him. "

Hebrew - H1692
Word: דָּבַק
Transliteration: dâbaq
Phonetic: daw-bak'
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: to cling, stick, stay close, cleave, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, join to, overtake, catch
a. (Qal)

  1. to cling, cleave to
  2. to stay with
    b. (Pual) to be joined together
    c. (Hiphil)
  3. to cause to cleave to
  4. to pursue closely
  5. to overtake
    d. (Hophal) to be made to cleave

Cleave - to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly ...

Loyal, monogamous, fidelity, unwavering, whether God will or whether He will not I will serve the Lord God and Him only. I will not cheat with sin for a day, a season, I will not be entertained by wickedness, I will not call it good, pleasant and to be desired... Abhor that which He abhors, have no pleasure in unrighteousness, or them that do unrighteousness. Flee, escape, withdrawl thyself from that which is not good. Who has heard and is aware that a little leaven leavens the whole lump. A little lie will corrupt, will change thine sight, change thy hearing. For the war is not over till the end.

They try to get you to relax, to let down thy guard, with all the lies of it being done for you, paid for you, obeyed for you. As the warning goes, to take lightly the Rock of your salvation. Many ways to wax fat; to wax fat in merchandise, buying lies. To have so much that you forget, become drowned by the cares of the world. Chocking the Truth out of you as you become fat, slothful, lazy in the due diligence that ought always be before you. To be rich in the wisdom of man, a truly deceitful wealth. Yet money rich is just as deceitful, for it breeds lust of things that are for not, forgetful, deceitful, distraction; fatness that will silence the Spirit. You become unfruitful, no longer about the business of the Father, but your business you will be all about, or others business.

To get you to stop warring a good warfare. If you believe its all paid, you will not obey what the Lord said to do, to count the cost. There can not be a cost if it is all paid. I hear them that speak exactly like this, preach it, teach it, sell it and many buy it. I have quoted them verbatim, word for word. They say "if I had to do anything for it, it would not be a gift". If you can be kept from cleaving to the Lord God, you, letting go, can then be carried off by all the many things the god of this world offers. I testify, I not only heard from the Lord God Almighty, but the devil as well. I was offered anything I wanted, any lust I desired to fulfill, all I had to do was deny Christ. I testify again, it told me, I could even be the best preacher. Think about that, I could still preach Christ and yet still deny Him. Knowing full well that God is, Christ died on the cross and satan surely is there lurking. I could believe, I could know just like the devils know there is but one God and they tremble, but they refuse to do what? OBEY! I will never forget the offer and the fact that I could be a preacher and still deny the Truth. Truly let that sink in! I have no doubt many know this offer and accepted it. Many preach Christ but they do so for their increase, not for the Lords increase. They are very easy to find, anyone who sells and profits from the Truth, is not working out of love for the Lord.

Deuteronomy 32:15, " But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. "

Mark 4:19, " And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. "

God Commands all men every where to Repent. Seek, Repent and Sin No More; works worthy, a vessel meet. The start of the race, the beginning of the war. No one is free from it, there are two choices to make in the valley of decision.

This is the day of rest, the Lords day. It is no other day, for this day God rested, this seventh day. This day made for man and not man for it. It is lawful to do good on this day. This is the fourth Commandment of God. This is the Sabbath, the rest that remains for the people of God. God sanctified it and made it holy. Who tries to change the times and the Laws?

It is remission and not permission...

Define the Path by definition...

We are the words we speak. . .

No one is free from the war...

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...

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