
in #jesus4 years ago

My Lord:

To find a word that describes the armor, the shield, the buckler, the protection, the hedge, the wall, the high tower, the tempered mortar. To know what it is the hedges about thee to protect thee from that which the whole world lies in, wickedness.

Acts 20:32, " And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. "

What is building you up? A foundation has been laid, and you build upon that foundation already laid, what is that which is building you up? Grace; Faith; Hope; Belief; Truth; A Teaching...

Is it then a grace that hides you from the eyes of God that makes you stronger, better, richer?

Or is it the Grace of God that is written of in a book that testifies of the Lord Jesus, which says grace is a teacher? Something teaching is truly something that is increasing you, growing you, making you into something that one ought to be. The moral fortitude, rectitude, in the face of losing what you believe that keeps you standing, enduring till the end. When they all shame you, shun you, and none of it is going to change the fortitude found in the Truth that is in you. When they put you in derision, vomiting the lies so many hold, trying to force you to concede or you will be alone in this world. To keep that rectitude of the Truth, which is taught by the Grace of God. Not that cheap vile cover hiding one from the eyes of God; rather the real Grace of God that makes you strong enough to stand in the presence of God. Which I assure you is not something anyone will be able to do with a conscience defiled. To come boldly to Him, being strong in Him, that is real fortitude understood by the teachings of grace, that is real rectitude. The power few find for there are so many selling the opposite of the Truth, the turning of things upside down. Truly it is something to cry about, to shed many tears, to weep and to cry out to God for more workers of the Truth. To silence them that speak what ought not be spoken concerning the Truth, God help us indeed.

Fortitude: strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage, force, firmness, manliness," from fortis "strong, brave"...

Rectitude: the quality or state of being straight, moral integrity : righteousness, the quality or state of being correct in judgment or procedure, uprightness...

Can it be said to much, put into ones remembrance to oft? No it can not be so, for a famine is coming and one will need all they can store up to endure through it. To stand solitary is to invite trepidation, as one analyzes the Path. If I take this, say this, speak these things, behave in this way, it will ripple out like a drop in the flat surface of the most calm of waters. It will effect everything one knows, it will change everything one is. Will you be able to stand as the ripples disturb the still waters of a life that just went along to get along? The dog that refuses to bark when the enemy is clearly within the walls. When it is blatantly clear that men have crept in and the people are unaware of the presence of them. Will you bark, will you sound the trump of alarm, will that sound be clear so they who hear it recognize it and will respond to it?

When there is so much distraction that so few can focus on what matters most of all, can you endure it and stay focused upon the task given to you? Can you face what frightens you most of all and refuse to allow it to silence you and just keep doing what you were given to do?

The word of His Grace that is able to build you up.

To them who have repented, who have heard, who may be lost in all the distractions offered up by the enemy. Their (enemy) numbers are great and it overwhelms the senses, but stand ye fast and move not, for the Truth is, ye are free indeed in the ability to do what the Lord has Commanded ye to do, Go and Sin No More, if ye love Him, obey Him, calling Him Lord and so doing what is Commanded. For it is the quality of loving, being faithful and obeying that which ye love most. In the face of standing alone, yet surrounded by an entire world. How can one man chase ten thousand?

Grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live soberly, righteously and godly lives in this present world. Even when it seems a task no man could ever possibly do, even when they trumpet no man can, no man ever will, no man has ever been able. Knowing it is a lie, that they are liars, will you stand, will you endure till the end? Will you simply trust in that which set you free indeed, and be not moved by the many? Will you be strong in the Lord, boldly able to stand before Him? A conscience clear is the only thing that can stand up, be like men, be upright, be righteous, be perfect, be holy, be as ye ought to be. The Grace of God, not a cheap cover for you to serve corruption and yet give lip service of how much you love the Truth as you live a lie. Grace, that teaching pricking any departure from the Way that is narrow and straight. Will you give heed, acknowledge the whole Truth and having it, stand ye fast in it?

They say your Lord did not come to reform you, to give you morals, will you fall for that lie? Or will you by the Truth tearing down such strongholds they love to hide by?

Put on the whole armor of God. Having just spoken of this, ought I pass on speaking so soon of it again? Or ought it be spoken again?

Panoply: a full suit of armor, complete suit of armor, something forming a protective covering, a magnificent or impressive array, spiritual armor...

Full Complete Spiritual Armor; Faithful Obedience. If you Love Christ, Obey Him.

God eyes are upon the upright, the righteous, they are not upon the wicked. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, the man that endures it not, receives nothing of God. It is always the same, the riches come by the Truth, the increase is given to them that obey. The weakness by which one is made strong, is that submission to God, that submission to the Truth, that obeying from the heart. The faithful obedience, which is real faith, the very thing the many torture into their own images to be worshiped and to be loved. When unfaithfulness is championed as the only way one has to prove their love. Truly the turning of things upside down have blinded them, hidden from them, robbed them, lead them unto a path of destruction that ends in hell. The everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord.

