How can Jesus Christ help us?

in #jesus6 years ago

When Jesus was on earth, he did many good things to help people. And this is very true because after telling about the many events of Jesus' life, a visual witness says: "Jesus did many other things; If they are written one by one, I suppose, therefore, it is written in the writing that no man taketh it into the world. "(John 21:25) Truly Jesus did many things when he was on earth, but we may now have questions Could: 'Jesus is in heaven now, and how can he help us from heaven? Can we still benefit from Jesus 'mercy?'
The answer is really filled with our mind, we get comfort. The Bible tells us that Christ "entered into heaven, that he might appear before God for us." (Hebrews 9:24) What did he go to heaven to do for us? The apostle Paul says that "[Christ] did not enter into the holy place [" heaven itself "] by the blood of goats and goats, but by the blood of his own blood, he has made everlasting life begotten [for us]." - Hebrews 9:12; 1 John 2: 2.
How happy it is! Jesus went to heaven not to stop doing good work for the people, but from there he could do more for the people. Because God has shown mercy to Jesus, "servant" means the high priest who has "sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens." - Hebrews 8: 1, 2.
So we see that Jesus will work from heaven as a servant for the people. He will work for the worshipers of God, like the high priests of ancient Israel. What did the high priest do? Paul said that "every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices, so it is also [some] of the people [in Jesus Christ] who are in heaven." - Hebrews 8: 3.
Jesus sacrificed something greater than the ancient high priests of sacrificial sacrifice. "The blood of goats and bulls. . . "If the ancient Israelites could have given much spiritual purity," how much more will the blood of Christ, who cleanses your senses from the dead works, in order that you may worship the living God! "- Hebrews 9:13, 14.
Jesus is also an extraordinary servant of other high priests because he has received immortality. In ancient Israel, "they are coming many priests, because death does not allow them to live forever." But what about Jesus? Paul wrote that "he is" for ever ", so his priesthood is unchangeable. For this reason, he can save those who come to God through him, because he is always alive to plead for them. "(Hebrews 7: 23-25; Romans 6: 9) Yes, one in heaven for us in heaven There is a servant who is 'always alive to plead our case.' Now think now what it means for us today!
When Jesus was on earth, many people came to him to get help, sometimes these people came to Jesus from far away. (Matthew 4:24, 25) However, he is in heaven for people of all nations who can easily ask for help. He is always the highest place to help everyone as a servant from Heaven.


What kind of high priest is Jesus?

There is no doubt that the Gospel book gives us the picture of Jesus Christ that he helped many people and showed them many pity. How much sacrifice he had made! People came to them several times when he and his disciples wanted to take rest. But instead of thinking that people were preventing them from resting their silence and quietly resting, he "felt pity" for those who sought his help. If a sinner really wanted help, he was 'tired of them, even though he was tired, hungry, and thirsty.' And to help them, he was also prepared to remove his food.-Mark 6: 31-34; Luke 9: 11-17; John 4: 4-6, 31-34.
Seeing the people, Jesus had so much compassion that he worked to meet their physical, mental and spiritual needs. (Matthew 9: 35-38; Mark 6: 35-44) He also taught them to find eternal peace and comfort. (John 4: 7-30, 39-42) For example, how earnest were Jesus' words to the people: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; And you will find rest for your souls. "- Matthew 11:28, 29.
Jesus loved people so much that at last he sacrificed his life for sinful people. (Romans 5: 6-8) So Paul reasoned: "Who [Jehovah God] did not have pity for his own son, but gave him over to all of us, would he not give us all his mercies? . . . Christ Jesus died, but rather raised; And he is at the right hand of God, and making requests to us. "- Romans 8: 32-34.
A high priest who can show compassion
When Jesus was a man, he was hungry, thirsty, he was tired, had pain and pain, even he died. He endured so much sorrow and pressure that he could have worked as a high priest for the poor people. Paul wrote: "In view of all things [Jesus] should have become like his brothers, that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the work of God, to make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he has proved himself to be a trial and can help those who are tempted. "- Hebrews 2:17, 18; 13: 8.
Jesus showed that he can help people to come to God and have the desire to do so. But does this mean that he had to convince a ruthless and disobedient God, who does not want to forgive? Never, for the Bible assures us that "Jehovah [is] good and ready to forgive." And the Bible also tells us: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous, so will we, our sins, and forgive us all. Will cleanse itself from unrighteousness. "(Psalm 86: 5; 1 John 1: 9) Actually, the words and deeds of Jesus' love show the kindness, mercy, and love of his Father.-John 5:19; 8:28; 14: 9, 10.
How did Jesus give repentance to repentant sinners? When they tried to please God in their heart, Jesus helped them find happiness and contentment. When writing to fellow Christians, the apostle Paul said to the matter: "Well, we have found a great high priest, who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God; Therefore, let us hold faith in firm belief. For we did not find such a high priest who can not be sorry for our shortcomings, but he has been tested in all things, without sin. Therefore come, let us boldly approach the throne, that we may receive mercy and find grace for the good of the times. "- Hebrews 4: 14-16.
"For useful use"
But when we think of any problem that we may not be able to face, what can we do? Like a serious illness, a burden of feeling guilty, absolutely broken or frustration? We can rely on the system on which Jesus himself always relied on, and that is the special opportunity to pray. For example, on the night of his death "He. . . Prayer more intensely; And his sweat became as drops of blood falling to the ground. "(Luke 22:44) Yes, Jesus knows how to feel like praying to God from the heart. He "gave a loud cry and tears to him with tears and with tears, who was able to save him from death, and he received his due answer." - Hebrews 5: 7.
Jesus knows very well that people want to "answer" their prayers and make them strong. (Luke 22:43) He also promised: "If you ask anything for the Father, he will give it to you in my name. . . . Ask, and it will be given you, that your joy may be made full. "(John 16:23, 24) So we can pray to God on complete confidence that he will allow his Son to use his rights and the benefits of his ransom sacrifice for us.- Matthew

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