My Near Death Experiences - (SWC)
this is the true story that I experienced Had declared died, Azlina aka Iin (23 years old) turned into a two-hour suspended animation and coma confessed during the suspended animation, he was shown various events of nature barzah and akhira, and some events related to charity and deed man in the world.
The story of suspended animation and various unseen experiences experienced by Azlina aka Iin (23), made a scene of Bengkalis people, especially the villagers of Pematang Duku, Bengkalis subdistrict, which between believing and not with the story in suspended animation. Here's the story of 'unseen journey' that was told Azlina Wednesday ago in the studio hall SJTV Bengkalis.
In front of about 50 people, consisting of health workers honor Bengkalis, citizens and a number of journalists, Azlina, Wednesday (3/9) yesterday, in the hall of TV studio Sri Junjungan Television (SJTV) Bengkalis, .
According to Iin who accompanied his uncle, Rustam Effendi, since three years ago he suffered from thyroid disease aka hyper teroid. Because of his illness, On August 25 ago, this girl was accompanied by Rustam Effendi went to Mahkota Medical Center Hospital (MMC) Malacca. After undergoing a medical examination, doctors said the new surgery could be done after three months, because it was high blood pressure at the time.
But on Saturday (26/8) middle long, the condition of the eldest child of three siblings is critical, coma. The uncle had time to guide him to read two sentences shahada and sentence toyibah (Lailahailallah) twice. Time of death pick up, said the uncle, Azlina had melafazkan sentence toyibah and shahada. Gradually the girl who worked as honorary in the Office of Industry and Trade (Perindag) Bengkalis is not breathing. Precisely at 02.00 Malaysian time, the heart rate monitor indicator looks empty or a straight line.
Inevitably this situation makes Rustam sad, then some doctors MMC Malaka look busy checking and checking Azlina conditions. At that time he had contacted out in Bengkalis to tell Azlina last condition. Luckily after two hours of being handled by a doctor, the monitor looks back in motion indicating the heartbeat of this orphan girl pulsating again. For further treatment, Azlina was put into the ICU room and only two days and two nights later she was declared past her critical period. Meet the Father According to Azlina's confession, she sees when her life is deprived by an angel. At that time, his life was deprived of the right foot by an angel. "It feels very sick, skin like slashed, burned with oil," he said.
After the spirit parted with the body, he witnessed the survivors and his body lying in bed. Then brought two angels to a place. Azlina had a desire to meet her long-dead father, Hasan Basri. "O my father can I meet you, I'm so longing, oh my dad," he said. Indeed in that place Azlina met the figure of a 17-year-old young man with a glowing and radiant face. Seeing the figure of the young man, Azlina insist on wanting to meet with the father. Then, the two angels introduce that young man is his father.
Surely he did not think because the time passed away, his father was 55 years old. Then the father asked Azlina, the purpose of his arrival. He answered his arrival solely fulfilling the call of Allah SWT. The father told Azlina to go home to keep her sisters in the world. But Azlina replied that she came here, fulfilling God's call. At that time, he called the pillars of Islam one by one.
After a dialogue with his father, the two angels brought Azlina to a place full of women wearing neat and veiled clothes. There, he was greeted and kissed right and left cheek by these Muslim women.