Armor, denying thyself the ungodliness of the worldly lusts. Being sober, to have gravity, sincerity, monogamy, fidelity, loyalty, faithfulness, obedience to that which ye love most. To be righteous and godly and holy, that upright completeness, clear in the matter, perfect in obedience. Not you becoming some tv character image, but you being you, yet obeying from the heart the teaching.

Armor, being strong by the power of His might, be ye strong in the Lord. Do this by the Truth, by righteousness, by preparation, by faith. If you do these things you will be able to withstand the devil and stand before God Almighty, which few will be able to do and none will be able to defiled by sin, disobedience, by rebellion, despite how much it is sold by them, they will not love the appearing of the Lord with billboards of sin written upon them. The reason it was said "no one, absolutely not one will enter but they be born again"... For the Mark of God is sighing and crying over the abominations in the world. The mark of that evil one is pleasure in the abominations in the world.

As always let us define the Path through definition.

Strong: having or marked by great physical power, having moral or intellectual power, having great resources (as of wealth or talent), effective or efficient especially in a specified direction, powerful in effect, forceful, severe, firm, bold, brave; constant, resolute; arduous, violent.

STRONG, adjective [G., Latin The sense of the radical word is to stretch, strain, draw, and probably from the root of stretch and reach.]

  1. Having physical active power, or great physical power; having the power of exerting great bodily force; vigorous. A patient is recovering from sickness, but is not yet strong enough to walk. A strong man will lift twice his own weight.
    That our oxen may be strong to labor. Psalms 144:14.
    Orses the strong to greater strength must yield.

  2. Having physical passive power; having ability to bear or endure; firm; solid; as a constitution strong enough to bear the fatigues of a campaign.

  3. Well fortified; able to sustain attacks; not easily subdued or taken; as a strong fortress or town.

  4. Having great military or naval force; powerful; as a strong army or fleet; a strong nation; a nation strong at sea.

  5. Having great wealth, means or resources; as a strong house or company of merchants.

  6. Moving with rapidity; violent; forcible; impetuous; as a strong current of water or wind; the wind was strong from the northeast; we had a strong tide against us.

  7. Hale; sound; robust; as a strong constitution.

  8. Powerful; forcible; cogent; adapted to make a deep or effectual impression on the mind or imagination; as a strong argument; strong reasons; strong evidence; a strong example or instance. He used strong language.

  9. Ardent; eager; zealous; earnestly engaged; as a strong partisan; a strong whig or tory.
    Her mother, ever strong against that match--

  10. Having virtues of great efficacy; or having a particular quality in a great degree; as a strong powder or tincture; a strong decoction; strong tea; strong coffee.

  11. Full of spirit; intoxicating; as strong liquors.

  12. Affecting the sight forcibly; as strong colors.

  13. Affecting the taste forcibly; as the strong flavor of onions.

  14. Affecting the smell powerfully; as a strong scent.

  15. Not of easy digestion; solid; as strong meat. Hebrews 5:7.

  16. Well established; firm; not easily overthrown or altered; as a custom grown strong by time.

  17. Violent; vehement; earnest.
    Who in the day of his flesh, when he offered up prayers with strong crying and tears-- Hebrews 5:7.

  18. Able; furnished with abilities.
    I was stronger in prophecy than in criticism.

  19. Having great force of mind, of intellect or of any faculty; as a man of strong powers of mind; a man of a strong mind or intellect; a man of strong memory, judgment or imagination.

  20. Having great force; comprising much in few words.
    Like her sweet voice is thy harmonious song, as high, as sweet, as easy and as strong

  21. Bright; glaring; vivid; as a strong light.

  22. Powerful to the extent of force named; as an army ten thousand strong...

Who is strong but not able? Who says they are weak to sin but strong in the Lord? Who says they are made strong through failure, through inability? Who tells you that you make the Truth greater through a lie? Who says I have made Christ useful through sinning, failing and rebelling? Who is strong but ineffective. Who can not hear the contradictions of them who profess to know, but say all these foolish things?


Greek - G1743
Word: ἐνδυναμόω
Transliteration: endunamoō
Phonetic: en-doo-nam-o'-o
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: to be strong, endue with strength, strengthen, to receive strength, be strengthened, increase in strength, be bold, headstrong...

Can one bear the campaign, to stand alone, to be separated, to have them that ye hold in whatever form of admiration put you in derision? Family and friends! Will you stand fast with God when they all hate you? Can you bear the test of your faith, which, if you have not heard is faithfulness; obedience? Will you be faithful when put to the test? Will you be upright, righteous, moral, holy, godly, sincere, trusty, loyal, obedient when put to the test. Will you come out the other side patient?

