The Message Stands Willing...

in #jesus4 years ago

My Lord:

1 Chronicles 29:5, " The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for all manner of work to be made by the hands of artificers. And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the LORD? "

This day who is willing to devote, to dedicate their service unto the Lord? Who will be willing and able by the abundance given through the Truth of the Grace of God Almighty to stand fast and be not moved by the wickedness that is upon every side? Who has heard and is working it out, speaking constantly of having heard and what was heard? Who loves and is faithful to that love? Will you open the book, stay your mind, fight the fight, war a good warfare, run, chase, strive, affirm, study, dig deep. Who truly needs to be told what Jesus meant when He said "dig deep"? Strive ye to enter, few find, many find not, but endure till the end, doing all ye can to stand in that day. The Day of the Lord a dark and terrible day and what good will that day be to them that desire it?

What I heard, what I was given and go over and over to forget not To always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in me. To be at the ready to give the testimony given to me to give. A mighty and great testimony, that, if I allow through neglect will lose sight of. But rather I am willing to devote this day, the seventh day, this Lords day, this day made for man and not man for it, this fourth Commandment day, this day God Himself rested and sanctified, making it holy, this Sabbath day, this seventh day, this last day of the week, this day that remains for a rest for the people of God, to go over it again.

Put them in remembrance and that is a good work indeed. Do not make thine own image but know the Truth and be not carried off by them that make provisions. I heard, I was told to tell if I chose to stay. I chose to stay in a place I wanted not, for to be with the Lord is far better for me, this I know more than most know their own names, said to make the point my faith is unmovable, for I heard and I can not forget it, will not forget it, could not bear the price of neglecting it. My only boast is in the Lord, for I gave myself not this, so I have nothing to boast of but Christ.

Having again been told that I received something few get and many desire. I was blessed with much and God Forbid I neglect it. Having been set free from sin and death to shine forth a good work in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Pray I be found worthy, as I pray for them to be found worthy, ready, willing and able. At the door even now, hand open the latch to open unto the Masters arrival. I was saved from hell weeks before my death, yet I have no illusion of having what I have not yet obtained, for as many misuse the word "saved", I was saved to run the race, digging deep and doing as I was told to do, for to be able to put on salvation, I must do as required of anyone who will dedicate themselves to the Truth of a life in Christ. To name Him and depart from all iniquity, loving Him and keeping the Commandments. To have been saved and not fall after them who then believe not and are destroyed for it. Accepting the Truth for what it is and not torturing it into an image of mans creation, a vain imagination. They who endure till the end will be saved, just as they who endure temptation will be blessed and it is not any other way. The Truth is the Truth and a lie is just a lie. One can never be the other, you are a liar or you are the the Truth, there is NO middle ground. Nor do I desire such a place.

1 Timothy 4:6, " If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. "

Jude 1:5, " I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. "

2 Peter 3:1, " This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: "

2 Peter 1:12, " Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.

2 Peter 1:13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; "

2 Peter 1:15, " Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance. "

When set free I heard the Law written within me and yet all around me all I heard was the perfect opposite of what was and is truly within, written upon the heart and minds of anyone who comes to know the Truth.

The ability to keep and maintain the Commandments of God Almighty out of love. That you are literally pure, clean, but I was told outright by so called, the professed that I was not new, I was just the same old man. I say this with a heaviness, I say it not to condemn, for all are as they are by their own mouths, justified or condemned. I say this only to express the Truth. Many think they are in the service of God but are not. They think they are as they literally try to kill you and some succeed in killing. Anyone truly who have received the Truth, have received the promise, who have truly heard would understand this without question. No one born of God would tell another person born of God that they are not new, now truly pure, clear, clean and now are able, truly free and able to keep the Commandments of God. If they are willing, and only if they are willing, for it is not done for them, forced upon them, or irresistible to them. They now can freely choose to obey out of love for having been forgiven much or they like a dog or a pig can return to their filth.

