There is HOPE in God's LOVE!

in #jesus7 years ago (edited)

I was encouraged to post this because I've seen some communities of christian here in steemit. I also want steemians to know the deep meaning of God's love.

Note: Pictures were taken from my booklet in One Verse Evangelism.

At any point in your life, has God seemed far away? Our sin creates a distance between us and God. Adam and Eve only sin (disobedience) once and became apart from God. How about us? We can't even calculate our sins. How far away we are from God now? Meditate and read this to understand more of the purpose and value of your life.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
This verse is a law containing Good News and Bad News. Have you question yourself of the main message the Bible has? Of the thickness of the pages of the Bible, is there a main message of it?

Wages is something that you earn or deserve.
Sin is more of an attitude than an action – it can be a hostile or apathetic response to God. It makes us feel guilty.
Death actually means separation: our body separates from our soul.

We are all sinners, no one is perfect. Following the commandments without faith to the Lord is nothing. It is like treating a cancer. Eating vegetables and fruits is not bad but it is not sufficient to cure the cancer. It needs a different treatment.

In the verse, "For the wages of sin is death" talks about the Bad News but because of this simple word 'but', the change of direction in the law happened that indicates the hope for all of us!

A gift is something that you do not work for and that you do not earn by merit. It is free, only it needs a receiver. When you receive a gift, your answer could be: "Thanks for the gift! I appreciate it." or "No, thanks.". This God's gift is free and we do not need to work for it but just to receive it.

God is the giver of the gift. I can't give it to you; a church can't give it to you; no one can give you this gift but God alone. Why do you think God would want to give you a gift? Simply because God loves us and we are all special in His eyes.

What do you think eternal life is? Eternal life would be experiencing life forever with God. The Bible picture out heaven with no pains and sufferings. How wonderful it is!

Jesus is the means by which we can obtain the gift of eternal life. The one and only Son of God. No one can offer the gift except the one who purchased it. He purchased it by paying for it with His life. Jesus' bridge of life enables us to reconnect God and receive life which lasts forever. Remember always that the Bible says, "We are worth dying for." You are special and was loved by a perfect God.

To accept Jesus in our lives, He has to have a total control of our lives. Confess and surrender to Him all your burdens, sins, sufferings, doubts and pains. Confessing means to agree with God that we are not perfect, there are things in our lives that we are wrong, and that we want Christ to forgive us as we turn away from sins. To surrender means to allow Christ to be the final authority in our lives and to live in order to please Him and not ourselves. It doesn't mean that we have to be perfect, but that we will try our best to please Christ.

As you accept Christ in your life, please say this prayer:

"Dear Lord, I confess that I have sinned and don't deserve to be with You in heaven. I believe that Jesus died to pay the price of my sins. Please forgive me, come into my heart, be the Lord of my life and help me to live for You from now on. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

Thank you for investing your time reading this. I hope that you now fall in love to God deeper. God bless!


Wow ! How beautiful God it is :)

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