The Great Revelation: Unfolding Eternity Today (3) (Original Work)

in #jesus6 years ago

Good Morning Tuesday...
Father thank You for this new day. Please continue to fill us with Your Love and Compassion as we go out into a fallen world. Let us be a Light in the darkness and use us to usher more Brothers and Sisters into Your Kingdom. In Yeshua, Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

  • The Great Revelation: Unfolding Eternity Today (3)

Revelation as defined by Merriam-Webster is:

a : an act of revealing or communicating divine truth
b : something that is revealed by God to humans

The word "revealed" or "revealing" implies something that was hidden, but now is made known. That's what The Book of Revelation is for us. This "Great" Revelation from God Our Father explains His Truth and His Plan for the future. A mystery had been "revealed" to us. This is exciting, and very important.

John was an old man in his nineties and exiled to The Island of Patmos when Our Savior Paid John A Visit and Our Father Revealed His Amazing Plan For The Future. John may have been exiled, cut off from humanity and Christian Fellowship, but little did the world know that Our Father Was About To Reveal What Is Most Likely The Most Powerful Vision That We Have Ever Been Blessed With...THE GREAT REVELATION OF YESHUA, JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR. As Our Father Always Does, He Revealed This Most Powerful Vision In The Most Unlikely Of Circumstances. This unveiling of our future: 1.) Makes A Completion of The Gospel 2.) Gives Us Hope 3.) Gives Us Important Warnings 4.) Comforts All Who Trust In The Messiah, God's Son, Yeshua, Jesus The Christ. These are strong reasons to read Revelation carefully and comprehensively as believers in The Word of God.

It is easy to look around and think: "This World Is Out Of Control!," but nothing is "out of control" to Our Father, The One True And Living God. Beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation, God Gives Us No Shortage Of Reassurances of Where Our Salvation Is Found...His Son. Yeshua, Jesus Christ Is The Revelation, The Center Piece, The Focus, and The Completion of EVERYTHING. He Is Our Future, Our Present, and Our Past.

With The Book of Revelation Our Father Shows Us: He Has Made A Way For Us, He Has Complete Victory, and He Will Judge Everything At The End Of This Age. We as believers in Him, The Great I Am, Our Father, must stand firm against the abominations of this day and not give in to the compromises that are pushed at us from this world and nonbelievers. Why? Because The Book of Revelation is also a stern warning for us not to "fall away." The annihilation of the enemy is guaranteed. Not only will the enemy be destroyed, but also anyone who would reject or oppose Christ Our King. We can stand firm though, and we will. With Our Savior we have Salvation, with The Holy Spirit we have Truth, and with God's Word we have Morality with which to guide us in "Power, Love, and Self-Discipline (2 Timothy 1:7)." These, my Brothers and Sisters, are all connected in ONE.

The amazing and jaw-dropping picture we have received in This Great Revelation about Our King and Savior is no less than glorious, and reveals Our Salvation. With our past, present, and future, The Message of God, as pictured with John's vision, we can see the completion of The Gospel of Salvation is at hand. We no longer will see Christ on a cross, but glorified, blazing, with a voice of "rushing waters," and "eyes like a flame of fire," ...

A copy of this devotion, pictures with verses, and other encouragement for sharing, is available at:

Thank You and Yahweh Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, God Our Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Bless You!

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