This always afflicts me when I speak of this simple Truth. How those near to you will be your worst enemy, will be used the most against you, to try and make you unclean again, to return to vomit and the mire. To plant doubt in you, that the way is just the same life you already had but now magically free to live a filthy life while all others living the same way are bound for destruction. That the Law is void, when in fact it is established that very instant one Repent and finds the Lord and is forgiven for their past sins. Being ignorant of any of this at the time, God truly is merciful to forgive as you come to learn. For I made many mistakes right out of the gate, as I learned to walk being born again. Having so many trying to teach me the very lies they hold as the Truth sadly. A world filled with the Joseph Princes and Joyce Meyers and Rob Bells, and Joel Osteens and so many others. God forgive them if they ever truly Repent.

Remember, to the unjust nothing is pure. So even though one is truly born again and pure, they will not see it, for they absolutely are not as they profess to be. Again, one can not give you what they do not possess. Many can talk, but few truly understand the knowledge wisdom brings. Few find, but many go in the way of destruction. So then, we find the living lie that refuses to die. Yes you can eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil and live. Yes you can disobey God and live. Yes you can live as your please and live. Yes, you are free from the Law. The gift of the lie given by the devil is death.

Despite all that they say to the contrary, them that have for thousands of years sold the never able lie to appease them in their sins to have what they will never have in a lie, freedom to strive for salvation. For in a lie one is bound to that, for surely ye have heard, what YOU CHOOSE to yield yourselves to, YOU are servants to whom YOU obey, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. I do not have to write, I could go about being distracted from the work. I could neglect this precious gift given to me. I could pretend it is all done for me as so many have told me. I could lap up like a dog the many lies offered or I could take it by my hand the Truth and drink of it. It is a free will choice, to be willing and to be able. It is just a simple choice and it was/is not chosen for me. It is not irresistible, for many, many, many have been saved and yet through their own free will, have chosen to believe not, to SUPPRESS the Truth in unrighteousness. Which sadly many chose to do, to hold the Truth in unrighteousness that they have not the ability to do, to change the incorruptible image of God into an image of corruption, the image of man. To worship the creation and the Creator.

Remember it goes on to say "THEY KNEW AND ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE", but they change the image of God into their own images. It is speaking not of them that believe not, for they already believe not. It is speaking of them that profess it, but disobey the Truth and go about their own wicked ways. As the book of the Lord defines it, they "torture" the Truth into something they want it to be. For doing this, the WRATH of God is revealed.

Romans 1:18, " For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; "

This is me working out my own salvation with fear and trembling. Keeping myself in the remembrance of what I need to remember and sharing it freely. For NO MAN OF GOD, NO NOT EVEN ONE, would sell the Truth, desire to profit from it in any way, other than the winning of souls for the Lord God Almighty and God willing, an increase for them in wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God, of the Way to the Truth to have Life eternal forever in the presence of the Lamb of God and His angles. Freely given, freely give.

Through the abundance that I found in Christ. Christ being filled with obedience, faithfulness, keeping, maintaining, doing. If He, then all who are in Him, for it is not robbery to be equal with thine Master. But it is a crime indeed to be above, to rob Him of His glory. It is a crime indeed to trample His blood underfoot so one can remain in the pig pen of sin and pretend they are set free to be that. Set free to commit all the abominations that they commit as they profess to love Him in Truth, in faith, in faithfulness, with all sincerity and loyalty while still serving their own fleshly lust. When told to say and so do, to make an oath and keep that oath. To say steal not and so steal not. To say lie not and to lie not. To be that which one ought to be, just, loving mercy and walking humbly with God. To be able to express and expound the Truth not just in lip service, but with ones life. The sacrifice that pleases God indeed, the fruit of thine lips and the giving of all thine heart, mind, soul, body and might, nothing before Him, for there is nothing after Him.

