Life Lession !
Pujya Deepakbhai, a spiritual master, says that the “Natural Law is that the jealousy felt by us will block our own Self (Soul). But if we wish well for others, the very feeling, will remove obstacles impeding our own development.”
• Jealousy leads to negativity: -
People always feel jealous of those who are at the same level as them, which naturally creates negativity. The negativity is the effect of jealousy which hinders one’s own progress. Due to this negativity, one ruins the pleasant moments in life and starts to develop a bitter attitude.
• Jealousy leads to competition: -
This type of competition hurts us, making us fearful of what others may think of us and as a result we only criticize the opposite person. Continuous criticizing and fault finding effects in scorn(tiraskar) which ultimately leads to fear. Due to this fear one can feel uneasy/ uncomfortable while dealing with the opposite person.
You will be able to get a clear idea with this example: -
If you have car, then you will never feel jealous about a person who owns a bicycle. But you will be jealous of someone, who has a more expensive car then you.
Tip: -
To get rid of jealousy and the obstructions created by it, one should see the positive characteristics within the very person towards whom they are feeling jealousy.