Saved From Death in a Dream (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago

By chance, I recently stumbled on the supernatural writing contest by @jerrybanfield and I decided to share my story with the Steem community, a very big event that happened to me which is one of the main reasons I am what I am today, and the reason for my belief and lifestyle.

When I was younger, I experienced what has been to date my most miraculous encounter.

Being born into a Christian home, I was raised to believe in, and follow the doctrines of Christ. As a young lad, I would often lead the prayer sessions at home. Not long afterward, I was being called to preach in the church and also to lead prayers. I was that go-to kid that people always associated with the things of God and I was growing so strong in Christ at such an early stage. My love for the Lord was nothing like what my family nor my church members had seen before.

All that was about to change in one night...

It was the eve of my 7th birthday, I went to bed excited and eager to wake up to the whole family shouting happy birthday. Little did I know that the night wasn't going to play as smoothly as I thought.

I had a dream...

In that dream,I saw myself strolling across a path and I came across a very big man holding a sword and standing across a line drawn on the road. For some strange reason, I was somewhat older and mature in the dream. I asked him why he was standing in my way. I told him I had somewhere to be and I was in a hurry and I needed him to excuse me.

The man spoke back to me and told me he was sent by some really powerful group that had been monitoring my movements. He said I was disrupting their activities and they were tired of having me cause havoc to their stable community. According to him, I was a threat to their reign and if they allowed me to move past that line, I would usurp their dominance.

Before I could think of anything to say or do, he charged at me. Terrified and armless, I took to my heels. I ran as fast as I could but he was way faster than me and he soon caught up with me. I fell down with my face to the ground. He then approached slowly, and as soon as he got to where I had fallen, he lifted up his sword and made for a swing.

I could still feel the tremble I had in that dream...

As was my nature(even till now), when something unexpected happened or was about to happen, I subconsciously shouted Jesus. It was in that moment, I beheld a shining light flash across my view... This was the last thing I could remember from that day.



The rest of the story was narrated to me by my mother.

Apparently, she had woken up to check on us, as is her usual routine every night. She found me shaking and panting heavily on the bed. She immediately ran towards me to find out what the problem was, but then I stopped moving entirely. I went cold in a matter of seconds. It was so terrifying for her, and she shouted out to call my father.

Immediately, they rushed me into the vehicle and zoomed off to the hospital.

I was taken straight to the emergency ward. Apparently, I had a Cardiac arrest. I would later spend the next few hours in the theatre fighting for life. The pastor of my church and a few church members came down to the hospital and they were all praying.

I can't really recall what transpired in those few hours of being unconscious because it happened a long time ago, and I was young then, but I do know that it still felt like I was in that dream setting.

Eventually, I woke up.

I told my story to my family and everyone there who had come to see me. I could recall vividly every single detail of it when I woke up, even as I can now. It felt so real like I was experiencing the fear and trauma happening to me in reality. I had narrowly escaped death in the dream(and consequently in reality) by the mention of the name Jesus.

From that day henceforth, I was convinced on my purpose and destiny here on earth. I was born to be an apostle of Christ. I later got to understand the significance of that experience for me. I started at a very young age preaching the word of God and doing wonders in His name. But the kingdom of darkness was not so happy with my activities. They saw my future and they knew that if I cross that seventh year, I was going to be a major opposition to their dominance, so they planned to take me out at that early stage. Being a little child, although I was being nurtured in Christ and starting early in the things of Christ, I was still weak spiritually. I still wasn't strong enough to battle with the kingdom of darkness on my own. They saw this loophole and decided to take advantage of it right there and then before I was far beyond their reach.

But the name Jesus saved me. I would have been dead by now, had it not been that name. That man in my dream would have struck me dead had I not called the name of Jesus and was rescued.


Someone might say, that dream had nothing to do with your cardiac arrest, that it might have been a natural occurrence as a result of the intensity with which my heart worked while I was dreaming. But I strongly disagree with this; I am pretty convinced that if I had died in that dream, I wouldn't be alive to type this story in reality. I am quite sure all these events did not happen by coincidence. Getting attacked in my dream on the eve of my seventh birthday, and getting rescued by the mention of a name? Nah... Since that day, I have never doubted the existence of the supernatural.

Take it or leave it, there is a realm aside this physical realm we know and exist in. Had it not happened to me, I probably might have disbelieved everything that has to do with spirituality. But I felt this for myself and I know what I felt and I know that none of it was a fluke nor was it some random psychological happening. IT WAS REAL!

After reading some post here in within the SWC tag, I felt the need to share mine and let people out there know that these things truly exist. We are actually deeper than we actually perceive ourselves to be. Thank you @jerrybanfield for this golden opportunity to read and share these awesome events!


Thank you very much @cipherman for writing this story and submitting it to SWC. I enjoyed reading it and I sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

You got a 3.19% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @gmichelbkk!

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