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RE: Hold Jeff Berwick Accountable to his Promise of Transparency in the $10M Galt's Gulch Chile Scam by Sep 25

No need to "hold me accountable" George, I'm more than happy to do it. I'll send it to you in the next 1-2 weeks (super busy).


For the record, I've never "shirked the blame", I take full blame for being so stupid to allow KJ to have the ability to take control because I was too trustworthy. But I'm happy you will try to give this a full, objective look (even though you appear to be quite one-sided about your beliefs about me right now)... I have no doubt that once you know the entire story you will see that I had nothing but the noblest intentions and got massively sideswiped. If anyone cares to look further, the buyers of GGC have their own site where they post info and you'll note that they blame KJ for virtually everything and that I am on their side and have been helping ever since.

Also for the record, I wasn't upset that you thought I was a scammer... I was surprised you thought I was, as I thought there was enough information out there now showing that I am not. But, again, I'm happy to provide you with as much info and evidence as I can to show that is the case.

"as much info and evidence as I can"? You promised everything. And anything less than that will signal not just a lack of integrity but the breaking of our agreement.

Don't worry, Jeff

Although it was more than just a mistake; it was a massive fuck up and a lot of good people got terribly hurt, but you didn't scam people ... big difference!

I read just about each and every article and watch all the videos that's are out there about it.

I have never read a testimony of somebody who was indeed involved who has accused you, many of them still blame you for dragging them into it and they're still upset with you ... of course ... but I have never seen any of them accuse you ... big difference!

This while it's really remarkable that of all the people that were actually involved, only 2 of them accuse you; Ken and his fake account ...

Of course you still need to clean up that mess. As it's not only a cloud hanging over your own head, but it's a problem for the steemit community as a whole; you're the most followed person on steemit ... Jeff ... you HAVE TO fix this!

Amen to that last bit. Fortunately, it's not too late. There's still the potential for a great redemption story here.

Exactly, you claimed that you were a victim, too, and it was never really your project. Anyway, this is pointless. Just keep your promise and let the truth come out. Ken has been offering for months to give me all his documents.

If Ken has been offering the documents for months, why hasn't he sent them yet?

I almost bought a plot in GGC, but I pulled out of the deal after speaking to Ken Johnson. I asked him what would happen to the project if the subdivision was not approved. He explained to me that the project could remain afloat by screwing the adjoining landowner over water rights. At that point, I realized that KJ would just as likely screw me over too.

I know Jeff Berwick's heart was always in the right place, and I accept that he too has been screwed. But if I was the promoter of a scheme that had lost a lot of people's money, I would be doing everything I could to reimburse people from my own funds.

Good luck in your attempts to resolve this, George.

Because I decided not to step into this morass until Jeff promised to send me every last scrap of information he has on GGC and the passport stuff.

I don't want to tell just one side of the story. That would be pointless. I want to put everyone's stories together, document the crap out of it and find the holes in it so the responsibility for this can be laid at the proper feet by an uninvolved third party.

That's the only way to step beyond the he-said she-said business and take the conversation to a higher level where hopefully we can prevent this kind of bullshit from happening again.

I believe in you Jeff. Keep fighting the good fight. This guy is just trying to make a buck or two on Steemit by trashing you.

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