(JP/EN)ご近所ぶらぶら(金曜日の写真)/Walking around my neighborhoods(Friday in Pictures)@yo-yo
Hi steemians
「日曜日の夜に金曜日の写真 #fridayinpictures かい」と思われそうな気もしますが、まぁ、そんなこともあるということで(しかも先週の続きです)...
I know this is already Sunday night, but I wat to post this... #fridayinpictures. haha... sorry for the delay.
This is my sweet partner, and I have one almost 20 years! I was a student at that time and it was not so cheap, but I found one on the wall of Loft in Osaka, then I decided to get it very quickly... and I still really like him even it's getting looks old.
Walking around before shopping. I've never paid so much attention to this building... it says "キリンビール=Kirin beer" When I bring my Canon, I feel like I have creative eyes a bit.
I could see a Swallow's nest under the yellow tent. Organized sake cases somehow show Jpns people... Or sometimes a bit too much... haha
I think this is kind of cool Jpns culture for you... vending machine especially Alchole and Tabbaco. We also have raw egg, vegetables and we can get hot canned coffee too.
in front of Kirin beer building... Japanese style garden
these windows grids remind me my grandmother's house.
some people put on big stones like this for not to get hit by cars especially at narrow streets.
Do you have any idea what's this for?
(but actually... I've heard this doesn't work for anything...^^;)
a park on Fryday 4:00pm but no one there... a bit sad
famous temple as only for women since long time ago... Hokkeji temple, Nara
Trifoliate orange is sometimes used for barrier at castles or temples, to protect from enemies because of these long strong needles. I think this is the season for white pretty flower, but unfortunately, I couldn't see that. There's very famous music almost every Jpns have heard at least one time at elementary school or something, simple but a pretty song.
作詞:北原白秋 作曲:山田耕作
『The flowers of wild orange/Karatachi no Hana』
words: Hakushu Kitahara(words)/music : Kosaku Yamada
The flowers of wild orange
The flowers of the wild oranges are in bloom.
The snow-white flowers are in bloom.
The thorns of the wild oranges sting you.
They are deep green needles.
The wild oranges make a hedge around the field,
Along the road I walk every day.
In Autumn even the wild oranges bear fruits.
They bear perfectly round golden balls.
I sobbed by the wild oranges.
'Cause every one was so kind to me.
The flowers of the wild oranges are in bloom.
The pure white flowers are in bloom.
and Primula japonica
I like taking fotos early morning or late afternoon... because of lighting.
everytime different, which is I like.
with Canon6D/EF40mm F2.8 STM
【source】からたちの花 (Jpns & English translation)
皆さんの「金曜日の写真」も @fukakoさんが作ってくれた #fridayinpictures のタグとともにアップしてみませんか?
そうなんですねw なんか自動販売機風販売も始めたらインスタとかで話題になりそう😆
Nice photos :)
thanks :)
yes, Im really amazed at how diverse those vending machines are, one can buy curry rice or even preserved fish in a glass jar.
you can't buy fish from vending machines in your place? haha.
yeah... sometimes we can see special machines you mentioned like...
Dashi(soup stock), bananas, apples, and cup Ramen with hot water.
You just planted 0.44 tree(s)!
Thanks to @prch
We have planted already 7274.21 trees
out of 1,000,000
Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 20142.78
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku
You got a 13.37% upvote from @brupvoter courtesy of @prch!
it's like where 野比のび太 live XDD
haha, yeah! something like that... classic :)
seems you like manga very much... haha
I grow up with manga from doraemon to one piece haha
haha, I grow up with doraemon too XD
Cool pics, love the last one! 🌼
I still remember my surprise when I bought a capuccino in a can, right after we departed from our AirBNB in Osaka, and were going to the train station. It was the morning, and I badly wanted a capuccino. I see a vending machine, which has one. I was telling myself it would be ok if it were cold.
It falls down with the familiar metallic noise, I pick it up... What??? It's hot?? How do they do that? Hot cans? Incredible :-)
Also, it was pretty good!
well... glad seems it's still ok for you. You know, coffee at cafe in Japan is expensive I think that's because we can get a green tea or another kind of tea as free almost every restaurant so we don't need to order some drink. and we also have vending machine like you mentioned and in these years... we can get fresh coffee almost every convenience store like 7-11 and it is quite good. so... why not we get cheaper and easy one to have? haha You should try hot canned corn soup or Oshiruko next time ;)
Well, corn is my preferred vegetable, and I like red beans too, so these two kinds of soup could definitely taste good for me. I'll definitely try next time I'm in Japan! The sweet red bean soup, Oshiruko, sounds like something that I would definitely like.
It's too bad I can't find these in Quebec. If I were living closer to Vancouver for example, I'm pretty sure I could find some. Oh well, you can't have everything 😉
Sure! try them... especially winter time.
and a little tip for you dear, if you luckily find one, you should upside down them several times first and keep turning the can while drinking! if not... you will miss your favorite corns🌽 and beans in the bottom of the can. Jeee... you'll see what I meant next time you experience it. hahaha ;)
Haha, thanks very much for the tip! I'll make sure to drink the properly 😋 ありがとう!
チャリもオシャレだし… 20年も乗っているようにはとても見えません♪
@ultraseven さん、ありがとうございます♫ マンションは大通り沿いでベランダに洗濯物干すのも躊躇するくらいの場所なんですけど、5分も歩けばのんびりした風景になります^^ チャリ、最初は無印の白い🚲(当時は2万円)にするつもりだったんですけどね…。これにしといてホント良かったです。
とても雰囲気のある自転車ですね!私も同じくらい古いものに乗っています。オランダ人は家族が乗っていた自転車を受け継いでゆくなんて話もあるので、大切に整備をすれば一生ものかもしれませんね^ ^
@aoniさんもお持ちなんですね^^ そうなんですよね。近くに販売ではなくメンテナンス中心の自転車やさんができてるみたいなんで、一回フルメンテナンス(塗装も含めて)でどれくらいするのか聞いてみようかなぁなんて思いながらなかなか。古くなっても全然飽きないっていうか、買い換えることを考えたこともないのでいい買い物だったんでしょうね^^