Thank You For Your Homeless Time
People are often thanking each other for their time in an effort to show respect for that person and for the their time.
As a homeless person many times I would need to talk to someone who had more money than me and who was extremely busy.
Right away, anyone could see this successful person had the belief the donation of their time was a great and generous gift.
A special window of time for me to draw on their vast wisdom and experience that has allowed them to excel in a way I had not.
The problem is that Mr. Success had never recovered from homelessness nor faced the current challenges I was doing my best to deal with.
They made choices which allowed them to avoid the circumstance I was in, which is only useful to judge or criticize my decisions and situation.
When I went over their precious allotment of time they might be late for a meal, while I might not make it to a place where I could sleep indoors that night.
The successful are mistaken to believe their time is more valuable than someone living on the fringe of society.
The reverse is true.
Never forget we will be judged by a homeless, man convicted of a felony...who couldn't seem to get along with anyone. Not religious leaders, government officials, nor anyone who thought of their time as their own limited and near priceless commodity. No. Not even one of them did He know.