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RE: Lovemaking: * An Acrostic Etheree/Reverse Etheree Poem *
I came here because you came to my page on the recommendation of @meesterboom ... one of my favorite peoples! He's amazing, and his accent is pure joy.
I'm not commenting for that, though. I've been reading your work and really enjoy your versatility, poetic turn of phrase, and experimentation. I did an Acrostic Poetry Challenge a while back and it was really fun, but your addition of the reverse was really smart :)
I've followed you and look forward to reading your work moving forward (and backwards).
Hehe, Cheers dude! I really liked that reverse thing too. It's great stuff.
Very much! Also, much appreciation for the recommendation to check out my blog page! You rock as hard as ever, sir
Your page is a fantastic place to stop by!! Good call on DGB btw!! ;0)
I will always enjoy that, just a day after I listed DGB as my favorite new bet in Tier C in a Steemit post it started that skyrock climb. Are you still holding, did you make out like a bandit?
I am going against my safe nature and holding because madly I believe it's gonna climb further after I read about what is behind it!!
Good man! If it's a sizable sum you invested, I'd at least make sure to pull profit up to initial investment amount.
I made a lot on DGB, but ultimately I shook out well before this crazy rise. But I wasn't long. If I had gone against my nature on this one, I would've racked up an additional 8> BTC at current rates.
Such a wild, wild west
It is a wild wild West! The best way of describing it. I sold enough to recoup 4x my initial stake which gives me that special happy comfort at just looking on now :0)
We will be the millionaires of the future ;)
Thank you so much - I really appreciate your kind words and the follow. I hope you enjoy the read! :) I hope to continue to catch up on your posts as well. :)