Remember Judge Jeanine's story...
She was involved in prosecution of crime in her county in New York, population over one million, for FORTY YEARS.
In ALL THAT TIME, she remembers there was only ONE GUN CRIME committed by a law abiding citizen who bought his gun legally... and that was a guy who murdered his WIFE.
In her decades in court and on the bench, she has accumulated ZERO evidence that legally owned guns are responsible for ANY crime at all. Certainly it can be said, "statistically zero".
For government to come after your guns, even the AR15, will reduce gun crime by a factor of NOTHING.
If they're serious about universal background checks, get the gang bangers and drug smugglers to use them before they transfer ownership of street guns. And if you cannot manage THAT, then leave the legal and law abiding gun owners OUT OF IT.
Every year in south side Chicago ALONE, the children shot are the equivalent of a big school shooting, or more. Nobody cares about the kids in Chicago.
And every year, 150 million legal gun owners in America don't shoot ANYONE. If guns were the actual problem, there would be fifty shootouts a day all across America.
Not happening. So why go after THEIR guns?
Secure the schools, and go after the CRIMINALS, not the law abiding citizens with constitutionally protected ownership of legally acquired guns.
Meanwhile, Uvalde... how did he get several thousand dollars worth of weapons? Daniel Defense is one of the most expensive AR's on the market, and he bought TWO.
Was he a citizen? Was he on anti depressants?
Nobody's asking, so I thought I would.