Matthew 10:24, " The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. "

Philippians 2:6, " Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: "

That abundance of grace, who understands it? To abundantly deny ungodliness and worldly lusts. To abundantly live soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world. For now is the time for salvation, today, now! For now through Christ ye are able to do all things that pertain to Life and Godliness. For this is given to them that love Him in the Truth. If you have TRULY received, what is it you lack? The Truth tells you nothing, but the world tells you everything. I beg gladly, stop listening to them and realize you are truly free, if it be you have truly heard. Truly received the promise, the forgiveness, the freedom to Go and Sin No More.

2 Peter 1:3, " According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: "

To believe is to have faith, to have faith is to believe. They are but one word, they are synonymous which each other. To them that believe and love Him. To them that have faith and love Him. Faith is faithful and believe is faithful, just as love is. To believe, one produces fruits of that belief. To have faith one produces fruits of that faith. It is faithful obedience to that faith, to that belief. Like love that fails not, for true love does not fail. A faith true does not fail, it is as that which ye yield your faith. A good tree produces good fruit, it can not produce bad fruit. A bad produces bad fruit and it can not produce good fruit. You are of that which you yield, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. We are the words we speak, they are of us, from within us, for out of the mouth men defile themselves and not by what goes in the mouth. For all things are good that the Lord giveth, when thanks is given. Just as the will of God is good no matter what it may be. Whether one agrees or not does not make the Truth any less the Truth. For it is right that one is able to do with His what He chooses to do with it. Surely our ways are not His and our thoughts are not His thoughts. It is unfair to speak evil of what one has no understanding of. Murmur not, but rejoice, no matter what. A truly hard lesson to obtain.

What do you love? That is what you will eat of!

Proverbs 18:21, " Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. "

Matthew 20:15, " Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? "

They saw (led out of Egypt), they heard and yet they chose to believe not, to obey not, to be unfaithful. They were not willing and the reward for it is as written, destruction. Outside of the Truth is death, it is simply the Truth. They who walk there will reap as they chose to do. God has no desire for any to perish, and has made it clear the cost of ignoring the Truth. The Law can not be changed, it is was it is and it will not conform to your lust. It can not be unjust as man is unjust. Who understands? What is outside of the light is darkness. What is in the dark is not the light. If you sow evil you will reap it. If you disobey the love of God; He has warned all with great patience and kindness, if you walk in disobedience you will reap the reward of it, death. It is what lies outside of the light. You are the one who is choosing it, it is your will, your free will nature given to you to either obey are not. The cost and the reward of either is made perfectly clear. They say "I can not believe God would do this thing", when God is not doing it, they are. God made the Law and the Law can not be changed. It is just, right, true and good, because you chose not to hear what is being expressed, does not make the Truth unjust, you are unjust. Do not apply your lust to the image of the God. You will reap what YOU have sown, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

One could say, "I can not believe they are willing to perish to serve sin". For sin is so foul and filthy and yet look how many love it. Why will you chose death over Life? I can not believe anyone would chose death and yet many are and will chose it. For it is not done for anyone, either you rise up from the mire and Repent or you do not. The issues are set before you, you choose, you make the decision. All are in the valley of decision to choose.

Deuteronomy 30:15, " See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; "

Joel 3:14, " Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. "

Jeremiah 21:8, " And unto this people thou shalt say, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I set before you the way of life, and the way of death. "

YOU CHOOSE! God is NOT choosing for you. God has told you the Truth, shown it to you and has been contending with men for a very long time but He will not forever contend with men. He has literally beseeched, begged all to choose Life and not death. His hand has been extended to all. He has Commanded ALL men everywhere to REPENT! He has said, why will you die? Why will you choose death?

Deuteronomy 30:19, " I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: "

The Way is the same as it ever was. It is not new! Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. The act of righteousness tends to Life and they that pursue evil do so to their own destruction. It is not done for them, it is the reward of the action taken. What is reaped is what YOU have sown. For the Law that judgeth, judges all the same. It is already written and it can not be changed ever. Who heareth?

Proverbs 11:19, " As righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death. "

Proverbs 12:28, " In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death. "

Hear YOU the theme...

