I really want to punch in the snout this guy

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)


There is such an account in steemit at @jerrybanfield. I do not hold any grudge towards him or anything like that, but I really want to give him (to punch) in the snout as many times as he has at his posts with a snout.

total 51 posts

He writes medium. Does not offend anyone and does not criticize. Gives good advice.
But I'm getting rid of his posts with a snout (with his face). Where do not look in the trend section or hot to see his snout. Nowhere to hide from him! Because of this, I want to give him a snout. Frazzle out to put his snout! Can not you put a normal picture (without your snout) ?! Well, if you want to put your image, then put it on full height, so that your snout does not see. Please! Hear my prayer! And then the hand more and more wants it every day!

Пишет он средне. Никого не обижает и не критикует. Даёт хорошие советы.
Но меня выводит из себя его посты с рылом (с его мордой). Где не смотри в разделе тренд или горячее увидишь его рыло. Никуда от него не скрыться! Из-за это хочется дать ему в рыло. Ну закалебал уже ставить своё рыло! Не можешь поставить нормальную картинку (без cвоего рыла)?! Ну если хочешь поставить своё изображение, то ставь его во весь рост, чтобы не видеть твоё рыло. Пожалуйста! Услышь мою молитву! А то рука с каждым днем всё сильнее и сильнее чешеться!

testing 3 to 8 steemit posts daily.png
I understand that you love yourself so much, and you have a lot of photo that sin is not to photoshop. So I put with your picture of the chimpanzee. You complement each other perfectly. And I see it so.

Я понял что ты любишь себя настолько сильно, и у тебя много таких изображений что не грех это отфотошопить. Поэтому я поставил с твоей картинкой шимпанзе. Вы друг друга идеально дополняете. И это я так вижу.

More than 50 images of your face! Do you suffer so much yourself? It's a disease! Here is the collection "snouted". Enjoy it!

And I would write more expressively, but nobody will read it. And I do not want to make this a big problem. I just spoke at least somehow!


I think it's like some method of proof of himself.
Because a lots of people dont confirm himselfes. Like me.
Because I just dont want to give my photo here. I don;t know why.

Jerry just publish photo with some picture, for exmple like last one - from browser. All people who was subscribed to him, know him in face. I don't think that this is bad idea.

Sometimes he makes funny faces in his thumbnails lol. Will you hit upvote if you agree??
(jerry banfield pun)

Couldn't help but loling at this ..

Why you pickin on mistah Jerry?!?

What kind of Jerry?

I am mildly amused ...

Also, I kind of agree. The upnose camera angle is kinda off putting.

A good solid trolling always makes me laugh even if I am admittedly ashamed of laughing ;-p

Having said that, you have to admit there is paradox between saying that you don't have a grudge in a troll post where you say you want to punch someone!

I'm glad I could cheer you up! Subconsciously, there may be.

Finish him. LOl

Yo chill man. Lol

No! I'm hot pepper!

But that's a chilli... I like you Mr Pepper, here have my follow.


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