RE: The Civil Rights Movement 2.0 Has Unmasked Klan Generations
My son went to a middle school that was more than 90% black, and he still noticed that black children were disciplined more consistently and more seriously. He's 19 now and a very powerful ally. It was during this time that Trayvon was murdered, and that combined with his own experience was such a powerful wake up call. I don't want to center myself, but I'll say that I did feel so frustrated with myself that I did not realize how bad it really was. It was always happening. It just wasn't being video taped. Not that the videos made a difference in justice, but it sure raised my awareness. I, too, am grateful for the climate for this awareness. People are waking, but it's still unacceptably slow. White people need to get over the discomfort and over the denial and justification.