whalepower (PPW1) is "The Reefs" Pre-Paid Service, The funds are for the Curators.It helps them to grow.
Please do not use the Code, if you haven't pay.
whalepower(PPW1)は "The Reefs" Pre-Paid Serviceです。この資金はキュレーターのためのものです。彼らが成長するのに役立ちます。
I'm sorry. I did not understand the rules. Excuse me. I will not use it.
You can still use #whalepower Tag, as this Account growing up, it will give the community more.
A support from the community is encourage.
My mind has changed, I have sent 2 SBD to @bullionstackers right now.
I am sorry that I do not understand the rules in various ways. Thank you for teaching.
When I used # whalepower, I thought I needed to code like (PPW 1). Can I use whalepower tag without code?
気持ちが変わりまして、今、@bullionstackers さんに2SBD送りました。