[登山記?#3] 立山 (雄山) と星空 Stargazing
室堂⇒雄山⇒大汝⇒真砂岳 (宿泊)、およそ4時間
Here is Tateyama National Park, in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. A high mountains there are very famous in Japan, and I took photography there 2 days ago. Milky way were very beautiful and I took the photo with penlight drawing:) The main peak of the mountain is 3,003m. I luckily climbed in a very good weather.
Wow still snow on the mountains. And I thought that must be all gone by now, in this frickin hot days. What's the temperature on top?
it was about 16-18 degree on top. I thought it was 5-10 degree, yeah, so fxxxxxxxckin hot day in Japan, and it will keep at least for 1 week. Take care yourself.