No where is there any Truth in the lie of dying to sin daily and being made stronger for it. No where is one increased for being unfaithful, unable. No where is there a single drop of Truth in making Christ useful, needed by willfully disobeying the Commandments. Truth is, submission to God, is the weakness by which man is made strong. Giving up thine own will for His will is an act of weakness by which ye are made strong.

Truly the testing of your faith works patience. Brings increase when? When you remain faithful, for it is written so it absolutely is. They who are faithful increase in riches. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, strength, loyalty, sincerity, monogamy, fidelity, trust and all things like to these. By virtue added, for all of these are virtues to be added, to be enriched by the Truth to the faithful. The treasures given by God to them that diligently seek Him and are faithful.

Greek - G225
Word: ἀλήθεια
Transliteration: alētheia
Phonetic: al-ay'-thi-a
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Definition: objectively, what is true in any matter under consideration, truly, in truth, according to truth, of a truth, in reality, in fact, certainly, what is true in things appertaining to God and the duties of man, moral and religious truth, in the greatest latitude, the true notions of God which are open to human reason without his supernatural intervention, the truth as taught in the Christian religion, respecting God and the execution of his purposes through Christ, and respecting the duties of man, opposing alike to the superstitions of the Gentiles and the inventions of the Jews, and the corrupt opinions and precepts of false teachers even among Christians. Mostly of them that proclaim to be Christian. Subjectively, truth as a personal excellence, that candour of mind which is free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit...

Truth: fidelity to an original or to a standard, sincerity in action, character, and utterance...

Truth shinning forth in action, character and utterance...

The Truth shines through in them that have what? Faith. Which is what? Fidelity, loyalty, monogamy, sincerity, faithfulness, obedience, trusty. It is a standard setup and held. One seeks out the perfect and good will of God so they can obey them, do them, maintain them, be strong in them, become effectual by them. Who seeks it out to be unable, just to fail, just to say "it must all be done for them", to say "it is all done for me" and yet never do them, or just parts of them that suit them to do? Rather than the WHOLE armor of God, just part of it, the parts that their will prefers to do.

Truth as a personal excellence, despised by the many, mocked even. Sanctimonious, self righteous, as if by obeying the will of God is something to hate, to mock. They surely do hate His Commandments and it does not phase them to do so or even cause them to blush to speak so wickedly against them. To out right make them void, to remove the whole armor, the whole standard of God. That whole duty of man to fear God and keep His Commandments. To strive for excellence is fine when it is a worldly thing, but put the same quality's to obeying God and then look at the childishness displayed, the derision, that hatred. How dare anyone simply have to obey. How dare anyone speak of the Commandments or the ability to do so. How dare you say "GO AND SIN NO MORE"! How dare you say "Endure till the end, for if you do not, you will not be saved". For no one is saved until the end but do not tell anyone which go about, saved already.

How dare anyone say strive, run, race, chase, fight, dig deep, yearn, affirm, study, diligent, constant, work, earnest, prepare, prove, and all like to these. How dare one have to be faithful, how dare faith be more then just saying "faith". How dare it be so that faith is dead without works, when all they can vomit out is "not of works'. How dare righteousness must be done for one to be righteous, when it is so much easier to just be clothed in something one never actually puts on, but speaks of only. How dare anyone speak of temperance, to have self control over their own selves and it not being done for them. How dare one speak of the judgement to come when they are free indeed to live as they want to live. How dare anyone point out that loving one another is keeping the Commandments of God. How dare anyone point out that for love to be love it must be faithful, loyal, sincere and true.

How dare the word "grace" be more than just a word. But it actually contain what is truly is. How dare anyone have to deny themselves, take up their own cross and follow Christ. How dare anyone have to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and live soberly, righteously and godly lives right now in this present world. How dare grace be anything more then just a cover to hide them from the eyes of God, so He only sees the Son, or only sees the Son in them, despite all the sin one continues to prefer to do.

How dare it be so that faith works by love and is proven by deeds. How dare anyone show that Christ raised the bar, and set the standard. How dare anyone who Names the Name of the Lord must depart from all iniquity. How dare anyone awakes to righteousness and goes and sins not. How dare anyone stand in awe and sin not. How dare anyone fear God, to hate evil and love good. To eat of the butter and the honey to know to refuse the evil and choose the good. How dare anyone say it is free will, you choose to obey or you choose to not obey. How dare it be sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. How dare anyone come to learn that it is not done for them, but they must actually do something to have salvation. Again, in the case that it has already been forgotten. To be strong in the Lord and His might, by Truth, Righteousness, Preparation and Faith. In this one can take the Helm of Salvation, for it does not come to them that have not the Truth, that does not Righteousness, that does not Prepare by the Gospel of Peace by Faith, which is through faithfulness.

