Over Ruled
OK... now what?
The JASTA bill (passed unanimously in the house and senate) was Vetoed by the President, the Senate just overwhelmingly overrode it into law just last night.
Now a small recap JASTA ( Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act ), opens the possibility for US citizens to open legal suit against Saudi's for the attack on 9/11.
But it gets messy as the Saudi's vow to dump US treasuries.
Now politically I could care less, but two screaming questions come to mind:
1. Was it really the Saudi's behind these attacks or some shadow organization
2. When they sell the Treasuries does the economy implode.
What do you think?
The crisis in the Middle East favors mostly the Americans. Whether they were the ones to provoke it is a matter of finding evidence.
It would be interesting, especially in relation to JASTA, if such evidence is found - the Americans would have to sue their own government.
Btw, do you refer to all Arabs as Saudis, or do you think that citizens of Saudi Arabia were behind the terrorist act?
Who was behind it I do not know, there are many anyway. However they are laying the blame (it's what we do), on the Saudi's.
Now think of this folks, if the current dollar (world reserve currency) is based on an accord back in the 70's to "Protect" Saudi Arabia in return for selling oil only in Dollars, if that goes away... so too does the dollar.
As they say.... "we live in interesting times."
Just to let everyone also know, Congress finalized the override and passed Jasta it into law, Friday the US debt ceiling is reached with no contingencies and the Yuan is officially in the SDR. Oh and did I mention that if Deutsche Bank is downgraded this weekend it will cause a cascade of derivative explosions that will shut down the entire banking system worldwide. Or that congress faces an impasse on spending October 1, that could shutdown the government... and this is just the tip of the iceberg... heck of a weekend on deck.