How To Deal With Assholes When They Try-Hard To Piss You Off
Jerks, Bastards, Suckers…the vocabulary has thousands of curses to name them. Fuck them!
A couple of hours ago I was with a friend. Few minutes after our meeting, my friend’s neighbour came to hang with us. At first sight he looked cool but then I realized…
While we were sitting, my girlfriend called and I had some talk with her, after I’ve finished, the guy imagined himself the next Larry King.
“What’s her name?”, “How does she look like?”, “Imagine If…..” after these gentle questions related to curiosity, the guy started to poop from his mouth, “I came to say shit” kind of poop. And I became furious, the simple reason is that I don’t like that type of trite jokes.
Gave some warnings but the guy seemed dumb. After some arguments with the asshole, I finally decided to quit. I left my friend and his neighbour hanging with each other.
The very mysterious thing that surprised me, Is that somehow, my friend laughed at EVERY single word that jerk uttered. For me, he kinda gave him the green light to piss me off. That’s not the description of a friend.
So how to answer to these assholes? —” I want to WIN OVER THEM!”
False. See, If you want to win over them, don’t get obsessed over It. Don’t play their game, ignore them and DON’T even notice them, they don’t exist!
Don’t appreciate them, don’t despise them too. Just DON’T ever notice them and If you’re able to avoid them, DO IT and don’t ever meet them again because they’re not worth It.
I wasted my time, my precious time and I regret It. Your life Isn’t unlimited so don’t waste a second with this type of people.
You probably did not get along with the guy, because you two are so much alike.