Proverbs 13:14, " The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death. "

The Fear of the Lord.

Proverbs 14:27, " The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death. "
What is the Fear of the Lord?

Psalms 34:11, " Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD. "

Lets go over it again.

Proverbs 16:6, " By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. "

Proverbs 8:13, " The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. "

Proverbs 15:33, " The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility. "

Psalms 19:9, " The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. "

Psalms 22:23, " Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel. "

Psalms 25:14, " The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant. "

Psalms 33:18, " Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; "

Psalms 34:7, " The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. "

Psalms 34:9, " O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. "

Psalms 103:13, " Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. "

Psalms 103:17, " But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children; "

Psalms 111:10, " The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever. "

Proverbs 1:7 , " The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. "

Proverbs 9:10, " The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. "

Proverbs 14:26, " In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge. "

Proverbs 14:27, " The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death. "

Proverbs 19:23, " The fear of the LORD tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil. "

Ecclesiasticus 1:18, “ The fear of the Lord is a crown of wisdom, making peace and perfect health to flourish; both which are the gifts of God: and it enlargeth their rejoicing that love him. ”

The Law is written, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is Life through Christ. Through the Truth, Through the Word, Through obeying the Truth and the Word one has Life. This is the love God expressed to all, so you can walk with Him. Not be forever separated from Him and come to know the torment of it, the everlasting destruction from His presence. A fate far worse then all imaginations combined, I tell you, and I lie not. There is no way to escape to Truth of what is written, what is Commanded. This will not be changed ever, no matter who tries, who invents, who rewrites and changes them to ease the wicked upon their path to an everlasting hell. Them that are not willing to simply obey from the heart. The message stands willing to forgive, for a Way was made, to pay the price, to fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law and yet still have Life. Death gets its blood and God raises one new. But if you trample that gift, how much worse will it be for them. Even worse for them then those who never chose to come to the Truth. It is that knowing that makes it worse.

I try to share what I was shown in that vision of lust. How much it hurt, the torment of being suddenly completely outside of God. Only in the presence of evil, 100%, not a single drop of anything good. One understood that they stood where they stood because they CHOSE it. That torment rose up instantly, you knew you faced this hell because you chose it. Imagine knowing you were set free of it once and chose to take it back again! I lie not, I tell you as I heard it, felt it, lived it. A worse thing will befall them that go back to that old man. A worse thing does await them that trample the blood of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do not want to ever know that separation again. It lasted seconds and it was unbearable and there was not a drop of mercy. I warn you, there is no one partying in hell, not even the devil himself. Just misery and a never ending want. That lust, pure without mixture, just want. So I named that vision, the image of lust, for that is what I felt.

2 Peter 2:20, " For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. "

Do not take this lightly, it is a horror beyond all mankind's ability to understand but God show it to them.

Hebrews 10:29, " Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? "

Despite the Spirit of Grace, Gods mercy, the forgiveness of sin, the sacrifice of His Son, Gods time given to work this out, and to be taught by this abundance, YOU must deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, YOU must live soberly, righteously and godly lives NOW. The righteousness, temperance and the judgement to come. Judgement, mercy and faith. To faith add virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity. To be just, love mercy and walk humbly with God. These are the things God has shown you to do, to do, to do. Are you willing? For you are able!

Funny is it not to say to "keep" the ordinances that are delivered unto us through the book of the Lord? Or it is not funny? Either way, how many try and tell you it is not by the works of the Law without explaining the works of the Law it is not by?

Again, for I have not defined this in awhile. I need to hear it again.

1 Corinthians 11:2, " Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. "


Greek - G3862
Word: παράδοσις
Transliteration: paradosis
Phonetic: par-ad'-os-is
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Definition: giving up, giving over, the act of giving up, the surrender of cities, a giving over which is done by word of mouth or in writing, i.e. tradition by instruction, narrative, precept, etc. objectively, that which is delivered, the substance of a teaching, of the body of precepts, esp. ritual, which in the opinion of the later Jews were orally delivered by Moses and orally transmitted in unbroken succession to subsequent generations, which precepts, both illustrating and expanding the written law, as they did were to be obeyed with equal reverence ...

