Walid Shoebat Talks About The Dangers of Islam

in #jesus6 years ago (edited)

"The purpose of Islam is to destroy the concept that God is a trinity. So that #Jesus didn't die on the cross and Israel isn't God's chosen people or nation."

~ Walid Shoebat

NOTICE: the video sound isn't perfect ... don't turn volume too high


This is a salty one! :)

I'll be happy to have a debate if anyone is willing.

Hah, not sure about a debate but might come back in a few days after I watch the video and make a few observations. I will say that the original purpose of Islam wasn't to destroy the concept of trinity. The idea of Christ being God wasn't so set in stone by the early Christians. There was much debate, and it took many years for them to stamp out the ideas of men such as Arius.

Many Christians are unaware that Islam holds Jesus in high regard. Without getting into the lifestyle of that time and cultures, it is miraculous what Muhammad pulled off. The various regions he traveled in had many gods and the impact of his intent has created what today is the largest religion in the world.

Many Christians are unaware that Islam holds Jesus in high regard.

Very true. Muslims consider Jesus a great prophet but not as the Only Begotten Son of the Father. They hold Muhammud in much higher regard which overrides anything Jesus said or did unfortunately.

The person they believe that died on the cross was Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Jesus, which a lot of Christians would consider blasphemous. They seem to purposely flip a lot of things upside-down from the bible. It can't just be a coincidence.

the talmudists also believe that jesus was a fales prophet so much for hebrews being gods people lol
the religious political establishment is like a blind man stumbling around in a dark cellar looking for a black cat that isnt there
and i mean that for all religions
all three holy books have been edited to brainwash the masses
there is a reason the book of enoch was taken out of the bible and its not because the bible was too large lol
have a great day guys
and FTG you cant be expected to bail everyone out all the time and have everything weigh on your heavy shoulders my friend
be safe and starve the dirty evil murdering beast

you are absolutely right PT
funny christians say fuck ISIS and they are saying fuck jesus poor ignorant souls
and jesus has absolutely nothing to do with what dirty islam and christianity has turned into
the leaders of each religion should be castrated and put out to pasture
its so nice to see that some know that islam does put jesus in high regard
all the religions came from one and we all want to kill each other
what a bloody joke
have a wonderful day sir

OK, I will debate you! I say it is a peppery one!
I am not going to watch the whole thing right now, but he is an interesting speaker, I like what I am hearing.

That's awesome! I just updated the video link because the first one was a bit glitchy. The one I just shared is a much shorter version.

I didn’t watch it yet. But by the quote, I can tell it is so one sided, perhaps ignorant. Usually one sided relgious debates don’t go anywhere meaningful.

Open mindness and good faith engagement is a must in these kinds of debates. Rarely happens though.

So, did you really just stop by and say "I am judging this book by its cover, and I can tell it is so one sided..."

I thought the man's name was funny, so I started watching and was not planning to watch but a little bit of it. I am getting an education, this man knows both sides in a way I am BETTING you do not. Not claiming to know what I don't know, you know?

In this case, the title and the quote are making bold and maybe hateful claims. Keywords - "danger", "destroy". So yea claims can be judged too. You can replace Islam with any religion and can have the same effect.

I have watched 40 minutes of it. Which part did you find educational? It seems he is just making up stuff.

I have studied international affairs, politics, cultures, and religions. I know a little bit. One-sided speeches, propaganda serve as dehumanizing groups of people and lead to stupid wars, crusades, invasions, terrorism, etc.

Any ideas, ideologies, religions can be used for starting wars, causing destruction and suffering. History is full of examples.

He was RAISED in the middle east and was a TERRORIST for a while. I think he might know more than you picked up in your "studies." Not listening to people because you DECIDE you do not like what they say is a surefire recipe for staying ignorant. Not stupid, ignorant: You ignore what is right under your nose.

If you have read my comment you would know I have watched it. You didn't respond which part you found educational. Just came back to call me ignorant? How cute.

So by your definition being raised in the middle east and being an ex-terrorist is a qualifier to be an authority on the topic?

Anyway, there is already too much hate in the world, I don't think more is needed.

It gives me a view into a world I would not otherwise have. I find that educational. The entire thing was educational. Information is a good thing, especially information you would not otherwise have. Why do you care what I found educational? The point is to educate yourself.

I asked because you responded to my comment saying you found it educational. If that is the case you should be able to elaborate on that to have a meaningful conversation and share something of substance.

There is plenty of information (and misinformation) on many topics these days. Establishing authority on the subject is part of getting proper education/knowledge. Unless of course you think all information/knowledge from all sources is equal.

P.S. I already conceded that the speaker knows what he is talking about in other comments. I still don’t agree with the message though.

totally agreed fishyculture
you hit the nail right on the button

if youve studied all this and were taught in a school you are the one that is biased and more than likely making things up since thats what you were taught lol
try to have an open mind and have a great day geek girl
i have friends who have read all three holy books and laughs at all religious people since 90 percent of people educated on religions cant see in front of their noses lmao

But by the quote, I can tell it is so one sided, perhaps ignorant. Usually one sided relgious debates don’t go anywhere meaningful.

The truth is always one sided. But, one shouldn't be offended when their beliefs are tested. That's where all the problems start. I do have Muslims friends and we get along just fine. I love them just like I love my own family.

Open mindness and good faith engagement is a must in these kinds of debates. Rarely happens though.

Absolutely. If you want to have a healthy debate after you watch the video lemme know :)

I have watched 40 minutes of it. I had to stop because it seems he is just making up stuff and not even giving proper references to justify his interpretations.