How dare the simple Truth be sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

How dare it be so simple as to say "If ye love Me, keep My Commandments".

How dare it be faithful obedience.

How dare it say Obedience to the Faith!

How dare we be told to prepare by the Gospel of Peace. To seek out of the book of the Lord and read.

Prepare: to make ready beforehand for some purpose, use, or activity, to put in a proper state of mind, to work out the details of : plan in advance, to get ready...

Preparation: the action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty... The state of being prepared or in readiness; as a nation in good preparation for attack or defense. The act or operation of preparing or fitting for a particular purpose, use, service or condition; as the preparation of land for a crop of wheat; the preparation of troops for a campaign; the preparation of a nation for war; the preparation of men for future happiness. preparation is intended to prevent evil or secure good.

Greek - G2091
Word: ἑτοιμασία
Transliteration: hetoimasia
Phonetic: het-oy-mas-ee'-ah
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Definition: the act of preparing, the condition of a person or thing so far forth as prepared, preparedness, readiness...

Be ye prepared for the test to come, for the war that is, the battle in which all must fight. Being a bold solider for Christ, for armies are being built, prepared for battle. When it is a violent act to bear the sword of the Word of God and speak the Truth, to be that strong in a day when it is a violent act to warn them. To tear down strongholds, to utterly slain them all and spare none by the sword of the Word. For all who live truly godly lives in Christ will suffer for it. Suffer for the faith that is being faithful.

Faith: allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty, fidelity to one's promises, sincerity of intentions, belief and trust in and loyalty to God, complete trust, without question. Confidence in a person or thing with reference to truthfulness or reliability, also fidelity of one spouse to another. Faithfulness to a trust or promise; loyalty to a person; honesty, truthfulness...

Greek - G4102
Word: πίστις
Transliteration: pistis
Phonetic: pis'-tis
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Definition: conviction of the truth of anything, belief; in the NT of a conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to God and divine things, generally with the included idea of trust and holy fervour born of faith and joined with it, relating to God, the conviction that God exists and is the creator and ruler of all things, the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through Christ, relating to Christ, a strong and welcome conviction or belief that Jesus is the Messiah, through whom we obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of God, the religious beliefs of Christians, belief with the predominate idea of trust (or confidence) whether in God or in Christ, springing from faith in the same, fidelity, faithfulness, the character of one who can be relied on...

So then we reach that point again, that fork in the road so to speak. Which faith is it by, by which we are saved? Is it just the word "faith" as so many show it to be? Or is by what it contains, fidelity, faithfulness, loyalty, monogamy, sincerity, trusty, obedience, honesty, confidence. The great swelling words of emptiness, or the words filled?

To faith we add virtue, that effectual operation of the fact of ones state of being. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness and Charity, which is love. From faith to love and all that is in between.

It is by faith alone and not by the works of the Law of sacrifice as written. For that Law was fulfilled in Christ. Christ did absolutely that for us already. This part of it was paid with that earnest payment as written. But the earnest is not the whole of it, it is the beginning of it. For faith is much more than the lie want you to realize. I dare you indeed, go work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. In the case that you might not yet know what working out your salvation means. I will tell say it again. Put on the armor of God, not part of it but the whole of it in the Truth, be ye righteous, for they who do righteousness are righteous even as Christ is righteous, to put on the mind of Christ, walk as He walked. Being prepared by studying to show thyself approved through the Gospel of Peace, the book of the Lord. Having faith, showing forth that faith by character and utterance, by doing the deeds, the works. For faith works by love and is proven by deeds. Do ye the works meet, worthy for repentance. Make ye straight the Way of the Lord. If ye Love Him, obey Him.

How dare faith be said to establish the Law, the Commandments of God. How dare faith be shown to put into operation that which God has Commanded. Established, this day one is open for business, open to uphold standards, to rise to the occasion, to the bar set. To be able now to work it out, they are to obey that which they truly love, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

It is seeking out the will of God, that perfect and good will of God. Not just a bunch of words, but Words filled and overflowing, Just, Mercy, Humble, Judgement, Faith, Mercy, Righteousness, Temperance, Judgement. Fear God and Keep The Commandments. It is not a name of a man, it is not a creation of man, it is not a building of man, it is just you. You are the Temple of God, created by His hands and the only throne that matters to Him is your heart. Who will you yield yourselves servants to obey? Who will sit upon that throne and be your true love? sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness?

Panoply, put on the full armor and you will never fail, never fall; always you will be able to stand, to endure till the end.

Through Christ you are able to do all things, for He is our strength.

We are the words we speak and they are of you. For out of the heart the mouth speaks of the treasure it contains. Men will give an account for every idle word spoken, either justified or condemned.

It is remission and not permission...

Seek, Repent and Sin No More...

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...
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