Sunday Sermon Salt Lake

in #jesus7 years ago (edited)

I was born in the heart of Manhattan "hell's kitchen" by 4th generation Irish/German New Yorkers in 1949. Born again in 1969 in the heart of Woodstock. I am the child of God trying to get you out of the devil's fire back into the peaceful garden. Can you hear and are you listening?
As a child I was raised Lutheran by non practicing Christians. My mother a Lutheran and my father a Catholic in name only. However, I was a natural believer in the salvation of Jesus Christ the Only begotten Son of God who opened the way for the resurrection and redemption of all mankind. They however made sure my brother, sister and I were sent to church. I'm forever grateful for parents who cared enough to see that I got some religious training in my youth. I'm grateful to the Lutheran church for introducing me to Jesus Christ the Son of God. By the prayer of faith and the witness of the Holy Ghost I learned as a child that Jesus is the true Son of God who lives today as a resurrected being in heaven with God the Father. I know that he atoned for the sins of all mankind on the cross and opened the way for the resurrection and salvation of all men. In my early teens I questioned my parents, church and leaders on their authority and knowledge. I rebelled against society and became a hippie looking for love in all the wrong places and doing all the wrong things. However, God in his great mercy chose to chasen and awaken me to the error of my ways. This happened at Woodstock 1969 during a near death experience while I was abusing my body with those bad things of the day. I found myself in hell tormented by all my sins and then refected upon my childhood belief in Jesus Christ and called upon his name to save me. He heard my voice and delivered me back to life. I was born again and made a promise that day to change my life and go and do what the Lord wanted me to do. He led me by the Bible and the Holy Spirit over the next nine months to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where I was baptized in the Atlantic Ocean at Smith Point Fire Island, NY on June 27th 1970. I know by personal revelation and the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Savior of all mankind and he has led me to the prophet Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon and the LDS church which I know to be true by the power of the Holy Ghost. Seek, read, ponder and pray concerning these things and you too can know they are true by the power of the Holy Ghost I pray in name of Jesus Christ, amen!
This last Sunday I preached a sermon at the Salt Lake Stake Center. Sharing my testimony of Jesus Christ, the Bible and The Book of Mormon and the grace that God has for us all and how we should love and forgive one another...
I live my faith simply by practicing the golden rule to the best of my abilities. I do this by loving and following my God and his leaders by loving and serving my neighbors as myself. Over my 47 years in the church I have served a full-time mission (Northern California 1972-74) as a missionary teaching the gospel to many. I've also been a gospel doctrine teacher in Sunday School and have served in many leadership callings in the church throughout the northeast states. This included being a Branch President over a congregation of members in Long Beach, New York and conducting weekly worship services. Presently I serve on the Salt Lake Stake High Council assisting organizations teach the gospel. I also attend the Temple weekly with my beloved wife Beth and minister by visiting assigned church members in their homes teaching them the gospel and helping them with any needs. I love the Lord, his church, leaders and members and am grateful for any opportunity to serve my fellowman in or out of the church. Last but not least I thank the Lord for my wife Beth and family praying each day for the faith and strength to bless and serve them to the end...
What do Mormons believe about the Bible? Do they regard it as Holy Scripture and the word of God?
The Bible is both the history and witness of God's people that there is a merciful Father in Heaven who loves all mankind and has a plan for their eternal salvation. It contains the commandments of God, the teachings and stories of the apostles and prophets and the witness and testimony of the Son of God even Jesus Christ. Truly it is Holy Scripture and the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. We believe Jesus Christ is the Jehovah of the Old Testament and the Son of God and Savior of all mankind of the New Testament. We believe ..."God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." ( John 3:16); "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent." (John 17:3) Show less
What do Mormons believe concerning the doctrine of grace?
Grace is at the heart of the Mormon faith just as Jesus Christ is at the center of the official name. The atonement of Jesus Christ which he worked out for us began during his suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and finished on the cross at Calvary and was fulfilled at the Garden Tomb when the Lord was resurrected. This atonement which the Lord suffered in our behalf to safe us from our sins is the true definition of grace. We know that our Our Heavenly Father .."gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." ( John 3:16) We believe .."Except a man (believe in Christ and) be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5) Grace is the free will offering Jesus gave to our Heavenly Father to open the way for all mankind to be saved. Jesus Christ is the Great Mediator and Messiah to all who will call upon his name and repent of their sins and practice living his teachings to the best of their abilities. The Lord will make up the difference in our failings through his grace. The prophet Joseph Smith taught ‘Therefore ye are justified of faith and works, through grace...’(see JST Romans 4:16). The Book of Mormon teaches ‘For we labor diligently to write to persuade our children, and also our brethren to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace we are saved after all we can do’(2 Nephi 25:23). Grace is being forgiven by God and forgiving others.FB_IMG_1520212854815.jpgFB_IMG_1525553252430.jpg


Welcome glad to have you here bringing some uplifting messages. :)

Thanks and I hope more will come into the greater light of true love, peace and freedom as we share our honest thoughts and experiences.

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