Why I Left | JW.ORG

Hey everyone!

I thought I’d take a little time to share why I left the religion known as Jehovah’s Witnesses, and why I will never return.

I've been out for over a decade and I’ll spare you the details of my story as a JW, but if you’d like to know more… feel free to ask anything!

I have seen so many videos on why people are leaving. It has helped so many, including me, realize I am not alone in my decision.

So let’s talk about why everyone is leaving. Let’s talk about this without judgment of the organization.

If you boil the stories down… it reveals that everyone leaves because of a feeling. Feelings reside in a wide-reaching spectrum between Love and Fear. Each individual perceives and labels these emotions or vibrations in their own way.

So on one side, you have unconditional love, which you feel in moments of complete acceptance. On the other side, you have crippling fear, in which we feel such complete separation, we are cut off from the flow of reality and sometimes we literally can’t move.

Everyone seems to be leaving jw.org because they get a certain catalyst that causes a fearful emotion leading to separation from the organization. This is also the same reason people are stuck in it, wanting to keep separate from the world they fear so much.

The science of Fear and Love has been proven through the HeartMath Institute in which they have measured the frequencies our hearts produce when feeling different emotions. They found that all negative emotions give off a certain vibration, and then all positive emotions give off a different vibration.

We were told as Jehovah’s Witnesses... God is Love, but we are required to also Fear God. This is very confusing and goes against common sense.

Everyone seeks Love, but no one typically likes to feel Fear. That makes more sense to me. So on my search for unconditional love, I have not found it anywhere but within myself. If you look for Love outside of yourself, you will never find it. You will only find an elusive “condition” that ends up being better labeled as Light. That can be the light of a loved one, an environment, or a pet, but it all is still "conditional".

Love is not something we give or take. Love is the core vibration that exists. We either let it in, or become separated from it by not letting it in, or feeling what we label as Fear.

Another clue of this is the saying, “If you truly Love someone or something, set it free.” If you think about this deeply, you’ll realize it’s saying to let go of the material realm, or what I personally label as Light. Letting your attachment to the material of light go will allow you to truly feel the vibration of Love.

So, if Lucifer is considered the light bearer or you believe the “Devil is in control of the condition of this system of things”… are you getting it now? If the true “God” is Love, and that Love resides as a vibration within our hearts, then what should we be doing? This is not something you can teach, but I only share my experience and encourage others to seek within to find unconditional Love and insight, rather than get caught in Fear, only accepting information or knowledge from the illusion that is Light.

I left the Jehovah’s Witnesses because they are fearfully based in Light while I am inherently based in Love.


You hit the nail on the head. Fear separates, love unifies. When God is presented as both pure love and pure fear, we experience cognitive dissonance. But when this happens in a manipulative religion, confusion is used to mind control its masses.

Holding two opposing ideas as truth leads to a breakdown in a person's understanding of themself, god, and reality as a whole.

When we seek for answers outside of ourselves, we are destined to return with unsatisfactory and incomplete answers.

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