A rule established by authority; a permanent rule of action. An ordinance may be a law or statute of sovereign power. In this sense it is often used in the Scriptures. Exodus 15:25. Numbers 10:8. Ezra 3:10. It may also signify a decree, edict or rescript, and the word has sometimes been applied to the statutes of Parliament, but these are usually called acts or laws. In the United States, it is never applied to the acts of Congress, or of a state legislature. Observance commanded...


A command or principle intended especially as a general rule of action...

Greek - G1785
Word: ἐντολή
Transliteration: entolē
Phonetic: en-tol-ay'
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Definition: an order, command, charge, precept, injunction, that which is prescribed to one by reason of his office, a commandment, a prescribed rule in accordance with which a thing is done, a precept relating to lineage, of the Mosaic precept concerning the priesthood, ethically used of the commandments in the Mosaic law or Jewish tradition...

PRE'CEPT, noun [Latin proeceptum, from proecipio, to command; proe, before, and capio, to take.]
In a general sense, any commandment or order intended as an authoritative rule of action; but applied particularly to commands respecting moral conduct. The ten commandments are so many precepts for the regulation of our moral conduct. No arts are without their precepts. In law, a command or mandate in writing...

One could go further but the point is made clearly. Ordinances are Laws, Commandments, things that are required, things that are to be done. A must do, not a suggestion. It is as the Commandments of God are, a moral rectitude, fortitude, a thing setup, held up, also known as a standard or banner. The bar that is set must be met by those who desire to pass the bar. It can not be gone around, crawled under, ignored or avoided. It can not be done away with, removed, turned from, or changed. It is a precept, which is Law.

As Paul said and wrote, "EVERYTHING" that I write is a "COMMANDMENT" of the Lord. Not partial, not some, but all, unless otherwise stated by him as he did do.

Who is willing to hear and obey it? This day who?

Few speak of 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Timothy 2:14, 1 Corinthians 14:35 very few, for the Truth is never well received of them that love the Truth not. Few speak of Eve being of the transgression and not Adam. Few speak of a women not being in authority of men, but many gladly mock it. If a women seeks to learn let her ask her husband. Divorce only in the case of fornication. To obey even the froward master. There are many ordinances mocked, for if it does not please your flesh, then one surely will not obey, neither would God want them to. As long as it fits their own image, then and only then will it be obeyed and willing. Unless it conflicts with any given days wants, desires, passions, the lusts and affections.

Again, how can there be any Commandments for Paul to write when there are no Commandments to keep? The point is the selective choices of so many. I will obey this but that I will not. I will make the image into an image that please ME first. Notice how easy it is to avoid the things that convict? How when that prick is felt, one just ignores it, makes sure they will not come across it again, avoiding it. Rather then submit thyself unto God, be humbled and walk worthy. Rather than be willing and able. It is unwilling and never able. If you can find a lie to buy and hold unto it tightly enough you can read all the things that convict you and just use that lie to set aside the Truth. No one can keep that, so I certainly will not keep it. Besides, its not of works, it by faith alone!

1 Corinthians 14:37, " If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. "

I do pray to live an honest life, to have a conscience clear before God and man. To strive for it with my all. For it takes ones all, for the cost counted honestly proves this to be true. With all thine heart, mind, soul, body, and might. Even if no one else keeps it, you are to keep it. If you acknowledge the Truth, the Truth will acknowledge you. Confess Him and He will confess you.

Hebrews 13:18, " Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. "

The message does not change, faithfully Obedient is the Way...

Working out thine own salvation...

Who is willing to be honest in all things?

This is the Lords day and He rested on this day and it was no other day. If you are truly honest, you will know the Truth and the Truth will know you.

It is remission and not permission.

Seek, Repent and Sin No More...

We are the words we speak...

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen.

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