I was touched by an Angel | A near-death experiences (SWC)

HELLO STEEMIANS ! I am @jhairahdignos ,this is my story and I was touched by an Angel.

I was touched by an Angel. Yes, I have three scenarios in my life which I cannot forget. These scenarios were so incredible and unbelievable to me.


When I was a child, I used to lie down in my bed rather than playing. My daily routine before was : wake-up – take bath – eat breakfast - go to school – eat lunch - go home – do assignments – eat supper – sleep.

It seems like a habit for me. I had this bored life before, as what my sisters and my boyfriend said every time we reminisce our childhood. But never in my life, had I called it boring. I wasn’t even felt bored. In fact, it is my way of enjoying life.

Enjoying life not by socializing but by discovering. I always keep an eye to my sisters of how they were doing, how they talked, how they walked, how they defend themselves, how truthful they were, and of course how safe they were .

Safe from malicious acts, malicious thoughts, malicious people and malicious surroundings. I don’t do too much talking, instead I am good at observing. The feeling and sensitivity, I believe I possess it already.

First Scenario


FOUR YEARS OLD ---- I have 2 older sisters who were always playful. They love having fun so much while I love looking at them, happy.

There was a time in the morning, not just once but a lot of times, when the two of them were running in our bedroom.

Our bedroom was made of wood only. It was built about a one meter elevation from the ground. The floor was mainly built with bamboo (with spaces) which you could be able to see the ground.

They keep on running and running even though I was still lying in our mat. They were already playing “dakop-dakop” (capture the other) even before I woke up. There was a big cabinet in the corner of our bedroom.

They keep on playing like no one can stop them. Looking at them running and circling around the mat and me would make you feel dizzy.

Until such time, you can see the both of them like they were possessed in which they were not. Jumping, shouting, grinning, like there’s no tomorrow. While they were playing, they didn’t notice that as the moment they will jump, the big cabinet will also bounce. It was partly due to the kind of floor we had.

To no avail, the big cabinet suddenly collapse and fell to the floor. To the floor, where there was a mat and where there was me lying. I was purely hit by the big cabinet. It would really hurt me.

My feet were the only part of my body which was saved from the downfall. The rest were fully-covered by that cabinet.

With fear, my sisters called both of my parents in a disturbing and shocking voices. I can hear my parents rushing footsteps towards me. They were so worried. Then, I heard my mom asked:

Mom: What happen to your sister?

Sisters: We were just playing mom until that cabinet fall down.

Mom: (In an angry voice). You both are playing too much! Look what happened to your sister. What have you done to her?! (Worried voice)

Sisters: Mom, we were just playing and …. (They were both explaining again and again)

Mom and Dad: Ta? Ta? Ta? (That’s my nickname, actually I had lots of
nicknames before) (Obviously they were shocked and my father was doing the best he could to lift the cabinet. I don’t know but it seems like they were struggling)

All of them in unison: Ta? Sik? Ta? Sik? Ta? Sik? (The ones calling me sik were my sisters)

They were calling me, I heard it, I heard them. But I can’t talk. I can’t reply. All I did was listening. I didn’t talk maybe because there was nothing to worry about. Maybe perhaps, I was a little bit occupied of what I had seen.

Remember that I was covered by a big cabinet and I am only 4 years old that time. But I was able to see their feet beside my feet. It did mean that I was able to lift my head while my body is at rest, while the cabinet is all over me. There I saw a space between me (body) and the cabinet.

Enough space where I can gain some oxygen. I knew that the space was not because of my father. I knew that the cabinet wasn’t lifted by my father, because only when my sisters call for help there I knew I was covered.
I didn’t feel anything, hurt, scratch, anything, NONE as in none.

I felt so secure. All of them were so worried as you can see through their eyes. Even I, expected that my head will hurt. But it never happened. AND this not the only time it happened, it had been added with successive dramatic downfall of the cabinet with only my head can be seen in the outer.

But never did I complain about hurts. Then such time, my father already tied up out cabinet to the wall. There, the very first time that I acknowledge the presence of Angel because I felt it.

2nd scenario


SEVEN YEARS OLD ---- There was a coconut tree in front of our house. For no reason, I stood under the coconut tree and there was a canal just in front of me. When suddenly someone pulled me a one large step sideways.

That time, I felt my feet moved 135 degrees from my current position and I felt my body following with no intention. I was so confused. No one was there. I haven’t saw anyone. It’s only me , I was so sure of that, but how come I was pulled out?

I felt a hand. I felt someone just touch me. Touch me in a carefree manner. The touch feels so soft, so smooth. But I still wondered who caused my sudden movement. I was not even fumbled with the stones on the top of the ground.

I felt I was carefully pulled out from my standing position. The feeling that you step sideways but you feel like you were floating. It was a great feeling to me actually. I felt like moving in the air.

When someone pulled me sideways and just after a split seconds, the coconut fruit fell down. Exactly to where I was standing just before I had been pulled out. I was shocked. Really shocked.

I was almost hit by a coconut fruit. With the great impact of the fruit as it hits the ground, I knew I will be dead. But thanks to that hand who touched me. Thanks because I was touch again by an angel.

3rd scenario

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THIRTEEN YEARS OLD ---- It was a time in my high school years , when this scenario happened. One hour before the end of our class , I suddenly smelled a smoke of a burning candle and a feminine scent of a flower. It felt strange to me because I was in the second floor of our building and I see no flowers and candles around me.

The scent passed in front of me, surrounding me. I knew that the scent was for a woman. I even told my classmates /sit mates if they smelled it also but they said negative. However, the thing that bothered me most was the scent I just had smelled, was scent of death. Not only did I smelled it but also I felt it.

The thoughts of the scent bothered me for the next few minutes. Its running in my mind as I was going home until I reached the gate of the subdivision.

While I was walking down in a street sloped downward , I was still occupied with the thoughts. I didn’t noticed that there was a rushing female driver in a motorcycle behind my back. She had loss her balance.

Due to the sloped road, her momentum had gone fast. Until it’s only 1 inch away from me. I felt the hot temperature of the rumbling motorcycle and the crunching-creaking sound of it. I wasn’t able to moved, not even able to think.

It happened so fast, I lost on tract and found myself dancing on the other side of the street. I was pulled out again from an accident. I was pulled out by the same soft and smooth hands, however this time, we we’re dancing in harmony. I got stunned by the swift moment passed in my life. I was saved. I was saved again by an angel.

Months later, the wife of my uncle who was close to me died. I had the vision of it but I cant justify if she was the one who stand-in of my near-death experience.

Thats all for now.

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Thanks to everyone who took time to read my experiences , specially to @jerrybanfield and @gmichelbkk for reading multiple stories despite of a hectic schedule.

Thanks also to @theessential for inspiring me with his stories.

I have visions of death and accidents, and I hate thinking that it’s too late. If you have experienced the same as I was , you can share it with me , I am working things out and trying to understand it more.

But one things for sure, I was touched by an Angel and these bald near-death experiences of mine proves it all. I believed in Angels. Yes, I do.

Thank you for reading.


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Thank you very much @jhairahdignos for writing this amazing story and submitting it to SWC. I sent 12 SBD directly to your account for your participation in the contest.

Thank you so much sir @gmichelbkk, I never expected this. I have a lot of experiences and I'm happy to write it down for me to remember that once in my life I'm no ordinary.

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