I understand when it comes to prophecies there are some interpretations and connecting dots maybe needed. But that needs to be done responsibly with proper citing why he is interpreting things that way. He is also talking to his audience as if he is revealing some secrets only he knows, and everybody else got it wrong for thousands of years.

Here are my highlights:

  1. In minute 13, he makes a claim that every Muslim believe in the coming of Mahdi who rules the world for 7 years and kills all jews. No reference where he got it from. He is expecting everybody just to trust his words. Irresponsible, and probably incorrect claim.

  2. He is giving references to the Bible and which verses he is attempting to interpret. However, he is failing to give references to why he is interpreting that way. Gold and silver he says are Iraq and Iran. Why? They can be any place in space and time.

  3. He interprets animals to Muslim majority countries as well. When he starts interpreting "Bear", the audience suggests Russia. He says no it is Iran. Wait what? It seems Russia didn't fit his agenda there.

  4. When it comes to interpreting countries, he is doing the same thing. Attaching certain countries to fit his narrative, with no reasonable explanation. Not only countries manipulated based on geographic location, but also time. For example, he uses Byzantium, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire in various place and uses when it only fits his interpretation.

  5. He is saying Jesus will come back to destroys Muslim countries he named based on his interpretations. Hmmm, Jesus a destroyer or countries/people? Don't think so. Quite the opposite, in my opinion.

  6. He is using Muslim countries to represent Islam. Big scholarly mistake (if he is a scholar that is) to use countries as a reference to any religion. Iran, Irak, Saudi Arabia, etc are not Islam and vice versa. Applies to any religion.

  7. Problems, conflicts, wars throughout history were not due to religions, but rather politics and political/geopolitical ​interests. Politics and politicians(monarchs, rulers, regimes, etc) use ideas, ideologies, religions to server their purpose. Not knowing which is what actually causes bigger dangers. He seems to be mixing up them to make his point.

If at any point in the video he is making a convincing or​ strong argument with proper sourcing, I will be happy to look at it again.


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911 was purposely to throw these other countries and their beliefs under the bus.. IMO. People don't really care about humanity. Some do care.. just most of humanty can't see through the BS! Peace.

911 was purposely to throw these other countries and their beliefs under the bus

Wasn't it suppose to be about the oil?

yes.. it was about the oil for the most part.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the support, Boss.

Hey Bruv,

I wanted to give YOU the heads up ; )


Screen Shot 2020-04-07 at 8.23.59 AM.png

Religion is for weak minded losers

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I'm pretty burned out on new interpretations of Biblical prophecy. I will just say that anything/person/religion that denies the legitimate deity of Jesus Christs is doomed, until/unless they come to the truth, repent of their sins, and accept Him as exactly who and what He said He was/and is.

Btw...if you get a chance this Bloom character has taken to zapping as many as my 6-day old posts as possible so my chances of recouping the damage are lessened. Seem to be his new M.O.:

Thanks in advance:

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Thanks so much for ALL THE GOOD you do, brother.

God bless!

Thanks for been supportive. Bless up

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Bloom just lit me up for no apparent reason:

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12m ago bloom (-100%) upvote can-we-count-on-trump-to-hold-of-mandatory-vaccination
12m ago bloom (-100%) upvote alright-this-is-disturbing-the-new-office-at-hhs-that-is-supposed-to-support-conscience-and-religious-freedom
12m ago bloom (-100%) upvote cps-in-france-a-sewer-by-any-other-name-smells-just-as-bad
12m ago bloom (-100%) upvote maine-s-horrible-bill-ld-798-yea-i-took-care-of-it-i-think-mainers-are-pretty-anti-vax-but-even-more-anti-mandatory
12m ago bloom (-100%) upvote cps-in-germany-the-nazi-lebensborn-program-in-modern-disguise-sieg-heil
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12m ago bloom (-100%) upvote israel-s-new-mandatory-vaccination-proposal-they-actually-have-the-temerity-to-call-this-moderate

-----Thanks in advance!

What's wrong with rocking out from time to time?

All jokes aside, are you aware that gesture is also "I love you" in sign language?

are you aware that gesture is also "I love you" in sign language?

yes, of course, I'm aware of the surface meaning, but the elites have a completely different reason for flashing that gesture...

i have a strong suspicion this guy is a disinfo agent spreading half-truths. rather than bust out all my thoughts, i'm going to do some further digging.

but, i think 'his holiness' would be thrilled how vehemently Wally shifts the title of Great Whore from RCC onto Islam.

not defending Islam in any way, just saying...

be back later!

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hey FTG man dont worry about helping me if you need to help others man and i appreciate your help
either way your the man
also this is the most recent post i could comment on since i dont know how to comment to you without one of your posts if that makes sense
and if you dont have anyone else to help well then great i could use your help but others need it so much more than me since they want to make money and i will keep posting in a negative 100 bud
beanie the jerkoff has no effect on me ive probably have more money than he will ever have lol cheers man and be safe
sorry about my bad grammar
again thanks for your support

hey FTG great post and i dont believe the jews were gods people at all
jesus said so many times that he is not from this world and yet christians so delusiona lthey still believe jesus was a hebrew lmao.
also im going to north carolina in late spring or summer so i can give beanie baby a chance to put a bullet in my head
man hes going to be in for a surprise lmao
all my family is dead so he cant harm me
hes so stupid he threatens people while his families address and his are all over steem
i have nothing to hide so use my real name
i guess hes ratted on too many people so has to use phony names lol
have a great day and it would be nice to see more of you on our channel away from here
have a great day and im listing my house on a rock here with solar and wind generator at the beginning of april and then i will go deal with the babies that threaten me with bullets
fucking jerkoffs
cheers and peace man

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